Welcome into the vortex........

anarcho-shamanism, mountain spirits; sacred wilderness, sacred sites, sacred everything; psychonautics, entheogens, pushing the envelope of consciousness; dominator culture and undermining its activities; Jung, Hillman, archetypes; Buddhism, multidimensional realities, and the ever-present satori at the centre of the brain; a few cosmic laughs; and much much more....

all delivered from the beautiful Highlands of Scotland!

Sunday, 28 June 2020

The Underbelly

Part One: Disclosure

It is probably twelve years ago when I began to properly descend the rabbit hole where 'the world' is not as normally presented. There existed at the time one or two television channels easily accessed on normal tvs which delved into this kind of material a bit. 'Consciousness tv' was one which turned up from time-to-time.

There was one face in particular which became familiar to me during this period. I can't remember the name of the guy. He had a Geordie accent and was always going on about 'disclosure'. Why wasn't there disclosure? When was disclosure going to happen? Who was hiding what - not disclosing the information? It seemed to verge on an obsession.

'Disclosure' in this context refers to giving facts to the general public about the existence of extra terrestrials - information known to governments and other agencies for quite a while now, but withheld from the population at large.

I never really understood the supposed importance of disclosure, and why this guy got so worked up about it. I mean, a few jolly little extra-terrestrials with bug eyes turning up every now and again: what's the big deal?

It is only recently, with the playing of the Covid card, that I have come to realise a little more what the extra-terrestrial disclosure matter is all about. It is not concerned with their existence as such, but with their influence on, and interference in, human affairs.

It's funny, in retrospect, how I failed to connect the dots. I have written on-and-off for years about the nefarious effects on human life of the archons, the archontic mindset. The archons are ultra-terrestrial rather than extra-terrestrial, strictly speaking - they are not necessarily visitors from another planet, but share the same 'space' as humans 'occupy' but in a different dimension. Nevertheless, the effect amounts to the same: the interference in human activities of a non-human and, in this case dark and negative, force, one that most humans remain completely oblivious to. A force that has not been subject to disclosure.

It was with the arrival of the Covid event that everything changed for me. I immediately sensed it, clear as a bell: 'evil is abroad; evil has walked into the room; what was hidden has now broken ground.' These were the phrases which entered my mind, and have continued to this day. Evil, in the form of a non-human force, is around for anyone with half an eye open to see. Unfortunately, most people appear to have both eyes closed....

The non-human, psychopathic element is the only thing which makes any sense of the madness which has been unleashed on human life in recent months. Everything seems silly, inconsistent, crazy. That's because it's being viewed through the wrong lens - a rational, human lens. It is not intended to make sense from this viewpoint. Change the lens, regardless of how ridiculous this new lens may initially appear to you, and suddenly everything falls into place.

What was hidden is now on the surface: in a sense, disclosure is already taking place. But there are people around who predict that ET existence will be revealed to the public increasingly over the coming period. This makes sense. There is a point where the invisible power needs to make itself properly known, in order to further its nefarious agenda.

For some reason, this agenda seems to be rushing forward at present, as if it's been put into fast-forward mode. Maybe its transparency is becoming too obvious; they need to reach endgame before too many people wake up to what's staring them in the face. Maybe there's something in the stories that the vibrations on planet Earth are shifting upwards, encouraging human consciousness to wake up, and making it more difficult for 'reptilians' to maintain their disguise in human form. I don't know. But something's going on, for sure.

There are many issues surrounding ETs and disclosure. The number of astronauts who have reported sightings of non-human entities or spacecraft during their ventures beyond is just one. For example, Neil Armstrong allegedly stated when stepping onto the surface of the Moon "They're here, they're parked on the side of the crater, they're watching us." Needless to say, we weren't told about this.

It was another of those youthful puzzles that I had: why, when it seemed to be becoming so easy to get there, was Moon exploration just stopped? Nobody seemed to say anything much about it. It just didn't happen any more. Maybe humans were warned off by the reptilians or similar who were already there. It's the most plausible explanation I've come upon.

And then there are the many rumours about the E.T. hoax invasion. We've had the climate hoax and the plandemic hoax. The E.T. invasion hoax is next. And guess what? It requires strong global governance to deal with this new threat. Don't say you haven't been warned....

