Welcome into the vortex........

anarcho-shamanism, mountain spirits; sacred wilderness, sacred sites, sacred everything; psychonautics, entheogens, pushing the envelope of consciousness; dominator culture and undermining its activities; Jung, Hillman, archetypes; Buddhism, multidimensional realities, and the ever-present satori at the centre of the brain; a few cosmic laughs; and much much more....

all delivered from the beautiful Highlands of Scotland!

Sunday, 5 July 2020

Never Mind the Bollox

Part One: Made in China

I waver. Sometimes I think this covid lark is 99% bullshit. Other times I think it's 100%.

At the moment I'm in full monty mode....

I have been conscious of a number of similar comments connected to different articles on the internet of late. All have been saying how they suffered a covid-like illness well before the virus was officially supposed to exist. David Icke reported on a horrible flu-like illness that both he and one of his sons experienced back in January 2020. He said, further, that this was noteworthy, since they rarely succumbed to illness.

The reports I have seen come predominantly from the UK and the USA, dating from especially November and December 2019. People speak of being horribly ill, with something on the chest, a bad cough, and generally feeling awful. Not typical cold or flu, they say. Sounds a bit like 'covid-19' to me.

Add into the mix the recent claim by specialists from Barcelona. Analysing sewage samples (what a job....), they went back as far as March 2019, and say that they found traces of covid-19 during that month, almost a year before the virus is reckoned to have hit Spain.

Put all of this together, and a plausible story begins to emerge. The illness that locked down the world and caused millions to lose their livelihoods was circulating as a nasty flu-like illness way before the 'virus out of Wuhan' narrative hit the world.

The 'virus' did not come out of Wuhan; a test did. What first began happening in Wuhan was not the virus, it was the testing. And, if anyone cares to check it out, it is clear that the test is pretty hopeless. It 'tests' for a whole bundle of things, and was never intended as a serious diagnostic tool. Certainly not intended as anything to base entire world policy upon.
Yes, Johnny, it's a load of bollox

So you have this necessarily crappy test, which is deliberately imprecise and  tests for a whole bundle of things. You unleash it in a city notorious for its air pollution and attendant chest problems, in the middle of winter. In this way you ignite the other things to come out of Wuhan: the fear and panic, and the 'solution', lockdown. Then you transfer attention to another one of the world's notorious hotspots of air pollution, northern Italy, bringing the fear and panic home, ie into the western world. And the rest can look after itself.

The Wuhan lab is a great red herring. 'They' would know full well that 'conspiracy theorists' would grab onto the connection, thereby diverting them from the real paper trail.

The virus does not come out of Wuhan. We do not know this. We cannot know this. What we do know came out of Wuhan was the testing, the panic, the lockdown 'solution'.

'There is not a new virus. There is a new test.' This meme has appeared on David Icke's website on numerous occasions. I finally get what he is saying, I think. He is spot-on.


Speculation is rife, naturally, on many fronts. Another notion going the rounds is that the 'coronavirus epidemic' was caused and/or made far worse by the flu jab taken by vast numbers of people every autumn/early winter. One particular suspect is the H1N1 vaccine in Italy. These vaccines apparently suppress the immune systems of adults. It may go to explain the Bergamo mystery. Bergamo is not a particularly large place (population c. 122,000), but it was particularly hard-hit by deaths of old people. Apparently, the city had been the venue for a real saturation-bombing of a number of different flu vaccines.

So these are the two linchpins to the hoax: the test, and the media saturation with panic and fear, which has so hypnotised people that the vast majority have been rendered incapable of standing back and getting some semblance of perspective on the whole thing.

Question: Please, Mister Pale Green Vortex. Why are you always going on about this plandemic stuff? You've been doing it for months now. Haven't you made your point?

Answer: What has happened this year is an enormous play in the game towards authoritarian world governance, effectively the enslavement of the human species. It is a big move towards the end of humanity as we think of it, I say this without exaggeration. I have seen nothing remotely like it during the course of my life. I think it requires going into, understanding, rooting out, and doing whatever lies within our powers to deal with it.

The struggle between good and evil is out on the battleground now, above surface, for anyone who dares take off their facemask to see. If the direction does not change, planet Earth will soon be off the radar for any consciousness wishing to 'develop spiritually', to connect with its true Source. I think this is all worth devoting a bit of serious time to.

Part Two: The New Abnormal

Hey, it's party time. "You bring the masks, I've got the drugs..."

New times require new strategies. Nobody can change the world by themselves. Personally, I am doing a few little things in light of the new abnormal. One is using Bitchute whenever possible, rather than YouTube. There are issues with Bitchute, mainly how it has become the oasis for folk who only want to talk about the Jooz, so do so in almost every 'comments' section, sometimes in not very helpful ways. But, in order to avoid the censorious YouTube...

DuckDuckGo as default search engine. The practical pain in the butt is that, every time the computer updates (=downloads stuff that doesn't work properly, to replace stuff that functions OK), the search engine returns to Big Brother defaults.

This blog will eventually move/transform outside the Google/Silicon Valley big tech world. But don't hold your breath about when. I'm slow on this change, for a variety of reasons.

I am also using cash as much as I possibly can. If people don't want my money, I'll go somewhere else whenever possible.

And I ain't wearing no bloody useless, harmful, face-erasing mask. See Dr Buttar: