I can't say that I know what the current coronavirus situation is or means. Nothing special about that. What becomes clearer by the minute and the hour, however, is that the official version of events, churned out by mainstream media and parroted by most politicians, bears little resemblance to the real nature of covid-19. And some of the measures implemented across the face of the globe are increasingly suspect in terms of offering reasoned and reasonable solutions. I provide a link below to an interesting website, which catalogues on a daily basis some of the evidence demonstrating all this.
Interestingly, some of our brothers and sisters in mainland Europe appear to be way ahead of the British 'experts' in seeing through some of the fraud. Particularly interesting, I find, is how many Germans are coming to the fore. Germans who, for the past seventy years, have been cowed into subservient obedience and submission by historic guilt. Finally standing up a bit against what they're told. Good for them.
Recognising the disconnect is the easy part. Peeking behind the curtains and veils to see what's really going on is the tricky bit. While there is undoubtedly the 'rolling out of global police state' aspect, my hunch is that there's more to it than that. And that it's not wholly 'bad'.
Life is multidimensional, and what is playing out at present is very much so, I submit. We live in a world which operates synchronistically as well as in linear cause-and-effect, which is the norm in our everyday three-dimensional world. Many conditions are coming together to create, well, something new..... many people will probably be largely unaware of the changes, but changes there will be. That's my intuition.
The 'good' is not in the realm of 'social camaraderie: we're all in this together; the war spirit.' Neither is it a case of no more horrible aeroplanes and doughnuts, a kind of force-fed scarcity and Hunger Games scenario. We are speculating far deeper and elusive than these superficial considerations.
All of which might turn out to be nonsense. We'll see......