Part Two: AI

There are certain notions that I have found so utterly repugnant that I have been unable to bring myself to look at them properly. Until the Covid event, that is, with evil walking into the room, and all personal prejudices needing to be put aside.

One such notion is that of AI, or artificial intelligence. It's easy to consider AI simply in terms of friendly little robots who help with the dishwashing, but the implications of AI are far deeper than this. In its totality, its endgame, artificial intelligence suggests replacing what we might consider 'human intelligence' with that of machines. Wiring up the human brain with the computer brain; turning the creative human being into a kind of pre-programmed robot. Something like that.

This means two things, in brief. It means complete control over human activity - which will no longer be human activity in the way we still consider it (just about). And it means the severing of humanity's connection with 'Spirit', with God, Universal Mind, whatever term you wish to employ to describe that dimension to life beyond the pig trough (with apologies to pigs).

This is what is truly 'evil': cutting the connection with the spiritual, with higher endeavour. With humanity's higher purpose. This is the coveted wish of those non-human forces at work at the moment, working 24/7 to destroy all that is to be cherished in human existence. You see, this is what they lack, this connection with Source. This is why they manifest psychopathy. This is why they hate humanity, and want to enslave it. They wish to turn humans into lookalikes of their own artificial, programmed, non-creative twilight existence.

You can already see it, as young people grow up into a world defined by smartphones rather than flesh-and-blood human beings. And, with this realisation, so many of the weird facets of the Covid affair become immediately less weird. Face masks, removing the individual human being from the equation, covering, erasing, the character, the individual expression. We're all faceless lookalikes now. The social distancing, limiting proper human interaction. The contact tracing, the use of apps and smartphone technology for everything, linking our every move to technology. It's a nightmare that each and every one of us should do all within our powers to resist.

Oh, and if you think face masks have anything to do with 'health and safety' just do a little homework, please. And how come face masks were not compulsory on public transport in the UK when the plandemic was at its peak? But now that it's disappearing, suddenly face masks are obligatory? It's archontic bullshit, and it's evil.

Part Three: Mask of the McBeast

Here in Scotland, relaxation of the lockdown is a few weeks behind that in England. "Ah, it's because the virus reached here after it arrived in England" is the stock answer I'm given if I dare to ask the question. I don't think I need to waste time here pointing out how there is no logic to this 'argument' at all.

A number of Highland folk have expressed concern, alarm even, at the perceived speed with which lockdown rules are being relaxed south of the border, despite it being snail's pace compared with much of Europe. There is a fresh insight into certain aspects of the mentality of some Scots here for me, something which evokes words like careful, cautious, timid, submissive....

This is all true to form for our Great Leader, the Sturgeon. She must be loving this opportunity to make her own rules, tell people what they can and cannot do. This is her dream come true - almost.

From Monday this week, wearing a face mask or covering was made mandatory in Scotland on public transport. That is to say on buses, trains, the usual stuff...... and taxis. The truth is often in the details, the small print. In England, I believe, it is still possible to get into a taxi with your smiley face revealed, though Uber have deemed this too risky. But here in Scotland, the Sturgeon is always keen to get ahead in the game.

As a form of 'public transport' I have always considered taxis as marginal cases. It's public in the sense that the general public can use them. But it differs from all the rest in that you can go where you want to. There is a degree of independence for both customer and driver that is absent in other public transport.

For this reason, I have a certain good feeling towards taxi drivers in general. Even if they are signed up to a particular taxi company, still there is a degree of independence about how they go about their business: when they work, how many hours etc. Many taxi drivers I have spoken to were once working in a more corporate and organised world, but for a variety of reasons end up behind the wheel of a cab.

It is typical of Sturgeon and SNP-think to want to regulate whatever happens inside a taxi (most likely owned personally by the driver). It's this over-reach of rules, regulations, authority, into every nook and cranny of life which distinguishes their approach. Their wet dream is to delve into every little detail of your Highland life and to tell you what you can and cannot do. They are nationalistic authoritarians - the very antithesis of true independence, if truth be told. It's the demonic inversion at work once again.

