Welcome into the vortex........

anarcho-shamanism, mountain spirits; sacred wilderness, sacred sites, sacred everything; psychonautics, entheogens, pushing the envelope of consciousness; dominator culture and undermining its activities; Jung, Hillman, archetypes; Buddhism, multidimensional realities, and the ever-present satori at the centre of the brain; a few cosmic laughs; and much much more....

all delivered from the beautiful Highlands of Scotland!

Sunday, 26 April 2020

To the Heart of Darkness and Back...

"Don't listen to anybody. Decide by yourself and practice madness. Develop courage for the benefit of all sentient beings." Tulshuk Lingpa

Never have the words of the visionary lama been as relevant as now....

Part One: Rock'n Roll Wisdom

'The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way, and you will see a brick wall at the back of the theatre.' Frank Zappa

'I'm vile and perverted/ I'm obsessed and deranged
I've existed for years but very little has changed.
I'm the tool of the government and industry too
For I'm destined to rule and regulate you.
You may think I'm pernicious but you can't look away.
I'll make you think I'm delicious with the stuff that I say.
I'm the best you can get.... have you guessed me yet?
I'm the slime oozing out of your T.V. set
                             Frank Zappa again.

And in this song, Lou Reed kind-of gets something of the spirit of the moment (not recommended for those with an allergy to loud distorted guitar noises)


Part Two: Evil Abroad

Here in the Scottish Highlands, we have been bathed in bright sunshine of late, skies a constant brilliant clear blue. All the same, there's been a foul smell in the air. A putrid stench has come wafting in off the loch and down the mountainsides. A real dense, suffocating reek. It makes you want to vomit there and then...

Officials in office. Government aides; medical advisers; scientific 'experts'. People in suits, with fancy names. Faceless, expressionless, hopeless (=forlorn of human hope). Calm and deadpan, issuing orders, spewing crap into Mother Earth's pristine air. Feigning authority and competence, but without a clue. Or maybe the Mr Bumble act is a put-on, a cover-up. Who knows? But the one thing for sure: their flesh gives off a horrible smell.

For reasons which escape me, the following passage from 'The Thought of the Heart and the Soul of the World' by archetypal psychologist James Hillman came to mind. I find it very interesting.

'The novelists William Styron and George Orwell, and the social philosopher Hannah Arendt, in writing of totalitarian evil and the Nazi systematic murders in particular, have each come to the conclusion that evil is not what one expects: cruelty, moral perversion, power abuse, terror. They are its instruments or its results. But the deepest evil in the totalitarian system is precisely that which makes it work: its programmed, single-minded monotonous efficiency; bureaucratic formalism, the dulling daily service, standard, boring letter-perfect generalities, uniform.

'No thought and no responsiveness. Eichmann. Form without anima becomes formalism, conformism, formalities, formulas, office forms..... Letters without words, corporate bodies without names.....'

Uniform, uniform, uniform. I would add mediocrity piled upon faceless inhuman mediocrity. This feigns to shape our world. The hour has come for the illusion to be taken down.....

Part Three: A Post-Covid Dream

They've been quiet of late, their place in the limelight usurped. But don't worry, they'll be back. They're lurking in the shadows, ready  to pounce back at the first sign of Covid's retreat. But in the meantime, I'm sure enjoying my little holiday from Greta and her dribbling and drooling hangers-on.

What a dream it is, though. Covid panic dies down a little, and Greta has gone off. Disappeared in a funk as thick as the air around Wuhan on a typical day. In her stead, for those who insist on taking their lead from young females, there stands Naomi. Fair, reasonable Naomi. Let us stop this panic, she says: it does nobody any good. Let us think instead. Let us consider, and be reasonable. Let us talk science. proper science. And why, oh Greta, don't you want to talk about the science?

And when Naomi speaks, the gods smile....

Part Four: the Inspiration of David

To think David Icke is, for many people, to think dark conspiracies, evil elites, and reptilians. Well, there is this side to his work. But why? Because he's a guy who properly cares about the world and its human beings. He doesn't always get things right, I'm sure, but who does? The following clip is a personal inspiration, and it shows where David comes from:


'Don't listen to anybody. Decide for yourself and practice madness. Develop courage for the benefit of all sentient beings.'

In the end - in the end - truth will always win out. Truth is far stronger than falsehood. The reason is simple. Truth stands on its own two feet, stares you straight in the face, with nothing to hide, nothing to lose. Falsehood, however, is in constant fear; fear of being found out, of its deception being uncovered. It needs to work constantly to maintain itself, by perpetuating lie after lie to keep its deceptions going. It is engaged in a never-ending game of strategic manoeuvring, in an ultimately vain battle to shut up truth, beat it into silence, into submission. This is all it can do. It looks scary, but is in reality itself running scared.    

Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Twilight of the 'Media'

While the mainstream media remains awash with incredible toxicity, I highly recommend the website below for information on the coronavirus situation. I have linked to it before, but it's a refuge of courage and sanity.

More and more becomes transparent; who and what the different elements are which go to make 'the world' are there in full view. It's all on the table.


Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Please Deceive Me...

Part One: One Potato, Two Potato...

It's fifteen years ago that my mother died. It was a severe shock; yet it was hardly a surprise. For many years her health had been failing steadily, as more and more bits of her body gave up properly functioning. When people asked me what was wrong with her, I would tell them "Everything in the medical dictionary." They would look at me in an odd mix of horror and revulsion: "How could you possibly speak of your mother like that?" seemed to be the thought going through their head.

