Welcome into the vortex........

anarcho-shamanism, mountain spirits; sacred wilderness, sacred sites, sacred everything; psychonautics, entheogens, pushing the envelope of consciousness; dominator culture and undermining its activities; Jung, Hillman, archetypes; Buddhism, multidimensional realities, and the ever-present satori at the centre of the brain; a few cosmic laughs; and much much more....

all delivered from the beautiful Highlands of Scotland!

Tuesday, 19 May 2020

This is your captain speaking....

Part One

"There's something 'off' about things." "It doesn't make sense." "Something's weird, I don't understand." "It just doesn't add up."

These are not the crazy rantings of a conspiracy theory extremist about the 'current situation'. They are the words expressed by conventional-minded folk with 'normal' ways of life across the length and breadth of the land. More and more people are beginning to see that things are not the way they are told. The 'official story lines' beggar belief.

Let's not talk about government plans and policies, directives and order from those in authority and authoritarian. They are plainly inconsistent, dumb, mad. Though with a reason. But the deeper nature of 'the current situation' announces itself in many ways.

I have mentioned previously the name of the problem itself, the disease in the crown. And references abound, also, to Cert Of Vacc ID, 19. Not difficult to work out.

Various celebrities, too, declare their superior knowledge of events, the pre-planned nature of matters. With an interest in popular 'culture' that is roughly zero, I'm not the person to ask about this. But Tom Hanks is someone whose name crops up a lot, with his tweets about his Corona typewriter, for example. And Madonna is another usual suspect, with a video with gas masks and all manner of supposedly 'esoteric' symbolism.

The Bill Gates programme of the magic injection also comes replete with signs. '666' embedded in patent numbers relating to the vaxxeen. The enzyme to be employed, apparently, to make Gates's quantum dot vaccination readable is called luciferase. I kid you not. And the numeric total of the letters (where 'a' is one, 'b' is two, 'c' is three etc) in his 'implantable quantum dot microneedle vaccination delivery system' is - yes, you've got it - 666!

It's as if the programme is so pleased with itself that it can't help announcing its existence in thinly-veiled terms to the world. There is a reason for this, I suggest, which we will come to shortly.

Part Two

Research into the underlying nature of events requires one learns the attitudes of a detective. It is Sherlock Holmes-type work that one becomes involved with and, after a time, the skills and strategies develop and become more second nature. One of the finest detectives with regard to 'the current situation' is Amazing Polly. One of the best of the dot-connectors, and I recommend checking out her work (Bitchute, probably not worth bothering with YouTube).

There is plenty of courageous intelligent work being done by courageous intelligent people. Yet questions remain. Is there a virus really? If so, is it natural or man-made? What about Wuhan - accidental or deliberate or a red herring? The truth seems to slip between our fingers. It's as if there's something that everyone is missing. Maybe the truth is so weird and out-there that it's not being seen. Or maybe it's so in our face that we're seeing right past it.

There is a maxim: when you have tried everything reasonable, and none of that works, then whatever remains, however strange, must provide the answer. And so we arrive at...… the reptilian agenda. It's the only thing which makes any sense.

Maybe it's all orchestrated from an invisible realm. This may sound fantastic, though rather less fantastic if you have experienced deep meditation, shamanic journeying, a kundalini awakening, serious entheogenic/psychedelic work, got into magick, or are naturally sensitive.

Once you accept the possibility of the source being reptilian - or non-human, or other dimensional, or supernatural, as you will - everything changes. Those nagging questions about the details of the virus phenomenon become less pressing, no longer seem to matter so much. 'It's put there by reptilians' is all you need to know.

The nagging questions seem important because we are looking at things in a certain way, the way that human mentality typically looks at things. We like to 'work things out. Understand.' However, if the 'current situation' doesn't originate in this mentality, its source being in a non-human mentality (field of energy), things work in a different way. This 'we must work things out' is not the currency of activity in the reptilian realm. Maybe things don't add up because they are not meant to add up, not intended to add up. And the longer we sit here with perplexed brows, trying to make them add up, we remain diverted, trapped in a box which alienates us from the real source.

Part Three

It can be explained easily enough, like this. Some people talk of the universe consisting of different frequencies. Our normal human experience takes place on one, very narrow and specific, frequency band. All manner of thing is happening simultaneously in the universe on different frequencies, all of which we are gloriously unaware of.