Our local heroine is also happy to lie through her teeth if she thinks it suits her cause. While announcing the slight easing of lockdown restrictions last week, she said this was possible because infections were decreasing, and this was because of our lockdown. This is lying. We may all have our own opinions on lockdown, but the truth is that we just don't know. It's almost impossible to really know - though I suggest that evidence for the great benefit and necessity of lockdown is weak.

For Sturgeon and her cronies in Holyrood, the State is everything. The individual does not get a look-in. Whatever the perceived problem should be, whether real or imagined, the 'solution' is the same: more state control, more state regulation. Big government, Big McBrother.

One industry that has been booming (until this year, of course) in Scotland in general, and in the Highlands especially, has been tourism. Visitors and revenues have both been soaring. It had struck me as curious (initially) how the Scottish misgovernment had failed to show much enthusiasm over all this. You might expect them to be over the moon about all the extra money, but no, not really. In fact, they continued to encourage projects such as closing public toilets in remote areas (in order to save money!), which discouraged tour companies from running coach holidays in these regions (people need a pee, especially if, as is the case with many coach tours, they are largely rather elderly people).

It took a while for the penny to drop. And then.... This is not the kind of industry that the SNP wants. You see, tourism is relatively democratic; egalitarian, you could say. It is based on large numbers of small enterprises, such as guest houses, Air B and Bs, local pubs and cafes. People with a bit of individual initiative do well from tourism in Scotland.

No. This is not what they are interested in. They are interested in large, corporate, multinational concerns. Windfarm companies fit the bill far better. Government, big business: keep it in the family. All part of the same network, often the same few people, feeding off each other. State subsidies (in effect) to windfarm conglomerates, hand-outs to local communities, thereby binding them into financial dependence, and so on. Perfect.

It is said that the Archons have a picture of Nicola Sturgeon hanging above their beds. They give it a kiss every night before going to sleep. They are not very good at smiling, but a smile at bonnie wee Nicola is something that they sometimes manage. She is such a darling in their eyes.

Images: Top and centre: 4.bp.blogspot.com
             Bottom: Archon Fashion Weekly


Sunday, 21 June 2020

A Clever Illness

During the six months or so that it has apparently been around, our new Covid illness has achieved many remarkable things. It has succeeded in crashing the global economy like nothing before. It has managed to set half the world's population under house arrest. It has induced panic in vast numbers of people, to the detriment of their physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual health. It is truly a wonder virus.

Most remarkably, maybe, it has recently shown itself to be able to distinguish between people of different belief systems and ideologies. This has become clear as the George Floyd situation has arrived on the world scene as accompaniment to the virus situation. In short, the virus is not dangerous to Black Lives Matter protesters. It only affects non-Woke people. Amazing.

Just one example of the discerning powers of the Covid bug comes from Brighton Council. I have lost the original source, but this is the gist.

For anybody from outside the UK, I should explain that Brighton is a place on the English south coast. It has a popular stony beach and it is the woke capital of Britain. The local council recently issued warnings that people should stay away from the city centre if at all possible, in the interests of safety. Be safe, be responsible, stay at home: we've all been there. A few days later, it issued another statement encouraging protests and demonstrations (ie large public gatherings) in support of BLM in the city, provided they were 'peaceful and safe'.

Across the world, people are told to 'socially distance' if they don't want to kill lots of other people. Unless they wish to participate in a BLM protest, in which case distancing is out the window. So, clearly, the virus is deadly dangerous to non-woke people, but BLM and wokeness generally provide automatic immunity. Truly remarkable.

Just one more instance of an official story riddled with inconsistencies and lunacy. But it serves one useful purpose:

I have followed carefully what David Icke has had to say since the outbreak of the Covid thing. He has been a beacon of light. At the same time, there have been a few things he has claimed that I have remained sceptical about. Prime among them has been his belief that the virus does not actually exist. In Rose/Icke1, he spoke as if he still believed in its existence. However, by the time Rose/Icke 2 came along, he had changed his mind. "The virus does not exist" he famously stated; and as a result found himself chucked off Facebook, YouTube, and elsewhere.

I found it impossible to go along with David. My main reservation lay in the many statements from doctors and others that they were seeing a new kind of illness, new symptoms. Not typical 'flu-like symptoms', but something that goes straight for the lungs, leading to oxygen deprivation, inability to breathe, like being deposited on the top of Everest without an oxygen cylinder, as one described it. It was this unique nature of something going on which caught me.