The thing is that it was true, more or less. Advancing years, the consequences of decades of crap food and smoking, periods of insufficient exercise, her early life lived with low self-esteem and chronic lack of  confidence; there's no such thing as a free lunch.

Hugely problematic digestive tract, chest problems and shortage of breath, diagnosed as primarily COPD brought on by tobacco smoking, and then the onset of attacks of angina: these were the main players in my mum's drama of physical woes.

Still, she carried on manfully (womanfully?). While she had a quality of life, she insisted, she was going to hang in there. She had, and she did. And then, one day, after a further horribly painful attack of angina, she looked at my sister and said "I've had enough." Within a few weeks she was dead.

My sister and I took a look at the death certificate, to see what the doctor pronounced as the cause of death. COPD, it said: chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder. Satisfied, my sister and I moved on, to continue with our lives as best we could.

It is only recently that I came to the realisation: my mother did not die because of COPD. That simply is not true. She died because of an entire variety of factors, including 'lifestyle choices', emotional and psychological elements, and a host of physical ailments. It is a sickness of modernity that it insists upon single-cause 'explanations', nice and easy so we can get on with life without asking too many tricky questions. If there was one single thing which the doctor could have truthfully written on my mother's death certificate, it was 'In the end she just gave up'; or 'Lost the will to live'. And, in another sickness of modern life, such reasons are not considered valid.

So, to return to the obsession of the moment…….. How many people have Covid-19? I haven't a clue. Neither do you. What's more, neither does anybody else.        

How many have died because of Covid-19? No idea. Neither have you. And neither does anybody else.

Covid-19 in general: no idea. Neither has anyone, pretty much. Anybody who does know a bit will most likely be kept pretty quiet.

These are the stories that make my stomach churn. About everybody entering hospital being tested for Covid-19, and then this going on the death certificate, regardless of their true and previous state of ill-health. Others being Covid-19 statistics without even a test, simply 'diagnosed' by symptoms. Then the next day, the figures come out, more dark prognoses, more panic, more 'lock-down and shut-up'.

I confess that I never imagined I would get to live in a society where such horror stories lurk just beneath the surface. Dying people refused family visits because of 'the virus'. Care homes tantamount to little Auschwitzes. What on Earth's going on in this country, and elsewhere? We could all at least say something, tell someone else, get word around: enough people know and things might change a little. It's a kind-of moment of reckoning. Who's going to at least say and do something? And who's just going to sit back?

Part Two: Don't Know Much About Biology....

It's true. I am famous for it. About a year ago I had some contact with a few folk who I went to school with fifty years ago. They had decided to have a reunion, and one of them managed to track me down - quite a feat, and one which deserved a little respect. There followed the predictable exchange of messages online between old (very old...) school friends. But it came out: I am remembered as a 'geographer', one of that small band of pupils who didn't get on with 'real' subjects like chemistry and maths, so instead studied geography.

Miraculously, I passed 'O' level exams in maths, chemistry, physics, and biology, all with the lowest 'pass' grade possible. This I achieved, not because I understood anything, but because I taught myself how to pass exams.

With this history behind me, it is both tragic and comic to imagine me sitting here trying to get my head around things like viruses, genetic material, exosomes and the like. But it has become important, in attempting to get a handle on what may be going on in the unique strangeness of now.

Below is the link to Dr Andrew Kaufman's video on YouTube. Required viewing, I suggest. He explains his viewpoints very clearly, and I might have done a bit better in biology than I did if I'd had teachers like him. I guess he's in the danger zone for YouTube deletion, but you'll find his video elsewhere if need be. Put 'Andrew Kaufman Covid-19' into a search engine, I'd suggest.


Part Three: Covid Magic

Coronavirus: corona virus
Corona virus: virus of the corona
Corona: 'Crown'. Crown: from the Latin 'corona'.
Crown: corona (Italian), corona (Spanish), couronne (French)

Crown: 'a gold and jewel-encrusted headdress worn as a symbol of sovereignty.' (dictionary)
Sovereign: 'possessing supreme power...… enjoying political autonomy.' Wearing a crown symbolises your power over your own kingdom, your own domain. Personal sovereignty: being your own boss.

Coronavirus: an infection of sovereignty, a virus of power. An infection of personal autonomy. A global virus, designed to remove a person's autonomy, their sovereignty over themselves. A slave virus, in other words.

Virus: 'something that poisons the mind or soul' (definition number three)

Also: The Crown, the Crown Chakra, the topmost bodily energy centre, the Sahasrara. The place where Shiva and Shakti unite, and higher truths are revealed. The Crown Chakra also provides access to what is beyond, to higher dimensions.

So 'confinement' is that of the human soul; 'lockdown' is the human spirit locked down in an inferior world, cut off from access to higher dimensions. Exit-door at the Crown Chakra shut tight.  Separated from its potential, its future destiny. The dark magic of control through confinement.

So there, in a nutshell, we seem to have it. And it is time to break the spell. Recognise it for what it is, and fear dissipates. the power of the dark magic recedes. The spell can be turned against itself: regain the lost power and sovereignty of your own individuality. Be your own worker of magic. This is the challenge being uniquely presented at this moment in human history, nothing less.

Images: Blake's Urizen
             Crown Chakra

Friday, 17 April 2020

This Nice Clean Planet

Part One

Many people have remarked approvingly on how, during the course of this nearly-universal lockdown, planet Earth has in many ways become cleaner. I said as much myself of late, citing the Venice canals among other examples.

