Welcome into the vortex........

anarcho-shamanism, mountain spirits; sacred wilderness, sacred sites, sacred everything; psychonautics, entheogens, pushing the envelope of consciousness; dominator culture and undermining its activities; Jung, Hillman, archetypes; Buddhism, multidimensional realities, and the ever-present satori at the centre of the brain; a few cosmic laughs; and much much more....

all delivered from the beautiful Highlands of Scotland!

Friday, 17 April 2020

This Nice Clean Planet

Part One

Many people have remarked approvingly on how, during the course of this nearly-universal lockdown, planet Earth has in many ways become cleaner. I said as much myself of late, citing the Venice canals among other examples.

The pollution which hangs over the Lombardy Plain over the winter months, and which most likely contributed to the large number of 'corona v. deaths' there, has decreased greatly, which is good news for nature and for the humans still living there. Here in the Highlands of Scotland, clear air with good visibility is the norm when it's not raining, foggy, cloudy, snowing, or anything else. However, in many places where fug and haze are the norm, reports are of better visibility, less crap in the air basically. All of which must be a good thing. Mustn't it?

It's one thing to say that a less polluted planet is a good thing. It is quite another to subtly - or not so subtly - suggest that this therefore justifies lockdown. Hundreds of millions of people will be negatively affected by the consequences of lockdown, particularly in poorer countries (an English way to say that they'll die of hunger). Nearly everybody's life will be more difficult economically. To justify corona v. lockdown by pointing to a cleaner planet is essentially saying that we are happy for many, many, many people to be thrown into poverty - and I mean real poverty. We are happy for millions of people to die vicious premature needless deaths for the sake of the planet.

We are getting close to ideas of eugenics and genocide here. Let's justify gassing a few million Jews for the sake of population reduction and a cleaner planet. More atomic bombs on Japan, anyone? The thinking is no different.

Part Two

'The ends justifies the means' is a dodgy argument altogether. There may or may not be situations in which it is itself justified, but handle with care. Great care. This is the philosophy which was used to propel many of the most hideous horrors of the last century, notably in the establishment of communist tyrannies. It comes out of an idealism executed fanatically. Best avoided altogether.

But the planet will be better off without all these dirty, horrible humans. I've heard this all too often. I disagree. And I suppose, in the final analysis, it comes down to metaphysics. It's a spiritual question, if you like. What is this world, its inhabitants, the cosmos? What is it all about? Well, in terms of my own experience, which is all I have to go on, it goes something like this:

Between roughly 2012 and 2016, I experienced a series of events which led me to the notion -well, more than a notion - that there is intent in the Universe. Or purpose; I prefer the word 'intent', though. And that intent is, for want of a better word, spiritual. Universal Mind, Infinite Consciousness, Buddha Mind, Source, God (whether these are all identical or not is secondary here): it wishes, in fact passionately desires, for us to become aware of its existence, and for us to come closer to it. Such is the intent embedded in life on Planet Earth. It is the meaning inherent in life, but it can only reveal itself when, as the Zen saying goes, the student is ready.

The thing is this: human consciousness seems uniquely equipped for this great leap, this conscious connection with Source. The different realms depicted on the Tibetan Wheel of Life amply illustrate this. Hell beings are too consumed in suffering and pain, while heavenly beings are overly engrossed in pleasure and bliss: what need tricky conscious development when everything's just great already? Animals lack self-awareness, and are stuck in food, reproduction, and other stuff right at the bottom of Maslow's hierarchy. And so on.

Human life, however, offers a tremendous variety, a richness of opportunity, the good, the bad, the ugly. A modicum of self-awareness. This is the loam rich in potential for awakening, for alignment with Universal intent.

Through the fragmentary evidence available, it is clear that the Gnostics also had this sorted. They describe how humanity is uniquely positioned for Gnosis. Conversely, this is what causes all the trouble for humans, too, particularly through the nefarious activities of the Archons. These are inorganic, and nasty pieces of work, driven by jealousy of humanity's organic nature, and determined to mess them up. Their attempts to deflect humans from their sacred purpose trickle down from the other-dimensional realms. Nowadays through Bill Gates, Soros, the Deep State, transnational organisations such as the UN and the EU. Through the lens of various NGOs, servile civil servants, politicians. Then oozing out into media, schools and universities, orthodox medicine, and giant energy suppliers.

The purpose of these receptacles of darkness is containment. To keep human beings in a little box, maintain their separation from that Universal intent, their higher purpose. Enough folk connect with that and the game is over. In a nutshell, this is the battle between good and evil being played out at this very moment in time.

Part Three

I was reading recently parts of the life story of Buddha, as told in its best-known form, based upon the Buddhacarita written by Ashvaghosa. It's very interesting what the piece has to say about events leading up to Buddha's Enlightenment (what it actually says, not what western minds too often select as it saying....):

This is what happens once the Buddha-to-be expresses his unstoppable determination to become Enlightened:

"The incomparable sound of his footsteps woke Kala, a serpent of high rank, who was as strong as a king elephant. Aware that the great Sage had definitely determined on enlightenment, he uttered this eulogy: 'Your steps, O Sage, resound like thunder reverberating in the earth; the light that issues from your body shines like the sun...… The flocks of blue jays which are whirling around in the sky show their respect by keeping their right sides towards you; the air is full of gentle breezes..."

There are a couple of other passages a little further in the story: ".... the denizens of the heavens felt exceedingly joyous, the herds of beasts, as well as the birds, made no noise at all, and even the trees ceased to rustle when struck by the wind: for the Lord had seated himself with his spirit quite resolved." And sweet-scented flowers fall from the sky a few paragraphs later.

What happens among humans is not a matter of unimportance to the entire ecosystem, if you want to use more modern lingo. The birds, the other animals, even the plants, are joyous indeed that awakening is taking place on the planet where they live. The wakening influences all.

Humans are a part of the ecosystem just as much as dolphins, coral reefs, and rainforests. The problem is that many have forgotten this. But the planet wishes the best for human life; it prays desperately for its success.

This planet could, and should, become nice and clean once more. But if this is effected through lockdown, enforced slavery, the impoverishment of huge numbers of human beings - self-inflicted species-ide - there is no goodness in that, just hatred of self, and a refusal to wake up to the magnificent possibilities inherent in human life. It is cruel and it is cowardice. It can become a nice clean planet through human beings waking up, not through remaining in ignorant slumber, which will only produce a clean hygienic hell. No good for humans, no good for the rest of Planet Earth.