This has got blown away by seeing the way that 'authorities' have turned a selective blind eye to large gatherings, provided they are for the right cause. A virus is dangerous or it isn't dangerous. One rule for one, another rule for another, sounds irresponsible in the extreme. If social gatherings are dangerous, send BLM supporters home, for their own sake. Simple. And, since they aren't being demonised as irresponsible people, the only reasonable conclusion to reach is that social distancing is indeed a load of mind-control bollocks, and the virus ain't out there killing people all over the place. Either that, or it's a conspiracy to kill lots of black and woke people. You never know... 

I have also recalled how, over the weeks, I have come across many comments from various people describing how they suffered an atypical flu, with really bad lungs, a really horrible illness, back in November and December 2019, January and February this year, both in the UK and USA, before the Covid thing was supposed to have arrived. David Icke himself describes having such an illness, along with one of his sons.

As a result of putting these events together, I am prepared to now say that, on balance, I think the virus does not exist. It is a total hoax. Or, should it exist, it is nothing special in its killing power. For sure, it possesses not the power to disrupt the everyday affairs of human society. Not one bit.

An excellent summary of many salient points by Neil Kramer here:


And last weekend David Icke turned up once more at londonreal for rose/icke iv. I was tempted not to listen: what more could be left to say? But it is excellent, in parts brilliant. Three hours of dark truths and authentic inspiration. Go for it....


Wednesday, 17 June 2020

The Place of the Female Cannibal

Part One

The Place of the Female Cannibal. Sounds like the meeting point for a particularly weird kind of sexual fetish. But it isn't....

The Place of the Female Cannibal is Simoling, a small village tucked away in the Himalayan foothills of north-west India. Seventy years ago its inhabitants were treated on approach the same way that I am by ardent social distancers today. Fear and panic would be the overriding reaction, with the same temptation to jump into the nearest ditch or river (it was too arid for hedges to flee into around Simoling).

Unlike the panic-stricken dodgers out of my way, into the path of a passing car, the folk of the neighbouring villages to Simoling at least had good reason to steer clear. The residents of this poor little habitation had the unfortunate experience of waking up in the morning to find that bits of their fingers, toes, nose, and other body parts, had disappeared overnight. Everyone was losing bits of their body; it was hardly surprising that the village was undergoing severe depopulation, and that folk from elsewhere avoided visiting Simoling at any cost.

In modern times, we would talk of an outbreak of leprosy. Nobody knew who would be next; the village seemed doomed to extinction.

A young man from Simoling, one of its few inhabitants who had not yet experienced bits of his body falling off, determined, against all odds, to find help. Chokshi set off on a journey to find someone who could help, a trail which led him eventually to Tso Pema, a lake associated with Padmasambhava, and to Tulshuk Lingpa. Without hestitation, Tulshuk agreed to come.

"And then this lama did what no one else had dared: he actually came to our village. We knew we were grotesque..... fingers, hands, forearms, elbows, feet, knees, and legs, noses, ears and lips in various stages of decay and disappearance, slowly eaten by festering wounds...… he (Tulshuk Lingpa) showed not the slightest horror at our disfigurement, handling our wounds and trying to heal them with Tibetan medicine. He climbed the mountain behind the village to the monastery and moved in. We could hear the drum and human thighbone horn at all hours of the day and night" as Tulshuk conducted rituals to rid the village of the disease.

To cut a fairly long story short: At first the rituals didn't work, so Tulshuk Lingpa called on some other masters of ritual to join him. Then, one day, he announced to the village: "The disease has gone. You are safe now." And so it was: leprosy cursed the village of Simoling no more.

What a wonder, a miracle, it was for those villagers to be visited by someone of great compassion, full of courage and free from fear.

The root of the disease had been the greed of the villagers. They had cut down trees by the water spring to use for making houses. This had angered the local serpent spirits, who had brought down the disease as consequence. Tulshuk Lingpa succeeded in banishing the serpent spirits, and all was well. Not only that, the villagers offered him the local monastery in thanks, an offer that he accepted, moving permanently into the village which was once the haunt of leprosy.

And the relevance of the story to our 'current situation' needs no explaining....