The pollution which hangs over the Lombardy Plain over the winter months, and which most likely contributed to the large number of 'corona v. deaths' there, has decreased greatly, which is good news for nature and for the humans still living there. Here in the Highlands of Scotland, clear air with good visibility is the norm when it's not raining, foggy, cloudy, snowing, or anything else. However, in many places where fug and haze are the norm, reports are of better visibility, less crap in the air basically. All of which must be a good thing. Mustn't it?

It's one thing to say that a less polluted planet is a good thing. It is quite another to subtly - or not so subtly - suggest that this therefore justifies lockdown. Hundreds of millions of people will be negatively affected by the consequences of lockdown, particularly in poorer countries (an English way to say that they'll die of hunger). Nearly everybody's life will be more difficult economically. To justify corona v. lockdown by pointing to a cleaner planet is essentially saying that we are happy for many, many, many people to be thrown into poverty - and I mean real poverty. We are happy for millions of people to die vicious premature needless deaths for the sake of the planet.

We are getting close to ideas of eugenics and genocide here. Let's justify gassing a few million Jews for the sake of population reduction and a cleaner planet. More atomic bombs on Japan, anyone? The thinking is no different.

Part Two

'The ends justifies the means' is a dodgy argument altogether. There may or may not be situations in which it is itself justified, but handle with care. Great care. This is the philosophy which was used to propel many of the most hideous horrors of the last century, notably in the establishment of communist tyrannies. It comes out of an idealism executed fanatically. Best avoided altogether.

But the planet will be better off without all these dirty, horrible humans. I've heard this all too often. I disagree. And I suppose, in the final analysis, it comes down to metaphysics. It's a spiritual question, if you like. What is this world, its inhabitants, the cosmos? What is it all about? Well, in terms of my own experience, which is all I have to go on, it goes something like this:

Between roughly 2012 and 2016, I experienced a series of events which led me to the notion -well, more than a notion - that there is intent in the Universe. Or purpose; I prefer the word 'intent', though. And that intent is, for want of a better word, spiritual. Universal Mind, Infinite Consciousness, Buddha Mind, Source, God (whether these are all identical or not is secondary here): it wishes, in fact passionately desires, for us to become aware of its existence, and for us to come closer to it. Such is the intent embedded in life on Planet Earth. It is the meaning inherent in life, but it can only reveal itself when, as the Zen saying goes, the student is ready.

The thing is this: human consciousness seems uniquely equipped for this great leap, this conscious connection with Source. The different realms depicted on the Tibetan Wheel of Life amply illustrate this. Hell beings are too consumed in suffering and pain, while heavenly beings are overly engrossed in pleasure and bliss: what need tricky conscious development when everything's just great already? Animals lack self-awareness, and are stuck in food, reproduction, and other stuff right at the bottom of Maslow's hierarchy. And so on.

Human life, however, offers a tremendous variety, a richness of opportunity, the good, the bad, the ugly. A modicum of self-awareness. This is the loam rich in potential for awakening, for alignment with Universal intent.

Through the fragmentary evidence available, it is clear that the Gnostics also had this sorted. They describe how humanity is uniquely positioned for Gnosis. Conversely, this is what causes all the trouble for humans, too, particularly through the nefarious activities of the Archons. These are inorganic, and nasty pieces of work, driven by jealousy of humanity's organic nature, and determined to mess them up. Their attempts to deflect humans from their sacred purpose trickle down from the other-dimensional realms. Nowadays through Bill Gates, Soros, the Deep State, transnational organisations such as the UN and the EU. Through the lens of various NGOs, servile civil servants, politicians. Then oozing out into media, schools and universities, orthodox medicine, and giant energy suppliers.

The purpose of these receptacles of darkness is containment. To keep human beings in a little box, maintain their separation from that Universal intent, their higher purpose. Enough folk connect with that and the game is over. In a nutshell, this is the battle between good and evil being played out at this very moment in time.

Part Three

I was reading recently parts of the life story of Buddha, as told in its best-known form, based upon the Buddhacarita written by Ashvaghosa. It's very interesting what the piece has to say about events leading up to Buddha's Enlightenment (what it actually says, not what western minds too often select as it saying....):

This is what happens once the Buddha-to-be expresses his unstoppable determination to become Enlightened:

"The incomparable sound of his footsteps woke Kala, a serpent of high rank, who was as strong as a king elephant. Aware that the great Sage had definitely determined on enlightenment, he uttered this eulogy: 'Your steps, O Sage, resound like thunder reverberating in the earth; the light that issues from your body shines like the sun...… The flocks of blue jays which are whirling around in the sky show their respect by keeping their right sides towards you; the air is full of gentle breezes..."

There are a couple of other passages a little further in the story: ".... the denizens of the heavens felt exceedingly joyous, the herds of beasts, as well as the birds, made no noise at all, and even the trees ceased to rustle when struck by the wind: for the Lord had seated himself with his spirit quite resolved." And sweet-scented flowers fall from the sky a few paragraphs later.

What happens among humans is not a matter of unimportance to the entire ecosystem, if you want to use more modern lingo. The birds, the other animals, even the plants, are joyous indeed that awakening is taking place on the planet where they live. The wakening influences all.

Humans are a part of the ecosystem just as much as dolphins, coral reefs, and rainforests. The problem is that many have forgotten this. But the planet wishes the best for human life; it prays desperately for its success.

This planet could, and should, become nice and clean once more. But if this is effected through lockdown, enforced slavery, the impoverishment of huge numbers of human beings - self-inflicted species-ide - there is no goodness in that, just hatred of self, and a refusal to wake up to the magnificent possibilities inherent in human life. It is cruel and it is cowardice. It can become a nice clean planet through human beings waking up, not through remaining in ignorant slumber, which will only produce a clean hygienic hell. No good for humans, no good for the rest of Planet Earth.    


