It's a while ago that Pale G.V. put forward an unfashionable proposition regarding the nations of Africa. It was that many African countries have been independent for quite a long time now - 50 years, 60 or more. Maybe it's time for western governments (and NGOs, I would add) to stop indiscriminately pouring money into largely corrupt coffers of African officialdom. Instead, it's time for African nations to get themselves together, become properly independent and resourceful, and root out the worst excesses of their corruption. Only they can pull themselves out of the poverty trap that many find themselves in.
It was heartening beyond words, therefore, to hear of a couple of African national leaders standing up for themselves in the midst of the current virus scam. Read on....
With inner bullshit detector on full alert, the President of Tanzania sent a bunch of samples off for Covid testing. Unknown to the testers, some of the materials were not from humans at all. Back came the results. Goat - coronavirus positive. Papaya - coronavirus positive. That test sure comes up with the goods. You couldn't make it up.
And in Madagascar, a traditional plant remedy was being used to treat the virus, successfully it seems. The WHO came back to the country's president, expressing disapproval. This is no good, they said. You need our remedies. Your plant treatment has not been tested to prove its safety or effectiveness. Er, wait a minute. Aren't these the same dudes who are intending to fast-track a miracle vaccine, on the basis that it's so urgent that the normal protocols of safety and effectiveness can be by-passed? In other words, they are prepared to unleash an unknown substance on the entire population, stick it into its body, stand back, and see what happens. To put it another way, a bunch of total bastards....
The stories are told in greater detail by Amazing Polly here:
I get the feeling that the Tanzanian President was fully aware of how these transnational organisations take the piss out of countries like his. He is wise to their deeper, often darker, nature. And an even more disturbing story emerges from one of the countries neighbouring Tanzania.
Here's another story from Africa. It concerns Kenya. The episode dates from 2014, I believe, but has resurfaced.
The story centres around a WHO and UNICEF-led anti-tetanus vaccine programme. There wasn't actually any tetanus in Kenya at the time, but there had been floods, and you can't be too careful, it would seem. Anyhow, some Catholic organisation began to get suspicious, as it was young girls and women who were being targeted for the vaccinations. Some samples of vaccine were sent to South Africa for independent testing and, sure enough, the results came back: the vaccine contained an anti-fertility agent. Connection with tetanus? Not too sure.
I find this a really hideous thing. You don't do that to people. Decide that the global society could do without a few more African faces, so surreptitiously include an anti-reproduction substance in your 'vaccine'. Nobody has any natural authority to make such decisions about the lives of other people. The story encapsulates everything about non-elected, non-accountable, self-appointed 'elites' who basically shape the political and social world today. UN, EU, WHO, World Economic Forum, BBC, CNN, Gates and Soros Foundations, you name it. All think that they know best and are best, to the extent that they will force their (normally sick and twisted) notions on everybody else. It is this web, more than anything, which needs to be untangled, dismantled, for the betterment of humanity in general.
Add to this other stories, such as the Gates-funded polio vaccine given to large numbers of young people in India, one of the main effects being giving the kids polio. It begins to look as if this global philanthropism - whether issuing from vaccine Bill or WHO doesn't matter, it's largely the same few folk - isn't very charitable at all. In fact, if Mr and Mrs Gates were really so keen to help Africans in need, they might put their wealth into clearly beneficial, cost-effective, and straightforward projects such as clean water, basic hygiene and medical care, agricultural development, but no. They prefer to put it into their own syringe fetish, and a perverse obsession with inserting foreign substances into children's bodies.
Maybe it's more like this. Western governments are encouraged to pour vast sums of cash the way of poor African nations. Maybe it's not exactly a case of infinite love and compassion. Despite all this money being thrown into an apparently bottomless pit, many African nations remain impoverished, and misgoverned by the corrupt. Maybe it's not really about African betterment. Maybe it's more about dependency. Keep these places dependent on finance from elsewhere, and you can do pretty much whatever you want with them.
Dependency automatically puts you in a condition of chronic weakness. While you are dependent, you might hesitate before complaining too much about your people being used as vaccine guinea pigs by the truly truly rich. Creating and maintaining dependence is one of the prime strategies of those who would control - see the crashing of independent businesses as one of the main consequences of the corona fiasco, thereby removing an entire section of independent people from the equation. That's how it appears to play out to me. For sure, you don't want African states beginning to speak up for their own interests, to get any notions of independence and strength. It means trouble. Just look at those leaders from Tanzania and Madagascar: we don't want any of that kind of stepping out of line, do we?
In the meantime, the shadow of eugenics, and putting whatever shit you want to in the vaccine 'product', continues to hang over these mass vaccination programmes in Africa and other poorer countries of the world.
The health and vaccine mafia really is a mafia. 'Global health' is a misnomer. 'Global health' means global vaccines. Government health advisers are vaccine dudes. Nothing to do with food, nutrition, clean water, healthy agriculture, and the rest.
The best source of insight into all this is, in my experience, Amazing Polly. Really a first class detective. For folk in the UK, her video on Patrick Vallance (May 20th 2020) is worth checking out to get an idea of what's going on. The entire 'global health and vaccine' agenda is run by a very small number of people, whose names crop up time and again whenever the big organisations are checked out. Worth realising, I feel.