Part Two

Put people into a state of panic/fear and they are putty in your hands. They'll do anything you say, without question. At the moment we see increasingly weird mask-wearing and social distancing dictates coming out all the time, many of which the panic-stricken accept without a murmur. This is 'harvesting consent' to all manner of nefarious activities. 'Bend me, shape me, any way you want me' as a song I grew up with in the 1960s tells.

With so much fear around, the appearance of fearlessness is like an emotional oasis in a dry and life-sapping desert. Tulshuk Lingpa was one such example. There is a Buddha associated with fearlessness. His name is Amoghasiddhi. I know a little about this Buddha figure, and am aware of one or two Buddhists who meditate upon him regularly.

While it is great to have a Buddha of fearlessness, the problem is that nobody really told me what fearlessness truly is, or how it might be developed. Merely visualising a Buddha figure apparently related to fearlessness just wouldn't cut the mustard. I only discovered more about fearlessness very recently, from the figure of David Icke.

I have watched and listened to hours of David over the past three months. It seems to me that he is a man without fear. Watch him enough, and this awe-inspiring quality begins to shine through, to rub off on you even, to transmit itself. Truly a beacon amidst the toxicity and nonsense that characterises most 'communication and information' at the moment.

What's more, the root of fearlessness is explained simply and lucidly by Icke. It is a matter of personal identity. While a person identifies with the physical body, the five senses, this life and this life alone, then that person will be plagued with fear. But if they realise and experience that they are more than that - that they are 'infinite awareness having an experience through this particular body', to paraphrase David's words - fear will not come into the equation. It cannot.

If a person's true nature is infinite awareness, there is nothing to gain, nothing to lose, nothing to fear. Again to use David's words: it is a matter of perception, of who we perceive ourselves to be. Absolute Mind, Universal Mind, Mind Only, there are variations on the theme. But realise this dimension of being, and the freedom of fearlessness will seamlessly follow.    

The story of Simoling can be found in 'A Step Away From Paradise' by Thomas K. Shor

Monday, 8 June 2020

Out Of Africa

It's a while ago that Pale G.V. put forward an unfashionable proposition regarding the nations of Africa. It was that many African countries have been independent for quite a long time now - 50 years, 60 or more. Maybe it's time for western governments (and NGOs, I would add) to stop indiscriminately pouring money into largely corrupt coffers of African officialdom. Instead, it's time for African nations to get themselves together, become properly independent and resourceful, and root out the worst excesses of their corruption. Only they can pull themselves out of the poverty trap that many find themselves in.

It was heartening beyond words, therefore, to hear of a couple of African national leaders standing up for themselves in the midst of the current virus scam. Read on....

With inner bullshit detector on full alert, the President of Tanzania sent a bunch of samples off for Covid testing. Unknown to the testers, some of the materials were not from humans at all. Back came the results. Goat - coronavirus positive. Papaya - coronavirus positive. That test sure comes up with the goods. You couldn't make it up.

And in Madagascar, a traditional plant remedy was being used to treat the virus, successfully it seems. The WHO came back to the country's president, expressing disapproval. This is no good, they said. You need our remedies. Your plant treatment has not been tested to prove its safety or effectiveness. Er, wait a minute. Aren't these the same dudes who are intending to fast-track a miracle vaccine, on the basis that it's so urgent that the normal protocols of safety and effectiveness can be by-passed? In other words, they are prepared to unleash an unknown substance on the entire population, stick it into its body, stand back, and see what happens. To put it another way, a bunch of total bastards....

The stories are told in greater detail by Amazing Polly here: bitchute.com/video/4M6JvzYMErA

I get the feeling that the Tanzanian President was fully aware of how these transnational organisations take the piss out of countries like his. He is wise to their deeper, often darker, nature. And an even more disturbing story emerges from one of the countries neighbouring Tanzania.

Here's another story from Africa. It concerns Kenya. The episode dates from 2014, I believe, but has resurfaced.

The story centres around a WHO and UNICEF-led anti-tetanus vaccine programme. There wasn't actually any tetanus in Kenya at the time, but there had been floods, and you can't be too careful, it would seem. Anyhow, some Catholic organisation began to get suspicious, as it was young girls and women who were being targeted for the vaccinations. Some samples of vaccine were sent to South Africa for independent testing and, sure enough, the results came back: the vaccine contained an anti-fertility agent. Connection with tetanus? Not too sure.

