Welcome into the vortex........

anarcho-shamanism, mountain spirits; sacred wilderness, sacred sites, sacred everything; psychonautics, entheogens, pushing the envelope of consciousness; dominator culture and undermining its activities; Jung, Hillman, archetypes; Buddhism, multidimensional realities, and the ever-present satori at the centre of the brain; a few cosmic laughs; and much much more....

all delivered from the beautiful Highlands of Scotland!

Friday, 1 May 2020

Science and the Twilight of the Humans

Part One: The First Part

It works like this. Get a population to take up a belief system - practically any belief system will do - and believe in it so thoroughly that it shapes their entire view of the world. Then you feed that population the ideas and behaviours you want them to take up, all in the language of their (now unthinkingly believed) belief system. In this way, you can get them to do whatever you want. It's a piece of cake.

For centuries, in western Europe and elsewhere, Christianity served the purpose well. Over the past two centuries or so, however, it has been replaced by science. It is through the language of science that the official version of reality is disseminated nowadays. Everything, but everything, is interpreted through the lens of science. It is the new God.

And so it has proceeded, along with associated notions such as 'progress', until we have arrived at the current juncture in human history. The shape of the world is, quite unconsciously, fashioned for most of the population by 'science'. And now, finally, the belief system presents in grotesque caricature: the shape of human civilisation is created by junk statistics and computer models produced by boffins sitting behind little screens. That is how ridiculous and unacceptable to the dignity of human beings it has become.

This topic has been covered ad nauseam over the years right here in relation to climate panic: the way that statistics are twisted, selected, altered, invented, taken out of context; and how none - literally none - of the many computer models predicting immanent climate catastrophe have been even slightly correct. If you still require tutoring on this, there are various places. I normally go to Tony Heller's realclimatescience.com  Thirty minutes here is time well spent for the dispelling of illusion and magic spells.

And so we arrive at the current panic. The current panic-demic, the plandemic. The Covid crisis. Statistics do the business once more. And computer models, which predictions change wildly by the week, mysteriously backing up what the population should be doing tomorrow. But hey, who cares? After all, it's science. It must be good.

'Flattening the curve' is the thing right now. It sounds like something that middle-aged women try to do as their body expands in all the wrong places. Personally, I check for curve flattening regularly, but mainly to get some clue as to when I'll be let out of prison, and when I'll be able to enjoy a coffee in town again.

I have assumed that people who visit this site know about this stuff, but I may be mistaken. So here are a few things that we actually know about this Covid-19 lark.

- People are dying. In many countries there has been an excess of deaths, maybe just for a week or two, compared to the norm for this time of year. In most places, the current rate is now within the bounds of normality (the UK is an exception as I write).

- Covid-19 deaths in the statistics are misleading, generally exaggerated. Go into hospital with anything, have the test, and you'll likely be entered as a Covid-19 death. This is happening. 'Fall down the stairs, die from coronavirus. It's a kind of magic' as one doctor put it. It is being reported by distressed family members, looking at the death certificate of a loved one: "It says Covid-19. He didn't die of Covid-19. He had a bad heart."

- The sleight-of-hand of the mainstream uses the expressions 'died with Covid-19' or 'died after testing positive for coronavirus', both of which mean something different to 'died from coronavirus'. Fraud, 'perception deception', which works only because of people's undeserved faith in 'scientific statistics'.

- In the USA, financial incentives exist for declaring coronavirus as cause of death. Hospitals get more money for coronavirus than for pneumonia. Just think about what that means.....

- More reliable than 'coronavirus deaths' are 'overall deaths': a dead body is a fairly unambiguous statement. In the UK, so-called excess morbidity can nowhere be explained solely by deaths from Covid-19. Many will be 'indirect coronavirus deaths'. People so terrified of the virus that they stay at home having a heart attack rather than rushing to the hospital. People not getting the medication or treatment they need, in care homes for example. People dropping dead out of fear, anxiety, panic, loneliness. And then there will be the needless cancer et al deaths because everything was closed down because of coronavirus panic. The cure will be worse than the disease, by far, I predict.

- And there's the test. The coronavirus test. And here you'd better go somewhere else to make much sense of it. But the RT-PCR test, which is the coronavirus test, was declared by its creator in the 1980s unsuitable as a diagnostic tool. All the same, it's rolled out and the world is shaped around its diagnoses. This is what you can do, once you create enough panic that people don't stop and say: 'Just wait a minute. What is this test? What does it do?' Once more, it's unthinking faith in the high priests in white coats.

-There are people who say that the test doesn't test for the virus at all, but tests for exosomes, which are things produced by the lungs to actually fight toxicities. By implication, a coronavirus positive could result from all manner of malfunction. But best check this out: as I said before "Don't know much about biology...."

