It is probably twelve years ago when I began to properly descend the rabbit hole where 'the world' is not as normally presented. There existed at the time one or two television channels easily accessed on normal tvs which delved into this kind of material a bit. 'Consciousness tv' was one which turned up from time-to-time.
There was one face in particular which became familiar to me during this period. I can't remember the name of the guy. He had a Geordie accent and was always going on about 'disclosure'. Why wasn't there disclosure? When was disclosure going to happen? Who was hiding what - not disclosing the information? It seemed to verge on an obsession.
'Disclosure' in this context refers to giving facts to the general public about the existence of extra terrestrials - information known to governments and other agencies for quite a while now, but withheld from the population at large.
I never really understood the supposed importance of disclosure, and why this guy got so worked up about it. I mean, a few jolly little extra-terrestrials with bug eyes turning up every now and again: what's the big deal?
It is only recently, with the playing of the Covid card, that I have come to realise a little more what the extra-terrestrial disclosure matter is all about. It is not concerned with their existence as such, but with their influence on, and interference in, human affairs.
It's funny, in retrospect, how I failed to connect the dots. I have written on-and-off for years about the nefarious effects on human life of the archons, the archontic mindset. The archons are ultra-terrestrial rather than extra-terrestrial, strictly speaking - they are not necessarily visitors from another planet, but share the same 'space' as humans 'occupy' but in a different dimension. Nevertheless, the effect amounts to the same: the interference in human activities of a non-human and, in this case dark and negative, force, one that most humans remain completely oblivious to. A force that has not been subject to disclosure.
It was with the arrival of the Covid event that everything changed for me. I immediately sensed it, clear as a bell: 'evil is abroad; evil has walked into the room; what was hidden has now broken ground.' These were the phrases which entered my mind, and have continued to this day. Evil, in the form of a non-human force, is around for anyone with half an eye open to see. Unfortunately, most people appear to have both eyes closed....
The non-human, psychopathic element is the only thing which makes any sense of the madness which has been unleashed on human life in recent months. Everything seems silly, inconsistent, crazy. That's because it's being viewed through the wrong lens - a rational, human lens. It is not intended to make sense from this viewpoint. Change the lens, regardless of how ridiculous this new lens may initially appear to you, and suddenly everything falls into place.
What was hidden is now on the surface: in a sense, disclosure is already taking place. But there are people around who predict that ET existence will be revealed to the public increasingly over the coming period. This makes sense. There is a point where the invisible power needs to make itself properly known, in order to further its nefarious agenda.
For some reason, this agenda seems to be rushing forward at present, as if it's been put into fast-forward mode. Maybe its transparency is becoming too obvious; they need to reach endgame before too many people wake up to what's staring them in the face. Maybe there's something in the stories that the vibrations on planet Earth are shifting upwards, encouraging human consciousness to wake up, and making it more difficult for 'reptilians' to maintain their disguise in human form. I don't know. But something's going on, for sure.
There are many issues surrounding ETs and disclosure. The number of astronauts who have reported sightings of non-human entities or spacecraft during their ventures beyond is just one. For example, Neil Armstrong allegedly stated when stepping onto the surface of the Moon "They're here, they're parked on the side of the crater, they're watching us." Needless to say, we weren't told about this.
It was another of those youthful puzzles that I had: why, when it seemed to be becoming so easy to get there, was Moon exploration just stopped? Nobody seemed to say anything much about it. It just didn't happen any more. Maybe humans were warned off by the reptilians or similar who were already there. It's the most plausible explanation I've come upon.
And then there are the many rumours about the E.T. hoax invasion. We've had the climate hoax and the plandemic hoax. The E.T. invasion hoax is next. And guess what? It requires strong global governance to deal with this new threat. Don't say you haven't been warned....
Part Two: AI
There are certain notions that I have found so utterly repugnant that I have been unable to bring myself to look at them properly. Until the Covid event, that is, with evil walking into the room, and all personal prejudices needing to be put aside.
One such notion is that of AI, or artificial intelligence. It's easy to consider AI simply in terms of friendly little robots who help with the dishwashing, but the implications of AI are far deeper than this. In its totality, its endgame, artificial intelligence suggests replacing what we might consider 'human intelligence' with that of machines. Wiring up the human brain with the computer brain; turning the creative human being into a kind of pre-programmed robot. Something like that.
This means two things, in brief. It means complete control over human activity - which will no longer be human activity in the way we still consider it (just about). And it means the severing of humanity's connection with 'Spirit', with God, Universal Mind, whatever term you wish to employ to describe that dimension to life beyond the pig trough (with apologies to pigs).
This is what is truly 'evil': cutting the connection with the spiritual, with higher endeavour. With humanity's higher purpose. This is the coveted wish of those non-human forces at work at the moment, working 24/7 to destroy all that is to be cherished in human existence. You see, this is what they lack, this connection with Source. This is why they manifest psychopathy. This is why they hate humanity, and want to enslave it. They wish to turn humans into lookalikes of their own artificial, programmed, non-creative twilight existence.