I find this a really hideous thing. You don't do that to people. Decide that the global society could do without a few more African faces, so surreptitiously include an anti-reproduction substance in your 'vaccine'. Nobody has any natural authority to make such decisions about the lives of other people. The story encapsulates everything about non-elected, non-accountable, self-appointed 'elites' who basically shape the political and social world today. UN, EU, WHO, World Economic Forum, BBC, CNN, Gates and Soros Foundations, you name it. All think that they know best and are best, to the extent that they will force their (normally sick and twisted) notions on everybody else. It is this web, more than anything, which needs to be untangled, dismantled, for the betterment of humanity in general.

Add to this other stories, such as the Gates-funded polio vaccine given to large numbers of young people in India, one of the main effects being giving the kids polio. It begins to look as if this global philanthropism - whether issuing from vaccine Bill or WHO doesn't matter, it's largely the same few folk - isn't very charitable at all. In fact, if Mr and Mrs Gates were really so keen to help Africans in need, they might put their wealth into clearly beneficial, cost-effective, and straightforward projects such as clean water, basic hygiene and medical care, agricultural development, but no. They prefer to put it into their own syringe fetish, and a perverse obsession with inserting foreign substances into children's bodies.

Maybe it's more like this. Western governments are encouraged to pour vast sums of cash the way of poor African nations. Maybe it's not exactly a case of infinite love and compassion. Despite all this money being thrown into an apparently bottomless pit, many African nations remain impoverished, and misgoverned by the corrupt. Maybe it's not really about African betterment. Maybe it's more about dependency. Keep these places dependent on finance from elsewhere, and you can do pretty much whatever you want with them.

Dependency automatically puts you in a condition of chronic weakness. While you are dependent, you might hesitate before complaining too much about your people being used as vaccine guinea pigs by the truly truly rich. Creating and maintaining dependence is one of the prime strategies of those who would control - see the crashing of independent businesses as one of the main consequences of the corona fiasco, thereby removing an entire section of independent people from the equation. That's how it appears to play out to me. For sure, you don't want African states beginning to speak up for their own interests, to get any notions of independence and strength. It means trouble. Just look at those leaders from Tanzania and Madagascar: we don't want any of that kind of stepping out of line, do we?

In the meantime, the shadow of eugenics, and putting whatever shit you want to in the vaccine 'product', continues to hang over these mass vaccination programmes in Africa and other poorer countries of the world.

The health and vaccine mafia really is a mafia. 'Global health' is a misnomer. 'Global health' means global vaccines. Government health advisers are vaccine dudes. Nothing to do with food, nutrition, clean water, healthy agriculture, and the rest.

The best source of insight into all this is, in my experience, Amazing Polly. Really a first class detective. For folk in the UK, her video on Patrick Vallance (May 20th 2020) is worth checking out to get an idea of what's going on. The entire 'global health and vaccine' agenda is run by a very small number of people, whose names crop up time and again whenever the big organisations are checked out. Worth realising, I feel.            

Thursday, 4 June 2020

There's Nothing There....

Question: What do man-made climate emergency, Covid-19 crisis, and George Floyd-related protests/riots all have in common?

Answer: When you look into them, there's nothing there.

Climate emergency: hoax. While human activities obviously have an impact upon climate, the dire predictions just aren't happening, and aren't likely to. Psy-op.

Covid-19 world lockdown crisis. We should take all 'statistics' with a hefty pinch of salt. But here are some 'official' ones. WHO figures (2017) for typical global flu deaths per annum: 290,000 - 650,000. Worldometer figures for Covid-19 deaths worldwide to date,  published yesterday: 382,000. Conclusion: hugely, hugely exaggerated global fear response. Largely psy-op, hoax.

Protests/riots based upon supposition of rampant racism. Hoax, hoax, hoax. Total bullshit. There is less racism around today than at any other time during my lifetime. The vast majority of people rub along together pretty well. Suddenly, though, there's vicious terrible racism all over the place. It's a total lie.

Let's believe the official story. Bad white cop kills good black guy. That's not very good, is it? But bad people are killing people unnecessarily all the time, all over the place. None of that's very good either. But on the national and international stage it normally receives roughly zero interest.