-Statistics also fool people because there are an awful lot of people on the planet, and we fail to recognise this. Small numbers sound like big numbers. When Patel mournfully announced the death toll in the UK had passed 20,000, it sounded like the world was near its end. It's pretty bad, but it's not that abnormal. Several bad flu years over the past thirty years have produced similar numbers of mortalities.

Well, that was all of rare tedium. Pale G.V. tries to provide service with a smile, but there are times when that's not easy. But this basic info is included, once and once only, in case there are those who still didn't know....

Part Two: Who's the Boss?

Who runs the UK at the moment? Boris Johnson? No way! Priti Patel? In her dreams. Dominic Cummings? No, not even Dom. What about Matt Hancock then? Well, with his formalistic and faceless mediocrity, we're getting a bit closer to the mark.

These are the people who observation suggests are running the show in the UK.

First up, Professor Neil Ferguson, Imperial College, London. He's our computer model wizard who makes great predictions and everybody knee-jerks in obedient response. He's the guy who told Johnson that, without lockdown, there would be up to 500,000 coronavirus deaths in the UK. And you wouldn't want that on your CV, Boris, would you? Then, once lockdown had been achieved, he changed his estimate: 20,000 - 50,000.

He's done it before, with previous epidemics. If Ferguson had been right every time, the UK would be empty of human life by now. Any astrologer who made such a regular hash of predicting the future would be out of a job, and stacking tins of tomatoes in Tesco. But no. Ferguson's still at it. And they're still listening. Talk about smelling a fetid rat...

Ferguson is so good, he could get a job in climate modelling. I'm sure he'd get the UK drowning underwater in no time.

So what is computer modelling anyway? It's simple: take a bunch of data, a rucksack-full of questionable assumptions, assorted other prejudices, feed them into your model (which has its own sets of biases and assumptions), then bring out a load of 'statistics' which blinded-by-crap-science idiots swallow and follow like words from the Godhead.

You can produce any result you want with computer models, get the scientistic faithful to do anything. Computer modelling is summed up brilliantly by David Icke: 'Shit in, shit out'. Thanks, David. Spot on, as usual.

Then we have our other two big chiefs: Sir Patrick Vallance, chief scientific advisor to the UK government, and Chris Whitty, chief medical officer. They whisper things in Johnson's ear and he jumps to attention. They are our own mini version of Fauci and Birx, and really guys from the shadows; and it is a feature of the current Covid scene, that the figures in the shadows are now coming out into full view. No more hiding. It's both challenging and inspiring. Here they are; you're in our sight....

Vallance and Whitty: check them out yourself - I don't know an awful lot. Suffice to say that Vallance was, until 2018, deep at work in GlaxoSmithCline, and is on the vaccine network UK, which boasts fourteen members, twelve of whom apparently represent Gates-funded institutes. And Imperial College, of number-cruncher Ferguson fame, also receives funds from the Gates empire. I don't want to sound all conspiratorial or anything, but the Gates guy's everywhere; not known as B.G., Beast Great, for nothing.

The thing is, though: none of this would be possible without the dark magic of science worship. In this lies the source of these guys' shadowy power.

Part Three: Adolf Was Right

Once we learn to sit at the temple of science and statistics, we can learn many things. Let's take a look at the much-vaunted coronavirus statistics by country. How many people have the virus, and how many have died as a result.

A remarkable but little-commented statistic jumps out of the page, should we only allow it. Look at these figures (slightly simplified), taken today, for people with coronavirus and deaths from coronavirus. Italy: 205,000 cases; 28,000 deaths; mortality rate 13.5%. UK: 171,000 cases; 26,750 deaths; mortality rate 15.5%. France: 167,000 cases; 24,500 deaths; mortality rate 14.6%. Germany: 163,000 cases; 6,750 deaths; mortality rate 4.3%.

While people are dropping like flies in many European nations, Germany has a remarkably small number and percentage of deaths.

This can only mean one thing: Hitler was right all along. The Germans are indeed a superior race. Tough, resilient, able to repel even the most terrifying of assailants, the Covid-19. The Aryans are the best, and the rest of us should just shut up and get over it.

Speaking of Germans, there is another issue. People like to give previous Germans a hard time for killing all those Jews and assorted other folk. Like they were all psychopaths. No. Do you know what all those murderous Germans were doing? They were simply following the rules.

Following the rules. This is what we are all supposed to be doing. It's here in the Highlands, on our local website. People complaining about folk driving too far before they have their daily walk. Haven't they got the message yet? Why aren't they following the rules?