You can already see it, as young people grow up into a world defined by smartphones rather than flesh-and-blood human beings. And, with this realisation, so many of the weird facets of the Covid affair become immediately less weird. Face masks, removing the individual human being from the equation, covering, erasing, the character, the individual expression. We're all faceless lookalikes now. The social distancing, limiting proper human interaction. The contact tracing, the use of apps and smartphone technology for everything, linking our every move to technology. It's a nightmare that each and every one of us should do all within our powers to resist.
Oh, and if you think face masks have anything to do with 'health and safety' just do a little homework, please. And how come face masks were not compulsory on public transport in the UK when the plandemic was at its peak? But now that it's disappearing, suddenly face masks are obligatory? It's archontic bullshit, and it's evil.
Part Three: Mask of the McBeast
Here in Scotland, relaxation of the lockdown is a few weeks behind that in England. "Ah, it's because the virus reached here after it arrived in England" is the stock answer I'm given if I dare to ask the question. I don't think I need to waste time here pointing out how there is no logic to this 'argument' at all.
A number of Highland folk have expressed concern, alarm even, at the perceived speed with which lockdown rules are being relaxed south of the border, despite it being snail's pace compared with much of Europe. There is a fresh insight into certain aspects of the mentality of some Scots here for me, something which evokes words like careful, cautious, timid, submissive....
This is all true to form for our Great Leader, the Sturgeon. She must be loving this opportunity to make her own rules, tell people what they can and cannot do. This is her dream come true - almost.
From Monday this week, wearing a face mask or covering was made mandatory in Scotland on public transport. That is to say on buses, trains, the usual stuff...... and taxis. The truth is often in the details, the small print. In England, I believe, it is still possible to get into a taxi with your smiley face revealed, though Uber have deemed this too risky. But here in Scotland, the Sturgeon is always keen to get ahead in the game.
As a form of 'public transport' I have always considered taxis as marginal cases. It's public in the sense that the general public can use them. But it differs from all the rest in that you can go where you want to. There is a degree of independence for both customer and driver that is absent in other public transport.
For this reason, I have a certain good feeling towards taxi drivers in general. Even if they are signed up to a particular taxi company, still there is a degree of independence about how they go about their business: when they work, how many hours etc. Many taxi drivers I have spoken to were once working in a more corporate and organised world, but for a variety of reasons end up behind the wheel of a cab.
It is typical of Sturgeon and SNP-think to want to regulate whatever happens inside a taxi (most likely owned personally by the driver). It's this over-reach of rules, regulations, authority, into every nook and cranny of life which distinguishes their approach. Their wet dream is to delve into every little detail of your Highland life and to tell you what you can and cannot do. They are nationalistic authoritarians - the very antithesis of true independence, if truth be told. It's the demonic inversion at work once again.
Our local heroine is also happy to lie through her teeth if she thinks it suits her cause. While announcing the slight easing of lockdown restrictions last week, she said this was possible because infections were decreasing, and this was because of our lockdown. This is lying. We may all have our own opinions on lockdown, but the truth is that we just don't know. It's almost impossible to really know - though I suggest that evidence for the great benefit and necessity of lockdown is weak.
For Sturgeon and her cronies in Holyrood, the State is everything. The individual does not get a look-in. Whatever the perceived problem should be, whether real or imagined, the 'solution' is the same: more state control, more state regulation. Big government, Big McBrother.
One industry that has been booming (until this year, of course) in Scotland in general, and in the Highlands especially, has been tourism. Visitors and revenues have both been soaring. It had struck me as curious (initially) how the Scottish misgovernment had failed to show much enthusiasm over all this. You might expect them to be over the moon about all the extra money, but no, not really. In fact, they continued to encourage projects such as closing public toilets in remote areas (in order to save money!), which discouraged tour companies from running coach holidays in these regions (people need a pee, especially if, as is the case with many coach tours, they are largely rather elderly people).
It took a while for the penny to drop. And then.... This is not the kind of industry that the SNP wants. You see, tourism is relatively democratic; egalitarian, you could say. It is based on large numbers of small enterprises, such as guest houses, Air B and Bs, local pubs and cafes. People with a bit of individual initiative do well from tourism in Scotland.
No. This is not what they are interested in. They are interested in large, corporate, multinational concerns. Windfarm companies fit the bill far better. Government, big business: keep it in the family. All part of the same network, often the same few people, feeding off each other. State subsidies (in effect) to windfarm conglomerates, hand-outs to local communities, thereby binding them into financial dependence, and so on. Perfect.
It is said that the Archons have a picture of Nicola Sturgeon hanging above their beds. They give it a kiss every night before going to sleep. They are not very good at smiling, but a smile at bonnie wee Nicola is something that they sometimes manage. She is such a darling in their eyes.
Images: Top and centre:
Bottom: Archon Fashion Weekly