You don't need to be Nostradamus to predict a summer of severe civil unrest in the USA. The presidential elections are scheduled for November, and there are plenty of big guys out there desperate to get rid of the current boss at any cost.

It's best to remember the diabolic inversion in operation at present. The real fascists are the antifascists. Antifa: authoritarian, intolerant, militaristic, not averse to a little violence here and there. The arch feminists, the transgender activists, the antiracists are the true sexists and racists. They encourage folk to identify with gender, race, whatever, at every possible opportunity, thus creating their own tiny individual box which sets them against anyone who doesn't fit into their own box. Alienation, separation, division: the name of the game of modern anti-racists and anti-sexists alike.

Panic, fear, anger, hate: the defining emotions that keep humans in a little box, stationed at the root of the pyramid of human possibilities. Keep people inside that box and they are easy  meat. Manipulated at will. Climate and corona v. major on fear and panic, and now it's the time for a little hate. All manufactured, of course.

Like Extinction Rebellion, those out raising fists for George Floyd think they are challenging the Establishment. And like those climate fanatics, they are completely wrong. They are Establishment. 101% Establishment. It's the name of the game, what keeps it turning round: fear, panic, anger, hate. Keep the infernal emotional mix going, round and round, round and round, the eternal cycle, the infernal cycle. To trick people into thinking they are destroying you while they are in truth supporting your own horrible little world is just one of the games played.

It's all a hoax. The entire world stage is built upon deluded fantasies, that's all. Take a look. there's nothing there, nothing there.....

Monday, 1 June 2020

Notes From the Paper Trail

Part One

During the course of writing my previous post I conducted a search for face mask images. I was surprised and intrigued that duckduckgo ('gargoyle search' is history hereabouts, life feels a bit better for that) threw up a whole bunch of articles from late February, early March, just as you-know-what was getting going.

It was like coming across a stash of historical documents: three months has been a long time. What became crystal clear from looking at these articles was how the fear-panic-hysteria reaction was being put firmly in place right at the beginning. 'New very dangerous virus runs riot in Wuhan' (a far-off place somewhere in China that, until a few months ago, most Brits had never heard of. That the new danger issued from a mysterious location added to the danger-mystique vibe. Coronavirus coming out of Basingstoke wouldn't have had the same impact on the British population).

'The virus is coming. It's running riot in Italy.' 'The virus is coming, and it's getting closer.' 'First case of virus confirmed in Britain.' '28 new cases of virus in England yesterday.' And so it continued.

The entire theatre has been predicated upon this one initial supposition: Covid-19 is roughly the most deadly thing to have ever hit our lives; anything and everything must be done to stop it. Once this message had been seeded into the collective consciousness, everything else could follow without hindrance. Be afraid, and do just as you are told so that we can prevent it.

This is the vital ingredient and, in any discussion of you-know-what, it's necessary to return to this initial move in order to understand everything else. The virus is awful, panic is justified. It's only when you begin to see past the mass deception that everything starts to fall into place, before simply falling apart.

Apparently, mainstream continues to push relentlessly 'news' of ever-increasing gore. They have to do it. Having sold the world a hideous lie, causing untold unnecessary suffering and loss, they have to keep ramping it up, desperately trying to hide their mind crimes, and hold onto their 'credibility' (which was shot through long ago, if truth be told).

Part Two

A while back, a friend proposed that 'they' must be very clever to have organised and stage-managed it all so immaculately. 'If they can do that, I concede that they are more intelligent than me.' These were his words, more or less.

I disagree. Firstly, this friend is a pretty intelligent guy, properly intelligent, not a psychopathic mind with a skill in devious planning. Also, I don't think it's so tricky to achieve. 'They' had time to plan it. All that is needed is to put a small number of elements into place and leave the minions to put it into operation. 'This is the virus, this is its danger, these are the things you have to do to deal with the virus - close businesses, stay indoors, don't travel.' That's about it, really.

My wife is an interesting case. She is interesting for many reasons, but in this instance it's the fact that she doesn't do mainstream media. She just doesn't watch the 'news', read the 'news'papers or internet 'news'. This means that some people get frustrated when she doesn't know something or someone who they think it's important to know about. But most importantly, it means her mind is relatively clear, unstained by the biases and programming that exposure to the mainstream inevitably brings. She sees what's actually in front of her, not what she's told is there.