Monday, 13 April 2020

Fragments from Dystopia

Part One

I can see it now. I've just died. God is there to greet me. A glint comes into his eye as he puts the question: "So how did you like your little sojourn in the fascist state?"

To begin with I am perplexed, and go for my 'Dictionary of the Bardo' for assistance. The first definition says something about aggressive nationalism. No, that can't be it; if anything, it was the opposite, with nation states struggling for survival against other powers. Then I get it. 'Severe regimentation. Forcible suppression of opposition. Brutal dictatorial control.'

"It was completely antithetical to any higher aspirations of individual human beings" I reply. "Dumbing down to the lowest level through fear. A total nightmare, the worst thing. At the same time, it propelled many people to wake up a bit, and accelerated that process for those who were already on that road. It was the biggest paradox really."

God gives a wicked wink; did you know that God can be wicked? "Never forget that most valuable lesson" he says, as my not-yet fully-realised consciousness hurtles off for another rollercoaster ride with the good, the bad, and the very messy.

Fascist state. Very precise instructions on what we can do and what we cannot do. Obey or else, says the police chief. We might be doing this for months, states the medical adviser. Carry on saying that and we'll chuck you in jail, says the freedom-lover from Ofcom. Some of them really revel in it, don't they? It's a dream come true, all with the backing of the mediocrities of government. 'Who are these people?' is the question it is fitting to ask. Who do they think they are, really? It's all in the name of protecting us. Who are they kidding?

It's when we get to the supermarket that it really hits home. At least more people are a bit more relaxed about social distancing now, realising it's two metres, not two miles. Not so many people jumping into the nearest hedge to avoid us on the walk to the shop. In the supermarket, too, the majority are reasonably at ease, though there are still some wielding trolleys in a state of barely-controlled panic. So shot through with fear are they, that they may never go near another human being until the day they die.

The supermarket workers are largely impressive. It must be horrible working in such stressful conditions, but most go about their jobs pretty normally, natural and friendly. They are mainly young, and the youthful seem to take it all in their stride better than many of their elders. The girl at the check-out is handed cash - yes, cash - by the guy in front of me. She smiles at him, and takes it without flinching.

Despite the feeling that I've been dropped into 1960s East Germany except with the shelves better stocked, I'm not doing badly until I fall foul of the arrows. I decide to make a quick and minor diversion to the yogurts. "You can't come up here! You must follow the arrows! Look!" an older employee, a female who's decided to earn her keep, shrieks at me.

The urge arises, momentarily almost irresistible, to scream extremely loud, throw potatoes all over the place, skittle yogurts all over the floor, and stomp out. But I don't. It would achieve nothing, really.      

Part Two

Lockdown may or may not be justified, or maybe be partly so. What is without doubt not justifiable is its partner in the social engineering aspect of the whole shenanigan, which is censorship. The lockdown on the mind has been given cause to accelerate by the corona v. thing, which is one condition giving rise to the more 'conspiratorial' musings about the whole scene.

During times of war, government has deemed fit to introduce Ministry of Information, or similar. They think this is necessary to aid the war effort. Corona v. is being treated as a war by some, and social media, Ofcom, and the like have taken it on themselves to become the de facto global ministry of information. Funny how it all fits together.

The problem is that it's not that simple any more. It's not just a case of deleting a David Icke interview from YouTube, or telling people they can't talk about 6H (as we now call it, to avoid any social media robot coming along and wiping out all our work). The cat's out of the bag. The signal is up and out.

Last week we had a visit from the window cleaner. I was quite surprised. "Working?" my wife exclaimed. "Call the police. Arrest him!" And I thought my sense of humour was a bit dark....

Anyhow, it transpires that window cleaners are among the chosen few who are permitted to work. But the words the window cleaner uttered as he headed off with ladder on his shoulder were "The virus is man-made. Comes out of a laboratory."

And I received an email from an old friend who works in 'alternative health and nutrition' but is not exactly a conspiracy fiend. All sorts of ideas are around, she informed me, about labs in Wuhan, and about vaccines with microchips hidden inside them.

The disbelief in the lying mainstream media, or untrustworthy mainstream, is no longer confined to a few weirdos, who can be dismissed as paranoid conspiracy theorists. As its credibility sinks, so does awareness among increasing numbers of people rise. This is happy news indeed. And how it's going to play out in the days, months, and years to come is anybody's guess.

Part Three

I've been saying it for years: reliance by 'the alternative' on the Internet Giants is a huge mistake. It's a lesson that was learnt, then promptly forgotten, by the 1970s counter-culture. If you want to create that alternative, it needs to be thoroughgoing, comprehensive. Otherwise you are weak, vulnerable, to Big Brother biting back whenever he chooses to do so. And this is exactly what has been happening over recent years in the case of Silly Con Valley's social media networks and platforms, censoring and deleting increasingly at will.

Silly Con is enormous multinational business. It wields tremendous power, and in essence is no different from Big Pharma, Big Energy, and the others. It will not behave any better; names like Gates and Zuckerberg don't feature highly on the Bodhisattva list.

So there's no a lot of point in complaining too much when Alex Jones, David Icke, and the evergrowing list, get their stuff chucked off. When Pale G.V. first started up ten years ago I never used YouTube or any of them. I visited the individual websites - Neil Kramer, Shamanic Freedom, John Lash in those days - and it worked fine. I am reverting to this approach more again now.

