Welcome into the vortex........

anarcho-shamanism, mountain spirits; sacred wilderness, sacred sites, sacred everything; psychonautics, entheogens, pushing the envelope of consciousness; dominator culture and undermining its activities; Jung, Hillman, archetypes; Buddhism, multidimensional realities, and the ever-present satori at the centre of the brain; a few cosmic laughs; and much much more....

all delivered from the beautiful Highlands of Scotland!

Friday, 10 April 2020

Notes From the War Zone

Part One

When the lockdown was first announced, I thought it would be a doddle. It described pretty much the life that I normally lead, after all. I was very wrong....

I failed to factor in a whole bunch of other, mainly non-lifestyle, elements. With lockdown, I suddenly sensed the opening up of a lot of 'empty psychic space'. And this new space provided ample room for a whole load of new energies to go into overdrive. Human and non-human; malevolent and benevolent: all of a sudden massive activity seemed to be going on. An invisible war, maybe, taking place in dimensions normally ignored or inaccessible. The real war, maybe.

In the meantime, I feel discomfort, a bit jittery typically. There's a lot going on, and it's happening really quickly. It's difficult to keep up. But there we go...

Part Two

I recall the lockdown being first announced by Boris Johnson. He wasn't at ease, relaying a message which clearly goes against his instincts and inclinations. "You mustn't do this, you can't do that...." Not his style at all. I thought he should have got somebody else to do the job, someone more suited. Nicola Sturgeon, the great Scottish headmistress, would have loved it. Completely in her element. Just imagine it: telling all those English people they've got to shut up and stay indoors.

It had to be Boris who got seriously ill. There's just something about it. It couldn't have been Matt the bully, the man from the Ministry of Ill Health. It couldn't have been Diane Abbott, or any of the mediocrities pretending to know what they are doing 'running the country.' No, it could only happen to Boris.

Post-Brexit, the Prime Minister has fallen out of favour personally. This  was due particularly to his 'leading the charge against climate change' bullshit, with new windfarms, crappy electric cars, regulations, regulations, regulations, all based on dodgy premises. Nevertheless, he exudes a human-ness which is notable for its absence in so many of our politicians and officials. I was genuinely disturbed to hear that he had got badly ill, and I wish him a quick and comprehensive recovery.

Part Three

And then there was London Real. The interview. David Icke. The interview. I sat down, grandstand seat, on Monday afternoon, in the bright light of the conservatory, and got ready. Actually, it wasn't playing properly on the London Real website, and I had to switch over to YouTube.

David's previous interview with Brian Rose, the London Real man, was explosive enough, and had nearly five million views. Now he was back, to say more about corona v. and the issues surrounding it. It was predicted to be even bigger.

It was an electrifying couple of hours. My wife wandered over just to see what was going on, and ended up watching the entire thing. There are rare moments in life when you feel privileged to 'have been there'; this was one of those moments.

Afterwards, Brian Rose described the atmosphere in the room of the interview as something unique in his years of interviewing many good and interesting people. It was as if David was channelling the info, he said. It seemed like that in places, even watching remotely.

Then YouTube pulled it. Without giving Brian any reason, at least until he badgered and badgered and badgered them again. The reason - or reasons - were clear enough to see to viewers, but still it was the familiar failure of courage and faith in open discussion from Big Silicon.

Coronavirus, discussed way outside the normal parameters, the official view of events. Icke held nothing back, naming names, bringing everything together in the way that he can. 5G and coronavirus: one of the new taboos. OFCOM has banned broadcasters from giving airspace to anybody wanting to discuss the topic. Which, of course, only makes you think that there must be something in it.

Then, the following day, we witnessed the magical and wondrous transformation of Brian Rose into a Freedom of Speech Superhero. A true warrior. Sod you, he said to YouTube, and Vimeo, who also took down the video. We don't need you. We're going to do this ourselves. So he just had it on the London Real site, which capacity he quickly got expanded. And over four million views to date. People sharing the link, telling other people about it. This is the way forward.

We don't need you; we're doing this ourselves. Rarely has such sweet language resounded in my ears. While this corona v. thing is reducing many people to quivering wrecks, there are people rising to the challenge, seeing through the crap, their courage and fearlessness coming through. It is one of the best things possible to see.

Part Four

Brian Rose has run his London Real thing for nigh-on a decade. He majors in self-help, fulfilling your potential, being healthy, helping people to run businesses successfully and positively. That's what he is, a really good guy who believes in positive stuff. Seeing him transform into a real freedom of speech, freedom of information, tiger is, as that nauseating phrase goes, something else......

As for the interview itself...… The first half is, in my view, of vision of rarely-conjured depth and darkness. And it just gets deeper and darker. If you want to know what the dystopian nightmare looks like, listen to David Icke on global control and the not-so-royal road to artificial intelligence and the end of the game.

And then, as if by a miracle, Icke starts on the either side of his work, the part that tiny people prefer to ignore and dismiss. The current crisis, he says definitively, is an opportunity. A great opportunity for human beings to stand up and wake up. The choice is there, and each and every one of us must individually decide which path we are going to follow.

And Brian Rose asks him what the 'solution' is. The solution, replies Icke, refusing to falling into strategies, directives or blueprints, comes when 'we stop acquiescing to power'. Or, more correctly 'when we stop acquiescing to the illusion of power.' This phrase I find beautiful, and a mantra for the present day. When we stop acquiescing to the illusion of power. It's a magic trick, a black and magnificently successful one. the power trip, the power trick. We are - it's Icke's way of putting things - infinite consciousness having an individual experience. And if we are infinite consciousness having an individual experience, how can we be cowed? How can we be afraid? How can we panic? This is what the great deception is at its core. It is 'them' who are afraid and weak. Otherwise, why should they be so desperate so shut up dissent at every opportunity?

Part Five

People are encouraged at this bizarre time, to 'come together'. Which begs the question: what does 'coming together' mean? We can come together in vastly different ways. Truly coming together doesn't mean everybody turning into mindless, cowering, panic-stricken robots, all united in fighting an imaginary war against possible deception. It means each and every one of us calling upon all our resources of intelligence and discernment to get to the bottom of the 'problem' through discussion, debate, openness, and honesty. We are unique magnificent creatures, not a sub-species of lemming. David Icke may or may not be correct - I suspect there's a bit of both - but we'll never know when 'they' refuse to allow the debate in the first place.

Enjoy your hot cross buns.

A couple of worthwhile links: Amazingly, the David Icke interview is still up on the London Real website as I write. Catch it now, or possibly never. And pass it on; however much you 'believe' what David has to say, other perspectives are vital at this moment in time, to try and make any sense of the weirdness.

And an inspirational interview that James English did with Icke recently, which explains how he got to be where he is at the moment. He describes his own awakening experience, especially its culmination in Peru. This is a very nice video to watch.