Following the rules is apparently what makes a good and responsible citizen. Just like the Germans, in fact. Except that not following the rules is a lot easier here than in 1930s Germany. Not following the rules here means at worst a fine; in Germany, not following the rules probably meant your wife and children getting killed as well as yourself.

Follow the rules. We're going to introduce a new rule. You have to throw cabbages at people in wheelchairs. You know what? These 'follow the rules' slaves will probably do it.

With 'follow the rules' we arrive close to the nub of how things might turn out. Everybody just follows the rules, and humanity is done for. Slave planet, game over. But enough people look at the rules, and make their own decision based on their innate humanity, this place will become a better, more beautiful one. It's that simple, really.

Part Four: Science, the Special Faith

A friend of mine wrote to me recently, suggesting that 'science is diabolic'. Now, this is a friend who I love to mischievously disagree with, and he loves to disagree with me. But I have to say that I found his comment very interesting, perceptive, illuminating. Thanks!

The religion of science is a diabolic affair. It completely cuts off a human being from their 'higher self'. In this way, it is a superior mind-fuck to any traditional religion. Distorted though they may be, still they offer the possibility of 'something else'. A higher or transcendent element to life, or meaning in life. Science, however, denies all that. It reduces the entire human project to numbers, figures, measurements. It is atoms and cells and bits and pieces stuck together like a big machine, no inherent value or beauty. Anything else is just superstition, or fantasy, or wishful thinking. It sees nothing beyond the physical world apprehended through the five senses.

As such, it also sees nothing aside from life, survival, the dread of death and dying. This is played out in the great drama of Covid. It's all about numbers, that's all: how many died yesterday, how many will die tomorrow. The quality, the joy or despair, of the living and dying is irrelevant. Release from lockdown depends on numbers of dead bodies, and that alone. The great human project reduced to a graph. Such a brutal, inhuman view of things.

It is not coincidental, of course. The science view is the perfect construct for keeping people inside that tiny box of panic and fear, where they can be controlled with consummate ease. The box where death is the end, the final end, and beyond that is nothing. The only aim: survival, prolonging of life. This is the confinement, the containment, of the human spirit. Break free of that box, and the entire project of control starts to fall apart.

So, we come to a novel notion: awakening necessarily involves the destruction of the scientific worldview. Nothing more, nothing less. What a revelation! Science as a useful tool in the marvellous human project: yes, certainly. Science as religion, the diabolic mind fuck: goodbye, good riddance.      

Part Five: Awakening

We have to enter the shadows. I don't think there is a choice. There can be no awakening without a sense of what we are awakening from.

For the current situation and the deceptions involved, I go for the heavyweights; that is my natural propensity. Icke, Drs Buttar and Kaufman for starters. They can all be found on londonreal.tv and bits and pieces still uncensored on YouTube. Get chucked off social media and you must be saying something with truth and close to the bone.

Another valuable starting point from my point of view is 21stcenturywire.com I used to listen to Patrick Henningsen, the main man there, years ago on Red Ice. I came to truly respect him a few years back, when all the mainstream media was going on about how Assad was using chemical weapons against his fellow Syrians. While all the mainstream was just reading press releases in their centrally-heated offices, along with little videos on Facebook, Patrick took his Easter holidays actually in Syria, seeing what was going on first hand.

The trick is not to spend too long among the shadows, I (along with many others) have discovered. Do that, and you can end up feeling disempowered by the vastness of the darkness. Balance of light and dark in ones daily life.

A couple of balanced pieces, IMHO. An article posted on David Icke's website, and a video by Aaron Doughty. He has done a number of them on 'conspiracies' and 'awakening'. Clear, easy-to-understand, accessible, and showing how light and dark can sit side-by-side.



I got back from my daily permitted walk a few hours ago. There were lots more cars about. Who would ever imagine that I would feel joy at seeing cars? Maybe all these people were going about legit lockdown business; I rather doubt it. I had a sense of people just being sensible, but starting to take responsibility for their own lives. This is all that is needed: to realise that people in 'authority', people in suits, actually have no God-given authority over your life, your soul, at all. Not one tiny bit. See that, and that alone, and the dark spell that has been cast over humanity will be broken. That's all it takes.

I was momentarily overwhelmed with a great feeling of joy. I realised that this what I yearn to see more than anything else on this planet. The spell broken, and human beings restored to their inherent dignity. It doesn't take much, yet is so elusive. This is what my time left on this planet is about, really. This is what I am here for, this is what I long to witness, to be a tiny part of.

And when you finish with a bit called 'Awakening', you're not sure whether you're writing a blog or listening to an album by John McLaughlin and the Mahavishnus....