So 'the alternative' is suffering from not developing its own media networks and platforms sufficiently. Naive, really. And I am no exception, sitting here with Mr Google, who could wipe me off with one click of a button. And while Pale G.V. is less high profile than Tommy Robinson, it's safe to say that nobody is safe.

Maybe there'll be a positive move after all this, forcing the alternative to use its own resources more, and therefore gaining strength. There may be a temporary downturn in viewers, but not a huge problem in the bigger picture. The high strangeness of today's world has a driving dynamic towards higher consciousness inbuilt.

In time, YouTube will become like the BBC, an organ for orthodoxy: boring, predictable, fighting desperately for survival.

Actually, dependence on the internet in itself is extremely naïve and silly. Again, I am little different from others. Much of my life is on the internet. My financial life, such as it is, appears as figures on a computer screen. Is that wise? The corona v. situation demonstrates how quickly and easily authority can ramp up its nefarious activities if it so wishes. And in terms of sources of information, it's not a bad idea to have a few of those old-fashioned books around, just in case.

The real solution is leaving behind dependence on the ways of three-dimensional life altogether. Once a certain point is reached, this seems less far-fetched and faraway than it once did. And the current corona v. situation hurtles us in the direction of what is a possibility, at least.

Part Four

Lockdown is intended, apparently, to especially be helping and protecting the old, the weak, the ill, the vulnerable. Let me tell you what lockdown does to the old, the weak, the sick, and the vulnerable.

To the fragile and dying, lockdown denies them the possibility of a satisfying end to their life. It prevents them from coming full circle in this time on Earth, on achieving completion in this lifetime.

Lockdown prevents that final trip to the hills, or to the beach, to watch the waves beating on the shore one more time, and to muse, to reflect, to wonder in awe. Or that little journey around the haunts of youth, bringing back buried memories, which suddenly make sense, fit together.

There are no more visits to town for lunch with those other frail, nearly-finished friends. Family reunions are forbidden; no final cuddles with the grandkids.

You can't do it. You can't. Instead, you are to stay indoors, in those darkened walls, to fade away in solitary misery, and in stress, in abject fear of the virus.

Cruelty, brutality, heartlessness, are being dished out in big helpings today. All in the name of kindness, of protecting the old, the sick, the helpless. There is this aspect, and it is terrible.

And if you've still got any fuel left in the tank - an interview with the nearly-dead Ian R. Crane in hospital last Friday. Anyone still thinking the coronavirus situation is all about loving your neighbour, pour a stiff whisky and take a listen.


Ian is another of those who first educated me about a decade ago. I don't go along with everything, but he is one of the good guys, and has dedicated his life to bettering life on planet Earth. I offer my humble thanks to him. Apparently he has come through the operation. Wishing you all the best, Ian.

Images: Albion by Blake; Two of Michelangelo's Captives struggling towards freedom

Friday, 10 April 2020

Notes From the War Zone

Part One

When the lockdown was first announced, I thought it would be a doddle. It described pretty much the life that I normally lead, after all. I was very wrong....

I failed to factor in a whole bunch of other, mainly non-lifestyle, elements. With lockdown, I suddenly sensed the opening up of a lot of 'empty psychic space'. And this new space provided ample room for a whole load of new energies to go into overdrive. Human and non-human; malevolent and benevolent: all of a sudden massive activity seemed to be going on. An invisible war, maybe, taking place in dimensions normally ignored or inaccessible. The real war, maybe.

In the meantime, I feel discomfort, a bit jittery typically. There's a lot going on, and it's happening really quickly. It's difficult to keep up. But there we go...

Part Two

I recall the lockdown being first announced by Boris Johnson. He wasn't at ease, relaying a message which clearly goes against his instincts and inclinations. "You mustn't do this, you can't do that...." Not his style at all. I thought he should have got somebody else to do the job, someone more suited. Nicola Sturgeon, the great Scottish headmistress, would have loved it. Completely in her element. Just imagine it: telling all those English people they've got to shut up and stay indoors.

It had to be Boris who got seriously ill. There's just something about it. It couldn't have been Matt the bully, the man from the Ministry of Ill Health. It couldn't have been Diane Abbott, or any of the mediocrities pretending to know what they are doing 'running the country.' No, it could only happen to Boris.

Post-Brexit, the Prime Minister has fallen out of favour personally. This  was due particularly to his 'leading the charge against climate change' bullshit, with new windfarms, crappy electric cars, regulations, regulations, regulations, all based on dodgy premises. Nevertheless, he exudes a human-ness which is notable for its absence in so many of our politicians and officials. I was genuinely disturbed to hear that he had got badly ill, and I wish him a quick and comprehensive recovery.

Part Three

And then there was London Real. The interview. David Icke. The interview. I sat down, grandstand seat, on Monday afternoon, in the bright light of the conservatory, and got ready. Actually, it wasn't playing properly on the London Real website, and I had to switch over to YouTube.

David's previous interview with Brian Rose, the London Real man, was explosive enough, and had nearly five million views. Now he was back, to say more about corona v. and the issues surrounding it. It was predicted to be even bigger.

It was an electrifying couple of hours. My wife wandered over just to see what was going on, and ended up watching the entire thing. There are rare moments in life when you feel privileged to 'have been there'; this was one of those moments.

Afterwards, Brian Rose described the atmosphere in the room of the interview as something unique in his years of interviewing many good and interesting people. It was as if David was channelling the info, he said. It seemed like that in places, even watching remotely.

