Part One: Nightmare On Every Street
The sharp and rude shock is over for now. There remains, I sense, for countless millions of people strewn across the face of the Earth a dull, numbing feeling of trauma. The trauma of unexpected domestic imprisonment; separation from loved ones, even those in need or dying; the immediate curtailment of taken-for-granted freedoms; the omnipresent fear, reinforced every time the toxic-vision set is turned on - 'the virus, the virus. It's out to get you, the virus.'
Trauma, felt now consciously, now unconsciously. People in trauma without even realising that's what they are feeling. Just feeling weird, shaky, so 'off', like crying or shouting for no apparent reason. This is what we have been invited to participate in: a global trauma-based mind control experiment. And it seems to be going pretty well thus far.
Different forms of post-traumatic stress disorder are easily predictable for the foreseeable future. How do not-superly-conscious folk deal with trauma? I have never looked into it very deeply. However, I once worked, about ten years ago, with a young man fresh back from military service in 'Afghan' as they affectionately referred to it. At one point, he was shot and nearly killed, it emerged after a while.
Anyhow, when he first started working with us in the shop he was quiet, almost timid; a little brittle and jittery at times. But then he went wild. All his money disappeared in the pubs and clubs at the weekend. Drink, girls, drink, drink, girls, more drink. He'd turn up to work dishevelled, smelling not too good, half out of it, having bedded yet another local girl the drunken night before. He had no idea what he was doing.
The shop eventually closed down, and he turned up for farewell drinks dressed up as a slutty female, with two female 'friends' as company. He seemed to think this was healthy and normal. I believe he's calmed down since. But this is my main first-hand experience of PTSD.
Another strategy for dealing with trauma is, I suppose, avoidance. Pretend it never happened. You're so relieved it's all over; the nightmares simply get locked away, the key thrown in the canal, never to return - you vainly hope.
When I was young, it always seemed curious that nobody spoke about the War. I was born eight years after World War Two's end, but it was as though it had never happened. The only exception was my mother's occasional relating of watching Coventry burn in the night sky from the vantage point of her home away in Oxfordshire. For the rest, though, a happy silence. Get up, go to work, feed the kids. Job done. The War and the trauma never happened.
This will, I suppose, become a common 'strategy': pretend it never happened; get back to 'normal'. Except that you can't. Your body, your instincts, your feelings, know that it happened. They don't forget. And whenever you go out, it's there to greet you. At every shop, cafe, around every corner. The handwash, the careful-how-close-you-get, the involuntary jerk of avoidance from other bodies should you stray too near. The mask, the mask, the mask. It follows you like a professional stalker: the fear, the panic, the trauma, the virus, the virus.
What I don't quite get, still, is how many people don't realise that this is not all one big accident. These are not incidental side-effects. They cannot be. It was all too obvious what would happen from the outset. It is intended, in-your-face so. Maybe, like trauma generally, that's just too much disturbing reality for many people.
Part Two: Hide That Face!
On a personal level, the mask is the worst mind-fuck of all. I could manage lockdown on a practical, daily level. Everyday life didn't vary too massively from pre-covid ways of going about things anyway. I could still go for a decent walk every day, buy food from the shops (mask-free, until now in Scotland, when the virus has pretty much gone....).
The mask serves to perpetuate the ongoing sense of trauma. This has to be, once again, completely intended. Really wring out the problem, prolong it as long as possible; really grind people down, until they will accept anything to get out of it. "Here's our nice little vial full of untested shit, delivered into your body by a new and untested method. It's being promoted and financed by a lovely sweet man with an obsession about sticking foreign substances into as many human bodies as possible. He says he wants to see the world's population reduced, and some of his shit-injection experiments have gone horribly wrong. Would you like a shot of his wonderful medicine, to set you free?" "Oh yes, please. Please! PLEASE!"
The key is to realise that the mask has very little to do with health. Especially the health of normally fairly healthy people. And especially the health of people who spent the months when the 'virus' was at its peak swinging and sliding around the supermarkets mask-free without any ill effects. Or the legions of shop workers who, mask-free, put in 30-hour weeks over the entirety of this period, and failed to drop dead or get ill. And who are now forced (in Scotland already) to spend their working day struggling for breath behind a suffocation cloth.
The mask is not about health. It is about ritual. It is a potent ritualistic implement. Ritual is all-important in the transformation of humanity as projected. This may sound a bit strange to some people. To understand this, we need to understand the nature of the archontic mind behind the whole affair.
The archontic mind, we may recall, is devoid of creativity. It lacks any connection with the divine, with Source. It can only imitate, simulate, build upon what is already there; and it is very good at doing so. But it is mechanical in nature; it inhabits and produces a clockwork world. In everyday human life that mechanical, clockwork world unfolds in linear cause-and-effect. Linear time and space. That's how we typically go about things.
But the archon mentality is not physical. It is inorganic and non-physical; mental in more ways than one. Mechanical, clockwork, in the non-physical realm, often referred to as the 4D, manifests in terms of correspondences, synchronicities, 'as above, so below'.
We humans often consider these things as 'Wow' things, spiritual, but they are not necessarily so. They appear so because they are typically 'out there' to the human realm, so we become familiar with them only as we 'expand our consciousness'. But in themselves they are neither here nor there. And learning about such stuff can be used for the good or the bad of life.
Astrology, I-Ching, all manner of divination, are based upon this kind of knowledge. As is magic - which can be white or black, depending upon the wishes of the participants. And as is ritual, which is the manipulation of events through correspondence, through arranging things on the physical plane to match with things on non-physical planes, to put it extremely crudely. Alignment.
So a good deal of the subjugation of the human spirit takes place through the employment of ritual, dark ritual. When people are told to wear face masks - or face coverings, significantly: the clues are in the words - this is not science. It is occult. It is the occult dressed in the ceremonial garb of 'science'.
Face masks are a mass, pop, occult ritual of submission and consent. In order for their black magic to be effective, the dark lords appear to require our consent to start with. They tell us in occult ways what they are doing, or intend to do. This may manifest in words, numbers, 'secret' signs and symbols, clues in statements made to the public, and so on. They are obsessed with such matters because consent is required, and it's all out there for you to see, if you only dare to look. So wearing the mask is saying 'Yes, I agree, I go along with your work, I give my consent to my subjugation'.
The ritual as submission is similar. Look at a person in a mask, especially one of those identikit surgical masks, and you see a diminished person. The face - the personality, the person - is gone. There is no clue as to who or what lurks behind the facade, the barrier. The person is gone.
This is what I consent to, the eradication of myself as a unique intelligent individual. I submit, I give myself up, to something else, to anonymity at the service of a greater power than myself. I submit. I give up my will. I surrender my will to our will. I am all yours.
Should you 'need' to wear a dark occult covering over your face at any time, I strongly recommend doing it with strong personal intent. Say it out loud, which diminishes the magic. 'I do not consent. I do NOT consent.' And maybe at least avoid the surgical mask, which is tops for anonymity. Maybe a Red Bubble mask is preferable (see above).
Watch a bunch of people going around with the masks on. What do you see? Not 'what do you think you see?' Not 'what are you taught or told to see?' No. What do you actually see?
Images: The Queen wears a mask