Part One: One Potato, Two Potato...
It's fifteen years ago that my mother died. It was a severe shock; yet it was hardly a surprise. For many years her health had been failing steadily, as more and more bits of her body gave up properly functioning. When people asked me what was wrong with her, I would tell them "Everything in the medical dictionary." They would look at me in an odd mix of horror and revulsion: "How could you possibly speak of your mother like that?" seemed to be the thought going through their head.
The thing is that it was true, more or less. Advancing years, the consequences of decades of crap food and smoking, periods of insufficient exercise, her early life lived with low self-esteem and chronic lack of confidence; there's no such thing as a free lunch.
Hugely problematic digestive tract, chest problems and shortage of breath, diagnosed as primarily COPD brought on by tobacco smoking, and then the onset of attacks of angina: these were the main players in my mum's drama of physical woes.
Still, she carried on manfully (womanfully?). While she had a quality of life, she insisted, she was going to hang in there. She had, and she did. And then, one day, after a further horribly painful attack of angina, she looked at my sister and said "I've had enough." Within a few weeks she was dead.
My sister and I took a look at the death certificate, to see what the doctor pronounced as the cause of death. COPD, it said: chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder. Satisfied, my sister and I moved on, to continue with our lives as best we could.
It is only recently that I came to the realisation: my mother did not die because of COPD. That simply is not true. She died because of an entire variety of factors, including 'lifestyle choices', emotional and psychological elements, and a host of physical ailments. It is a sickness of modernity that it insists upon single-cause 'explanations', nice and easy so we can get on with life without asking too many tricky questions. If there was one single thing which the doctor could have truthfully written on my mother's death certificate, it was 'In the end she just gave up'; or 'Lost the will to live'. And, in another sickness of modern life, such reasons are not considered valid.
So, to return to the obsession of the moment…….. How many people have Covid-19? I haven't a clue. Neither do you. What's more, neither does anybody else.
How many have died because of Covid-19? No idea. Neither have you. And neither does anybody else.
Covid-19 in general: no idea. Neither has anyone, pretty much. Anybody who does know a bit will most likely be kept pretty quiet.
These are the stories that make my stomach churn. About everybody entering hospital being tested for Covid-19, and then this going on the death certificate, regardless of their true and previous state of ill-health. Others being Covid-19 statistics without even a test, simply 'diagnosed' by symptoms. Then the next day, the figures come out, more dark prognoses, more panic, more 'lock-down and shut-up'.
I confess that I never imagined I would get to live in a society where such horror stories lurk just beneath the surface. Dying people refused family visits because of 'the virus'. Care homes tantamount to little Auschwitzes. What on Earth's going on in this country, and elsewhere? We could all at least say something, tell someone else, get word around: enough people know and things might change a little. It's a kind-of moment of reckoning. Who's going to at least say and do something? And who's just going to sit back?
Part Two: Don't Know Much About Biology....
It's true. I am famous for it. About a year ago I had some contact with a few folk who I went to school with fifty years ago. They had decided to have a reunion, and one of them managed to track me down - quite a feat, and one which deserved a little respect. There followed the predictable exchange of messages online between old (very old...) school friends. But it came out: I am remembered as a 'geographer', one of that small band of pupils who didn't get on with 'real' subjects like chemistry and maths, so instead studied geography.
Miraculously, I passed 'O' level exams in maths, chemistry, physics, and biology, all with the lowest 'pass' grade possible. This I achieved, not because I understood anything, but because I taught myself how to pass exams.
With this history behind me, it is both tragic and comic to imagine me sitting here trying to get my head around things like viruses, genetic material, exosomes and the like. But it has become important, in attempting to get a handle on what may be going on in the unique strangeness of now.
Below is the link to Dr Andrew Kaufman's video on YouTube. Required viewing, I suggest. He explains his viewpoints very clearly, and I might have done a bit better in biology than I did if I'd had teachers like him. I guess he's in the danger zone for YouTube deletion, but you'll find his video elsewhere if need be. Put 'Andrew Kaufman Covid-19' into a search engine, I'd suggest.
Part Three: Covid Magic
Coronavirus: corona virus
Corona virus: virus of the corona
Corona: 'Crown'. Crown: from the Latin 'corona'.
Crown: corona (Italian), corona (Spanish), couronne (French)
Crown: 'a gold and jewel-encrusted headdress worn as a symbol of sovereignty.' (dictionary)
Sovereign: 'possessing supreme power...… enjoying political autonomy.' Wearing a crown symbolises your power over your own kingdom, your own domain. Personal sovereignty: being your own boss.
Coronavirus: an infection of sovereignty, a virus of power. An infection of personal autonomy. A global virus, designed to remove a person's autonomy, their sovereignty over themselves. A slave virus, in other words.
Virus: 'something that poisons the mind or soul' (definition number three)
Also: The Crown, the Crown Chakra, the topmost bodily energy centre, the Sahasrara. The place where Shiva and Shakti unite, and higher truths are revealed. The Crown Chakra also provides access to what is beyond, to higher dimensions.
So 'confinement' is that of the human soul; 'lockdown' is the human spirit locked down in an inferior world, cut off from access to higher dimensions. Exit-door at the Crown Chakra shut tight. Separated from its potential, its future destiny. The dark magic of control through confinement.
So there, in a nutshell, we seem to have it. And it is time to break the spell. Recognise it for what it is, and fear dissipates. the power of the dark magic recedes. The spell can be turned against itself: regain the lost power and sovereignty of your own individuality. Be your own worker of magic. This is the challenge being uniquely presented at this moment in human history, nothing less.
Images: Blake's Urizen
Crown Chakra