Not being exactly scientific, I feel more comfortable with comparison with a television. There are loads of channels available. However, the remote control has gone missing - in fact, you've forgotten that there is one at all - and you truly believe that you've only got the one channel the television's stuck on.

Different formulations of the multi-channel nature of existence exist, but some schools of western mysticism speak of different dimensions, or densities as Neil Kramer used to term them. Normal human existence takes place in the 3D. This is a material, physical realm, governed by linear time-space.

Beyond this lies the 4D. This is readily accessible to human beings if only they make the effort. It is non-physical, and works in ways that manifest phenomena such as telepathy and synchronicity. It is, however, in common with the 3D, a dimension of polarities, of good and bad, light and dark. The 4D teems with bad guys as well as good guys. Here exist angelic beings, but also really negative ones. Demons, archons, reptilians, all these dudes that run on emotions such as hate, fear, jealousy.

Non-polarisation, and the love which seamlessly flows from the genuine experience of non-duality, doesn't kick in until the 5D. So reptilians and the like, saturated in negative emotion, cannot escape the 4D. They are trapped, lost, nowhere to go, which is one reason why they are so mad and so bad. Humans possess the possibility of moving into truly spiritual realms, the 5D and beyond, they have hearts and souls. Reptilians are naturally jealous, and go apeshit about it, doing anything to mess up the higher spiritual path of human beings.

So the 'current situation' is a massive psy-op to keep humans in a state of panic and fear, controlled and enslaved by dark forces, reduced to artificial mechanical beings, turned into inferior lookalike versions of reptilians themselves.

Part Four

There is a funny things about reptilians. It is said that they require our consent before they can carry out their programmes of totalitarian evil. We need to say "Yes, I'm happy for you to go ahead and do that." Without our consent to the plan, it cannot come into force.

For long, I had remained curious about the aspect. Just now, it begins to make some sense. Reptilians, and life in 4D existence generally, is not material. You do not - cannot -, therefore, win wars with guns, nuclear weapons, and the like. It's all 'mental' (using the word broadly). You win a war, not with bombs, but with mental events, mental energies. That's the plane it works on. Thus, consent, or lack thereof, which is an energetic impulse, becomes instrumental.

This, I feel, is the purpose behind those childish, barely-concealed, games with numbers and words which I discussed above. They are saying "This is the game, this is the programme. We're not hiding it from you, it's staring you straight in the face if you only look. It's diabolic, and don't say we didn't tell you. Are you OK with that?" This is the way that they broadcast their plans, and if we don't sit up and listen, the agenda will roll out smoothly as intended.

Seen in this light, 'clapping the NHS', which I have always found curious and sinister, takes on a particular light. It is a satanic ritual of consent. When everyone stands outside their front door to clap the NHS, they are  saying "Yes, we applaud the plan, we are happy, we consent. Please go ahead." And the ritual works because of people's ignorance, of failing to look and see that half the hospitals are empty, that beds which could be used to treat people with heart attacks, cancer etc are vacant because of 'the virus' etc. In one way, the reptilians are almost being generous. Their plans are so transparent, they are almost inviting us all to tell them to piss off. But while we don't, they will continue regardless.

In these times of high strangeness, it is vital not to be influenced by dark forces from the 4D. Panic and fear are their currency: this is their nourishment, this is our self-inflicted prison. Remaining free of panic and fear is the key to everything; remember, the war is on the psychic plane. Do this and the reptilians have nowhere to go but to skulk off.

I have a little ritual that I effect several times daily. It is based on things Neil Kramer said several years ago. I simply say "I am a sovereign being. I am independent. I do not consent to you interfering in my life. Be gone." Tell them with  heart and with conviction to just piss off, and they have no choice. This is, I feel, the key to the entire 'current situation'.

The links

There is some interesting, and some inspiring, stuff here. Well worth checking, in my view.

An excellent piece connecting dots, along with other important topics rarely discussed:

This 'incredible' article explained to me about the reality of manufacturing consent. I still gaze open-mouthed when I look at the photos. A life-changing article for me.

Amazing Polly is a top detective. Here's her channel on Bitchute: www.bitchute.com/channel/ZofFQQoDoqYT/

Never complete without Mr Icke. His dot-connector 'They have to lie and censor....' (15/5/20) can be found on Bitchute or his website, when it's not being attacked. heavy-duty info on the dark role played by UK authorities in 'the current situation' especially interesting after the first 30 minutes.