Then YouTube pulled it. Without giving Brian any reason, at least until he badgered and badgered and badgered them again. The reason - or reasons - were clear enough to see to viewers, but still it was the familiar failure of courage and faith in open discussion from Big Silicon.

Coronavirus, discussed way outside the normal parameters, the official view of events. Icke held nothing back, naming names, bringing everything together in the way that he can. 5G and coronavirus: one of the new taboos. OFCOM has banned broadcasters from giving airspace to anybody wanting to discuss the topic. Which, of course, only makes you think that there must be something in it.

Then, the following day, we witnessed the magical and wondrous transformation of Brian Rose into a Freedom of Speech Superhero. A true warrior. Sod you, he said to YouTube, and Vimeo, who also took down the video. We don't need you. We're going to do this ourselves. So he just had it on the London Real site, which capacity he quickly got expanded. And over four million views to date. People sharing the link, telling other people about it. This is the way forward.

We don't need you; we're doing this ourselves. Rarely has such sweet language resounded in my ears. While this corona v. thing is reducing many people to quivering wrecks, there are people rising to the challenge, seeing through the crap, their courage and fearlessness coming through. It is one of the best things possible to see.

Part Four

Brian Rose has run his London Real thing for nigh-on a decade. He majors in self-help, fulfilling your potential, being healthy, helping people to run businesses successfully and positively. That's what he is, a really good guy who believes in positive stuff. Seeing him transform into a real freedom of speech, freedom of information, tiger is, as that nauseating phrase goes, something else......

As for the interview itself...… The first half is, in my view, of vision of rarely-conjured depth and darkness. And it just gets deeper and darker. If you want to know what the dystopian nightmare looks like, listen to David Icke on global control and the not-so-royal road to artificial intelligence and the end of the game.

And then, as if by a miracle, Icke starts on the either side of his work, the part that tiny people prefer to ignore and dismiss. The current crisis, he says definitively, is an opportunity. A great opportunity for human beings to stand up and wake up. The choice is there, and each and every one of us must individually decide which path we are going to follow.

And Brian Rose asks him what the 'solution' is. The solution, replies Icke, refusing to falling into strategies, directives or blueprints, comes when 'we stop acquiescing to power'. Or, more correctly 'when we stop acquiescing to the illusion of power.' This phrase I find beautiful, and a mantra for the present day. When we stop acquiescing to the illusion of power. It's a magic trick, a black and magnificently successful one. the power trip, the power trick. We are - it's Icke's way of putting things - infinite consciousness having an individual experience. And if we are infinite consciousness having an individual experience, how can we be cowed? How can we be afraid? How can we panic? This is what the great deception is at its core. It is 'them' who are afraid and weak. Otherwise, why should they be so desperate so shut up dissent at every opportunity?

Part Five

People are encouraged at this bizarre time, to 'come together'. Which begs the question: what does 'coming together' mean? We can come together in vastly different ways. Truly coming together doesn't mean everybody turning into mindless, cowering, panic-stricken robots, all united in fighting an imaginary war against possible deception. It means each and every one of us calling upon all our resources of intelligence and discernment to get to the bottom of the 'problem' through discussion, debate, openness, and honesty. We are unique magnificent creatures, not a sub-species of lemming. David Icke may or may not be correct - I suspect there's a bit of both - but we'll never know when 'they' refuse to allow the debate in the first place.

Enjoy your hot cross buns.

A couple of worthwhile links: Amazingly, the David Icke interview is still up on the London Real website as I write. Catch it now, or possibly never. And pass it on; however much you 'believe' what David has to say, other perspectives are vital at this moment in time, to try and make any sense of the weirdness.

And an inspirational interview that James English did with Icke recently, which explains how he got to be where he is at the moment. He describes his own awakening experience, especially its culmination in Peru. This is a very nice video to watch.




Monday, 6 April 2020

Tulshuk Lingpa and the Crack in the World

Part One

The book was recommended to me by a blog friend. Actually, that's not true. He wondered whether I had read it and, if so, what I thought. Although I was vaguely aware of its existence, I had never paid it any attention. However, after a quick reconnoitre, I decided that it might just be the right book at the right time. This all happened shortly before the world shut down, so the book plonked into the hallway in quick time.

I had only read a few pages when it began to dawn on me. It was an old and familiar feeling. "Oh no. It's that kind of book." Sure enough. First, the vacuum cleaner broke down. On taking it apart, my wife announced that an entire piece of the filter system was missing. Quite a big, bulky part. Now, it is theoretically possible that I just threw it out by mistake when emptying the cleaner, but even I would be pushed to do such a thing.

The following day, in the bathroom after having a shower, I glanced at the clock. It had stopped. On closer inspection, however, I discovered that it was still going. But it was running five hours slow. Five hours precisely.

It was that kind of book.

It is possible, I have known for two decades now, to enter that state of being where the mind influences the physical universe, and vice versa. Or, more accurately, where it becomes apparent that this distinction is a fabrication, and that 'mind' and 'outer universe' are one, the distinction itself a mental construct. When that world is entered, one acts upon the other, and it is where synchronous events become, if not the norm, at least fairly normal.

And the book?

The feeling and flavour of 'A Step Away From Paradise: the true story of a Tibetan lama's journey to a land of immortality' is closer to Castaneda than anything else I can think of. The world teems with spirits and supernatural beings, some malevolent, some friendly and helpful. It's a multidimensional world of magic, in which precise, ritualised acts bring about events which, to the rational mind, make no sense and bear little resemblance. Mind and matter influence one another to effect baffling synchronicities, serving to demonstrate that 'mind' and 'matter' are actually poles on a single continuum.

