Welcome into the vortex........

anarcho-shamanism, mountain spirits; sacred wilderness, sacred sites, sacred everything; psychonautics, entheogens, pushing the envelope of consciousness; dominator culture and undermining its activities; Jung, Hillman, archetypes; Buddhism, multidimensional realities, and the ever-present satori at the centre of the brain; a few cosmic laughs; and much much more....

all delivered from the beautiful Highlands of Scotland!

Sunday, 26 April 2020

To the Heart of Darkness and Back...

"Don't listen to anybody. Decide by yourself and practice madness. Develop courage for the benefit of all sentient beings." Tulshuk Lingpa

Never have the words of the visionary lama been as relevant as now....

Part One: Rock'n Roll Wisdom

'The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way, and you will see a brick wall at the back of the theatre.' Frank Zappa

'I'm vile and perverted/ I'm obsessed and deranged
I've existed for years but very little has changed.
I'm the tool of the government and industry too
For I'm destined to rule and regulate you.
You may think I'm pernicious but you can't look away.
I'll make you think I'm delicious with the stuff that I say.
I'm the best you can get.... have you guessed me yet?
I'm the slime oozing out of your T.V. set
                             Frank Zappa again.

And in this song, Lou Reed kind-of gets something of the spirit of the moment (not recommended for those with an allergy to loud distorted guitar noises)


Part Two: Evil Abroad

Here in the Scottish Highlands, we have been bathed in bright sunshine of late, skies a constant brilliant clear blue. All the same, there's been a foul smell in the air. A putrid stench has come wafting in off the loch and down the mountainsides. A real dense, suffocating reek. It makes you want to vomit there and then...

Officials in office. Government aides; medical advisers; scientific 'experts'. People in suits, with fancy names. Faceless, expressionless, hopeless (=forlorn of human hope). Calm and deadpan, issuing orders, spewing crap into Mother Earth's pristine air. Feigning authority and competence, but without a clue. Or maybe the Mr Bumble act is a put-on, a cover-up. Who knows? But the one thing for sure: their flesh gives off a horrible smell.

For reasons which escape me, the following passage from 'The Thought of the Heart and the Soul of the World' by archetypal psychologist James Hillman came to mind. I find it very interesting.

'The novelists William Styron and George Orwell, and the social philosopher Hannah Arendt, in writing of totalitarian evil and the Nazi systematic murders in particular, have each come to the conclusion that evil is not what one expects: cruelty, moral perversion, power abuse, terror. They are its instruments or its results. But the deepest evil in the totalitarian system is precisely that which makes it work: its programmed, single-minded monotonous efficiency; bureaucratic formalism, the dulling daily service, standard, boring letter-perfect generalities, uniform.

'No thought and no responsiveness. Eichmann. Form without anima becomes formalism, conformism, formalities, formulas, office forms..... Letters without words, corporate bodies without names.....'

Uniform, uniform, uniform. I would add mediocrity piled upon faceless inhuman mediocrity. This feigns to shape our world. The hour has come for the illusion to be taken down.....

Part Three: A Post-Covid Dream

They've been quiet of late, their place in the limelight usurped. But don't worry, they'll be back. They're lurking in the shadows, ready  to pounce back at the first sign of Covid's retreat. But in the meantime, I'm sure enjoying my little holiday from Greta and her dribbling and drooling hangers-on.

What a dream it is, though. Covid panic dies down a little, and Greta has gone off. Disappeared in a funk as thick as the air around Wuhan on a typical day. In her stead, for those who insist on taking their lead from young females, there stands Naomi. Fair, reasonable Naomi. Let us stop this panic, she says: it does nobody any good. Let us think instead. Let us consider, and be reasonable. Let us talk science. proper science. And why, oh Greta, don't you want to talk about the science?

And when Naomi speaks, the gods smile....

Part Four: the Inspiration of David

To think David Icke is, for many people, to think dark conspiracies, evil elites, and reptilians. Well, there is this side to his work. But why? Because he's a guy who properly cares about the world and its human beings. He doesn't always get things right, I'm sure, but who does? The following clip is a personal inspiration, and it shows where David comes from:


'Don't listen to anybody. Decide for yourself and practice madness. Develop courage for the benefit of all sentient beings.'

In the end - in the end - truth will always win out. Truth is far stronger than falsehood. The reason is simple. Truth stands on its own two feet, stares you straight in the face, with nothing to hide, nothing to lose. Falsehood, however, is in constant fear; fear of being found out, of its deception being uncovered. It needs to work constantly to maintain itself, by perpetuating lie after lie to keep its deceptions going. It is engaged in a never-ending game of strategic manoeuvring, in an ultimately vain battle to shut up truth, beat it into silence, into submission. This is all it can do. It looks scary, but is in reality itself running scared.