The thing is this: my wife has worked it all out, by herself pretty much. I have spoken to her a bit about things, but not much; and she reserves the right to consider me an idiot in my ideas, anyway. She watched Rose/Icke ll. But she has worked it out through simple observation. Looking at what's happening, what we're told to do. Observing people, their fear, their panic, their other reactions. Reflecting on whether this is rational or mad. Reading notices in the streets, walking through the deserted shopping centre. It's been an eye-opener for me to see what can be done if you only take off the poisoned blinkers of mainstream programming (which is all the mainstream is today). It's all there, right in front of you. Just look! And turn off the bloody television. Completely.

Part Three

Sunshine, shorts, barbecues. Paddling pools, riverside walks with ice creams from outdoors ice cream vendors. Long-awaited tearful reunions with family members, friends. Such was the flavour of the weekend just passed. 'Lockdown relaxed' is what it's called.

Amongst the relief, the release, the euphoria almost, it will be easy to commit a fatal error, and lose sight of all that has gone on. "Thank goodness that's all over. Let's get on with life again. The horror - let's forget it."

I imagine it's part of the orchestrated psychological drama. If I can work it out, so can others who are on the job 24/7, and whose nefarious minds work that way. Submit people to tortures, release them, and they'll be so happy to be freed that they'll willingly forget about all that has been done to them. Happy to march on oblivious in forgetfulness.

It's only when we leave behind the riverside paths, the cyclists, the families with young ones in pushchairs, and enter the portals of the town centre that it comes flooding back. The closed shops, some barricaded; the streets deserted by all apart from the sun; the sense of loss, of desolation. We go to the railway station. Seats sealed off, for purposes of 'social distancing'. Sunlight beams through the half-transparent roof, but its light is eerie. A train pulls in, and I count two people, literally, who get off. 'Only essential travel' we are told. "What is essential travel exactly?" askes my wife. Another good and unanswerable question.

Lest we forget. Remembrance, not in rancour, not in harbouring a wound, a grudge. No, not these emotions. Remembrance in knowledge, in absorption of the truth, and in honour of the loving heart. And remembrance in full knowledge that it's not over yet, but continues, indeed has probably only just begun. Remembrance in readiness for what is to come....

Part Four

What's he about? What's he up to? Trump.

Authorities hold no prior credibility in my eyes any longer. Not a dime's worth. But Trump? He's an enigma, isn't he?

The alternative media is split. Some see him as just another in the long line of authoritarian bullies who have served as President of the USA over the years. Others regard him as a sole beacon of hope for the independent, individual human being, in the vast sea of military-style collectiveness which increasingly characterises human affairs nowadays.

The vaccine. Does he really want the vaccine? The universal vaccine? The mandatory vaccine? The Bill Gates full-of-mind-and-body-fucking-shit vaccine? He sometimes speaks as if he does. But a good deal of his fan base is mid-west and deep south USA, if I'm correct. The Bible people, with definite and unfashionable views on all sorts of stuff. I don't think they are all vaccine people, with pictures of Saint Gates hanging above their bed.

And Fauci. What's Trump doing going around with Fauci at his side? It takes about ten minutes of research to see that Fauci is a career criminal, hanging out pretty near the top of the vaccine mafia tree. Fauci knew the plandemic was coming. He said so back in 2017: 'One thing we can guarantee; during this presidential term there'll be a surprise pandemic.' His words, more or less. Er, excuse me: how is something a surprise if we can guarantee it??

These guys are sometimes so pleased with themselves, it seems they can't keep their mouths shut.

So if I know all this stuff, and plenty of other folk know this stuff, for sure the people round Trump know this stuff, as does the president himself. So what is going on? Is Trump really up for the deception? Or is he playing some game, of cat-and-mouse, or chess with very high stakes at the end. I confess that I don't know.  


Four videos, over two hours in total, of excellent reportage on the B(ill)east G(ates)reat. You need a stomach for some of it, but it's an important source at these times, when our personal fancies maybe shouldn't rate too highly.

A fascinating short interview with another of those German doctors who are coming up with the goods at the moment.
Image: Hellgate London pc game