Welcome into the vortex........

anarcho-shamanism, mountain spirits; sacred wilderness, sacred sites, sacred everything; psychonautics, entheogens, pushing the envelope of consciousness; dominator culture and undermining its activities; Jung, Hillman, archetypes; Buddhism, multidimensional realities, and the ever-present satori at the centre of the brain; a few cosmic laughs; and much much more....

all delivered from the beautiful Highlands of Scotland!

Monday, 1 June 2020

Notes From the Paper Trail

Part One

During the course of writing my previous post I conducted a search for face mask images. I was surprised and intrigued that duckduckgo ('gargoyle search' is history hereabouts, life feels a bit better for that) threw up a whole bunch of articles from late February, early March, just as you-know-what was getting going.

It was like coming across a stash of historical documents: three months has been a long time. What became crystal clear from looking at these articles was how the fear-panic-hysteria reaction was being put firmly in place right at the beginning. 'New very dangerous virus runs riot in Wuhan' (a far-off place somewhere in China that, until a few months ago, most Brits had never heard of. That the new danger issued from a mysterious location added to the danger-mystique vibe. Coronavirus coming out of Basingstoke wouldn't have had the same impact on the British population).

'The virus is coming. It's running riot in Italy.' 'The virus is coming, and it's getting closer.' 'First case of virus confirmed in Britain.' '28 new cases of virus in England yesterday.' And so it continued.

The entire theatre has been predicated upon this one initial supposition: Covid-19 is roughly the most deadly thing to have ever hit our lives; anything and everything must be done to stop it. Once this message had been seeded into the collective consciousness, everything else could follow without hindrance. Be afraid, and do just as you are told so that we can prevent it.

This is the vital ingredient and, in any discussion of you-know-what, it's necessary to return to this initial move in order to understand everything else. The virus is awful, panic is justified. It's only when you begin to see past the mass deception that everything starts to fall into place, before simply falling apart.

Apparently, mainstream continues to push relentlessly 'news' of ever-increasing gore. They have to do it. Having sold the world a hideous lie, causing untold unnecessary suffering and loss, they have to keep ramping it up, desperately trying to hide their mind crimes, and hold onto their 'credibility' (which was shot through long ago, if truth be told).

Part Two

A while back, a friend proposed that 'they' must be very clever to have organised and stage-managed it all so immaculately. 'If they can do that, I concede that they are more intelligent than me.' These were his words, more or less.

I disagree. Firstly, this friend is a pretty intelligent guy, properly intelligent, not a psychopathic mind with a skill in devious planning. Also, I don't think it's so tricky to achieve. 'They' had time to plan it. All that is needed is to put a small number of elements into place and leave the minions to put it into operation. 'This is the virus, this is its danger, these are the things you have to do to deal with the virus - close businesses, stay indoors, don't travel.' That's about it, really.

My wife is an interesting case. She is interesting for many reasons, but in this instance it's the fact that she doesn't do mainstream media. She just doesn't watch the 'news', read the 'news'papers or internet 'news'. This means that some people get frustrated when she doesn't know something or someone who they think it's important to know about. But most importantly, it means her mind is relatively clear, unstained by the biases and programming that exposure to the mainstream inevitably brings. She sees what's actually in front of her, not what she's told is there.

The thing is this: my wife has worked it all out, by herself pretty much. I have spoken to her a bit about things, but not much; and she reserves the right to consider me an idiot in my ideas, anyway. She watched Rose/Icke ll. But she has worked it out through simple observation. Looking at what's happening, what we're told to do. Observing people, their fear, their panic, their other reactions. Reflecting on whether this is rational or mad. Reading notices in the streets, walking through the deserted shopping centre. It's been an eye-opener for me to see what can be done if you only take off the poisoned blinkers of mainstream programming (which is all the mainstream is today). It's all there, right in front of you. Just look! And turn off the bloody television. Completely.

Part Three

Sunshine, shorts, barbecues. Paddling pools, riverside walks with ice creams from outdoors ice cream vendors. Long-awaited tearful reunions with family members, friends. Such was the flavour of the weekend just passed. 'Lockdown relaxed' is what it's called.

Amongst the relief, the release, the euphoria almost, it will be easy to commit a fatal error, and lose sight of all that has gone on. "Thank goodness that's all over. Let's get on with life again. The horror - let's forget it."

I imagine it's part of the orchestrated psychological drama. If I can work it out, so can others who are on the job 24/7, and whose nefarious minds work that way. Submit people to tortures, release them, and they'll be so happy to be freed that they'll willingly forget about all that has been done to them. Happy to march on oblivious in forgetfulness.

It's only when we leave behind the riverside paths, the cyclists, the families with young ones in pushchairs, and enter the portals of the town centre that it comes flooding back. The closed shops, some barricaded; the streets deserted by all apart from the sun; the sense of loss, of desolation. We go to the railway station. Seats sealed off, for purposes of 'social distancing'. Sunlight beams through the half-transparent roof, but its light is eerie. A train pulls in, and I count two people, literally, who get off. 'Only essential travel' we are told. "What is essential travel exactly?" askes my wife. Another good and unanswerable question.

Lest we forget. Remembrance, not in rancour, not in harbouring a wound, a grudge. No, not these emotions. Remembrance in knowledge, in absorption of the truth, and in honour of the loving heart. And remembrance in full knowledge that it's not over yet, but continues, indeed has probably only just begun. Remembrance in readiness for what is to come....

Part Four

What's he about? What's he up to? Trump.

Authorities hold no prior credibility in my eyes any longer. Not a dime's worth. But Trump? He's an enigma, isn't he?

The alternative media is split. Some see him as just another in the long line of authoritarian bullies who have served as President of the USA over the years. Others regard him as a sole beacon of hope for the independent, individual human being, in the vast sea of military-style collectiveness which increasingly characterises human affairs nowadays.

The vaccine. Does he really want the vaccine? The universal vaccine? The mandatory vaccine? The Bill Gates full-of-mind-and-body-fucking-shit vaccine? He sometimes speaks as if he does. But a good deal of his fan base is mid-west and deep south USA, if I'm correct. The Bible people, with definite and unfashionable views on all sorts of stuff. I don't think they are all vaccine people, with pictures of Saint Gates hanging above their bed.

And Fauci. What's Trump doing going around with Fauci at his side? It takes about ten minutes of research to see that Fauci is a career criminal, hanging out pretty near the top of the vaccine mafia tree. Fauci knew the plandemic was coming. He said so back in 2017: 'One thing we can guarantee; during this presidential term there'll be a surprise pandemic.' His words, more or less. Er, excuse me: how is something a surprise if we can guarantee it??

These guys are sometimes so pleased with themselves, it seems they can't keep their mouths shut.

So if I know all this stuff, and plenty of other folk know this stuff, for sure the people round Trump know this stuff, as does the president himself. So what is going on? Is Trump really up for the deception? Or is he playing some game, of cat-and-mouse, or chess with very high stakes at the end. I confess that I don't know.  


Four videos, over two hours in total, of excellent reportage on the B(ill)east G(ates)reat. You need a stomach for some of it, but it's an important source at these times, when our personal fancies maybe shouldn't rate too highly.

A fascinating short interview with another of those German doctors who are coming up with the goods at the moment.
Image: Hellgate London pc game