Tulshuk Lingpa, the Tibetan lama in question, while still a young boy, witnesses another high lama throw rice into the air and transform it into phurbas, magical daggers. Unfazed, the little Tulshuk plucks one out of the air, and it becomes his constant companion thereafter. He cures an entire village, which has been shunned by the whole world because all of its inhabitants have leprosy. This he achieves by divining the root cause of the malaise, and banishing the angry spirits who have brought this curse to bear on the village. All the inhabitants are miraculously cured by the ritual magic and great compassion of Tulshuk Lingpa.

The list of events continues. Most significantly, though, is the prediction that Tulshuk Lingpa is the one to 'open' the gates to the secret hidden valley of Beyul Demoshong, a place concealed from normal sight, but which provides refuge for the emperilled Tibetan people.

The tales of Castaneda have their many detractors, and sceptics find the Don Juan thing fairly easy to refute. The tale of Tulshuk Lingpa is far more difficult to dismiss as fiction and fantasy. The book is the result of several years of research and interviews painstakingly undertaken by the author, Thomas K. Shor, only recently, in the early years of the 21st century. Tulshuk Lingpa lived from 1916 until 1963, and there remained at the time of Shor's research a goodly number of Tibetan folk who could recall the lama and the stories connected to his life. Even the craziest of these stories is confirmed time and again, and in detail, by witnesses from the past. It passes the test of corroboration, should corroboration be your thing.

'Tulshuk' means 'crazy'. Tulshuk Lingpa is the crazy high lama. Unconventional, unpredictable, bound by no rules or rituals, not least those associated with Buddhist orthodoxy. He sees through and beyond all this stuff, into the real world behind habits, strictures, appearances. He is a multidimensional hero.

"Don't listen to anybody. Decide by yourself and practice madness. Develop courage for the benefit of all sentient beings." (from Tulshuk Lingpa's 'Guidebook to the Hidden Land')

Part Two

From the bold multidimensional perspectives of Tibetan tantra, prepare to collapse dramatically back into the small and limited box of three-dimensional existence, sometimes referred to by the unimaginative as 'normality'. We are heading towards the claustrophobic and somewhat dark viewpoint of a particular corner of the 'information world' - or the information war - entitled 'Misinformation' or 'Fact-Checking'.

These two expressions are cropping up with increasing frequency. They are, in brief and not to beat about the bush, part of the concerted attempt to shut up, to censor, dissenting voices - in the media in general, and the internet above all. For 'misinformation' read 'information that we don't like or agree with, or which is inconvenient to our ends.' For 'fact-check' read 'information which doesn't suit our view of the world, which doesn't fit into our own tiny-box version of reality.'

When Democrat-led US Congress recently demanded to know what YouTube was going to do about 'misinformation' on climate change, it was clear this had nothing to do with facts, or truth, or reasoned discussion and debate, or indeed climate. They simply wanted to shut up, exclude, anybody who presented data, statistics, which contradicted the madness behind the Green New Destroy-America. Sorry, Green New Deal.

It is with matters of health that misinformation and fact-checking have their real field day. A zealous approach comes immediately into play when controversial topics like vaccination come up. Anti-vaxxers will be hunted down ruthlessly. It's not a question of who is right or wrong. It's a question about whether a discussion should be allowed.

Predictably, fact-checkers are especially vigilant at the moment, when matters concerning coronavirus are rife. Suggest something that seems pretty simple and harmless to me, such as that large doses of vitamin C may help to ward off and assist recovery from corona v., and you will be treated like an enemy of civilisation. In fact, question anything about the official version of events, and you're likely in for trouble, from people who want to censor you out of existence.

'We need to protect the public' is the plea. Total bullshit. Who are 'we'? Why should I trust 'we', judging by past experience? The implication is extremely patronising. 'We' are some kind of super race with a monopoly on love and truth, while the general public is helpless, useless, incapable of making its own decisions. Gullible idiots we are, it seems.

The thing at the moment is the purported link between coronavirus and 5G. The mainstream and misinformation police have been going apeshit about it; which, of course, only goes to make one feel there must be something in it.

Bucking the modern trend, which is that we are all well-informed specialists on everything, and have an expert opinion to go with it, I have no fixed opinion on the 5G thing. I don't know enough. I have, however, managed to root out a couple of articles on the subject (increasingly difficult to do, thanks to the fact-check zealots), and they provide arguments that are reasoned and reasonable, coherent and with inner cohesion. To simply come along, as do the 'official experts', and say that the links are 'baseless' is no good. It's no longer acceptable. And, in the revolution for good that could yet come of the coronavirus situation, it just won't work anymore. The least that needs to appear is a reasoned and reasonable counter-argument. But this does not seem to be forthcoming. The stature of officialdom diminishes by the minute.

Coronavirus represents the final collapse of credibility for officialdom. At least, this is the opportunity, the window of opportunity, it presents to human beings. No more belief in a bunch of people, just because they've got a fancy name. Government aides; who are they? Government health advisers; who are these people, what are their qualities to be in this position? Climate scientists; let's have a butchers at who they really are and what they're up to. OFCOM; who are they? IPCC; who are they? WHO; who are these dudes telling us about health for the planet?

Invariably the answer is the same. They have been put there by someone else. Who has been put there by someone else. Who has been appointed by someone else who's been put there. And so it goes on. It's the manufactured way the world has been fabricated. And it really is the time to bring it down.

