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Thursday, 4 June 2020

There's Nothing There....

Question: What do man-made climate emergency, Covid-19 crisis, and George Floyd-related protests/riots all have in common?

Answer: When you look into them, there's nothing there.

Climate emergency: hoax. While human activities obviously have an impact upon climate, the dire predictions just aren't happening, and aren't likely to. Psy-op.

Covid-19 world lockdown crisis. We should take all 'statistics' with a hefty pinch of salt. But here are some 'official' ones. WHO figures (2017) for typical global flu deaths per annum: 290,000 - 650,000. Worldometer figures for Covid-19 deaths worldwide to date,  published yesterday: 382,000. Conclusion: hugely, hugely exaggerated global fear response. Largely psy-op, hoax.

Protests/riots based upon supposition of rampant racism. Hoax, hoax, hoax. Total bullshit. There is less racism around today than at any other time during my lifetime. The vast majority of people rub along together pretty well. Suddenly, though, there's vicious terrible racism all over the place. It's a total lie.

Let's believe the official story. Bad white cop kills good black guy. That's not very good, is it? But bad people are killing people unnecessarily all the time, all over the place. None of that's very good either. But on the national and international stage it normally receives roughly zero interest.

You don't need to be Nostradamus to predict a summer of severe civil unrest in the USA. The presidential elections are scheduled for November, and there are plenty of big guys out there desperate to get rid of the current boss at any cost.

It's best to remember the diabolic inversion in operation at present. The real fascists are the antifascists. Antifa: authoritarian, intolerant, militaristic, not averse to a little violence here and there. The arch feminists, the transgender activists, the antiracists are the true sexists and racists. They encourage folk to identify with gender, race, whatever, at every possible opportunity, thus creating their own tiny individual box which sets them against anyone who doesn't fit into their own box. Alienation, separation, division: the name of the game of modern anti-racists and anti-sexists alike.

Panic, fear, anger, hate: the defining emotions that keep humans in a little box, stationed at the root of the pyramid of human possibilities. Keep people inside that box and they are easy  meat. Manipulated at will. Climate and corona v. major on fear and panic, and now it's the time for a little hate. All manufactured, of course.

Like Extinction Rebellion, those out raising fists for George Floyd think they are challenging the Establishment. And like those climate fanatics, they are completely wrong. They are Establishment. 101% Establishment. It's the name of the game, what keeps it turning round: fear, panic, anger, hate. Keep the infernal emotional mix going, round and round, round and round, the eternal cycle, the infernal cycle. To trick people into thinking they are destroying you while they are in truth supporting your own horrible little world is just one of the games played.

It's all a hoax. The entire world stage is built upon deluded fantasies, that's all. Take a look. there's nothing there, nothing there.....