Science; the scientific approach; the scientific worldview. This is the key. For two centuries, western civilisation has been fed the superiority and progressive, ameliorative story of science. The world consists entirely of things that can be seen, measured, weighed. That's it. So entrap the population in the thrall, the total belief,  of science-as-truth-and-god. Then feed them junk science. Feed them lies clothed in scientific jargon. Feed them uncertains and unknowables dressed up in figures and percentage points. Until we arrive at our current juncture: the world shaped by computer modelling. Junk science at its worst. Modelling, which can be tweaked to show absolutely anything you wish. It has worked a treat. Until now.

Part Three

And the link between fact-check and Tibetan tantriks? The world of Tulshuk Lingpa and the divine madness of the Nyingma lamas is a far more complete model of the theatre of human life than is that of scientific reductionism and misinformation. The contrast is enough for a knock-down in a lock-down. The tantric view celebrates the gamut of magic, illogic, which characterises human existence, human reality. The mainstream scientific worldview sees linear time-and-space, and this alone. The world as a bunch of dominoes.

For the most part, I suspect that fact-checkers and misinformation zealots are not evil people. They are simply folk whose perspective on life is extremely limited. They have fully bought into the modern ways, and have shut themselves into a tiny box, which they fervently believe is the only box, as a result.

It is an occasional sadness of mine that serious practitioners of tantra and other deep energetic work don't see the revolutionary implications of their lives. How distinct their take on life is from that of orthodoxy. Take on board fully the tantric view, and the whole mainstream pack of cards comes tumbling down. The world of authorities and officialdoms as we know it will simply collapse. Their magic over populaces will no longer work, and be revealed for what it is, a hideous act of black magic. Many practitioners of 'alternative spirituality' have failed to connect all the dots. Maybe it's a failure of courage.

To the likes of Tulshuk Lingpa, the felt and experienced world is infinite. Conversely, the main goal of modern mainstream is containment. Keep the souls and spirits of people contained - contained within a bastardised form of science, within a nihilistic system of belief, within a little box - and they are easily cowed into submission. Allow the human spirit to run free, to explore its energetic possibilities, and this will be paradise for the individual, but will open up an infernal Pandora's box for the official view of the world.

This could be the upside of the world-as-coronavirus. In some respects we've hit rock-bottom. It's the best chance many of us will have to see what living in a totalitarian police state is really like. And sometimes you need to hit rock-bottom to wake up the angels, the wise ones, the protectors of true human spirit, to arouse the magnificence of the individual human project.

Postscript: The Unknown Soldier

Big Billy died on Friday. He'd been bad for a while; there's only so much a dodgy heart can take, I suppose.

Spent his life on the buses - thirty five years. He was proud of his service, his contribution, a dying breed, really. He tried to be cheerful with the passengers even when he didn't feel like it, unlike some of his colleagues.

He was in hospital for three days before his heart finally gave up. They gave him his own room at the end, which was nice of them. His daughter was with him at the end.

They tested him for the virus, but he was clear. He didn't make it into the statistics. He never wanted to be a celebrity anyway.

His daughter brushed a tear from her lap, talked to the nursing staff, then hurried into the evening. She hadn't eaten all day, and with the shorter opening hours these days, you never know.

She found an M and S. The lights were dull metallic grey, and lots of staff stood around military-like, making sure nobody strayed into the clothing section. She didn't really notice.

Her room was cold when she got in. She ate her something-and-mash, then turned on the tele. Some kid who'd just died with the virus. Nearly six hundred today, they said. She turned it off again.

Rummaging through a bottom drawer, she found a little photo of Billy. "I love you, dad" she trembled, as she made room for him on the bedside table. She slumped onto the bed and into tears. The next thing she knew it was light outside.

Images:  Tulshuk Lingpa
              The book
              Blake's Urizen the fallen man
              Fact Check at work
              The Scream by Munsch
              The Unknown Soldier, the Doors



Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Don't Panic-Demic!

I can't say that I know what the current coronavirus situation is or means. Nothing special about that. What becomes clearer by the minute and the hour, however, is that the official version of events, churned out by mainstream media and parroted by most politicians, bears little resemblance to the real nature of covid-19. And some of the measures implemented across the face of the globe are increasingly suspect in terms of offering reasoned and reasonable solutions. I provide a link below to an interesting website, which catalogues on a daily basis some of the evidence demonstrating all this.

Interestingly, some of our brothers and sisters in mainland Europe appear to be way ahead of the British 'experts' in seeing through some of the fraud. Particularly interesting, I find, is how many Germans are coming to the fore. Germans who, for the past seventy years, have been cowed into subservient obedience and submission by historic guilt. Finally standing up a bit against what they're told. Good for them.  


Recognising the disconnect is the easy part. Peeking behind the curtains and veils to see what's really going on is the tricky bit. While there is undoubtedly the 'rolling out of global police state' aspect, my hunch is that there's more to it than that. And that it's not wholly 'bad'.

Life is multidimensional, and what is playing out at present is very much so, I submit. We live in a world which operates synchronistically as well as in linear cause-and-effect, which is the norm in our everyday three-dimensional world. Many conditions are coming together to create, well, something new..... many people will probably be largely unaware of the changes, but changes there will be. That's my intuition.

The 'good' is not in the realm of 'social camaraderie: we're all in this together; the war spirit.' Neither is it a case of no more horrible aeroplanes and doughnuts, a kind of force-fed scarcity and Hunger Games scenario. We are speculating far deeper and elusive than these superficial considerations.

All of which might turn out to be nonsense. We'll see......