Part One: Who Were the Germans?
It's a funny thing, really. How little we know, or think to wonder, or are encouraged to discover. Take the Germans in the 1930s. There are, I suppose, reports and studies out there somewhere. But next-to nothing is said in the context of our everyday knowledge.
I'm not talking about the chiefs, the big boys: Hitler, Goebbels, Goring, and the rest. There's libraries full of work on them. Neither am I talking about the political manoeuvres which took place in 1930s Germany, leading to the establishment of the totalitarian state. No. I'm talking about the actual Germans, real people, ordinary people. Herr Manfred, the baker from Leipzig. Frau Monika from somewhere in the Ruhr - housewife and part-time secretary. Who were they? What was their life? How did they come to be who they came to be? How did they come to be part of Hitler's thing? Maybe we don't hear about it because the truth is all too revealing; too uncomfortable, too close to the bone.
I have not known very many Germans during my life. Even while teaching English language, I met few German students. Plenty from neighbouring countries: Poland, the Czech Republic and places further east. Numerous students from Latin America, especially Brazil. A steady stream of Japanese, South Korean, and increasingly Chinese. Maybe Germans learnt English well enough during their state education, and had no need to visit England to get the language.
I went to Germany recently, just briefly, to Cologne for a wedding. I have had a few German friends in passing over the years. My experience of Germans that I have seen and known has been overwhelmingly positive. They have been courteous, friendly, decent, and generally 'civilised' people. I find much to admire in them, and see their historical culture as outstandingly rich, having contributed much to what is best in western civilisation. So it is curious to know all this, and realise that the grandparents and great grandparents of today's Germans were German youth, quite possibly Hitler youth, in the 1930s.
Does this not strike you as curious? Should we not know a little about what was, and is, going on? Was it just a wayward generation of sadists and psychopaths, human butchers who have once more been succeeded by 'normal' people? I think not.
The truth is more uncomfortable. Put simply, the Germans were had. They were had by an ideology, a primarily racial ideology, which was superimposed upon people with plenty to feel miffed about in the hardships they had suffered as a result of their treatment by various other European national authorities following the First World War. They were had. And in exactly the same way people are still being had today. Ordinary folk. Exactly the same way.
Part Two: Don't Panic
Deception is the name of the game, with subsequent manipulation through playing upon people's emotions. It takes place primarily through the medium of belief systems, of ideology. This is the archontic principle at work, if you want to think in that way. To employ Gnostic terminology, infection by ideology leads the individual or the mass group deeper and deeper into error, until this eventually morphs into something else: 'evil' it may be called; or we could equally talk of 'madness'.
In the case of the Germans, the ideological virus revolved around the racial superiority of the Aryan peoples. Today's mass manipulators may be less physically brutal, but their influence is scarcely less brutalising. And today's manipulation seems to take two main forms: climate alarmism and politically correct 'thinking'.
Climate. Let's take a whistle-stop tour of the process of ideation through recent time.
Notion one: climate change. Can't argue with that one. Flux is the way that things work in this universe, so climate change is a no-brainer. Climate changes, always has done, always will.
A few minute's homework reveals that sometimes it changes slowly, sometimes quickly, dramatically, even. So when older people declare with fear and apprehension that "We don't get winters like we used to", this is not a statement about fossil fuels - they have been conditioned to think so, though - but a statement about inevitability, and one with which one can sit totally at ease.
Notion two: global warming induced by human activity. A bit of basic Buddhist philosophy comes in handy here. Everything is connected, we are told; everything affects everything else. Hence, another no-brainer: human activity will affect the climate. So will the activity of slugs. As for the 'warming' bit, there is most likely some degree of warming effect. Most people who have studied it properly will agree on this. But by how much, I suggest, is impossible to know.
'Climate change' and 'global warming' clearly failed to freak out enough people. Then someone came up with a solution: 'climate emergency'. Reason now goes out the window. The aim becomes to panic and terrify enough people, especially impressionable young people, to allow the archons full access to their confused minds. Hysteria would become the norm, as people completely lost their mind.
'Emergency' is a word that I would use for big earthquakes and severe heart attacks. This is the kind of infarction that the pushers of climate emergency are trying to induce. Suddenly everyone is declaring climate emergency; most of these people know next-to-nothing about the reality of the situation.
There is a video clip somewhere of Ursula von der Leyen. You may or may not know who she is. You should do. She is the new European Commissioner, and one of the most powerful and influential people in Europe. One of her first acts was to preside over a meeting where 'climate emergency' is declared for Europe. She can be seen gleefully announcing the results of the vote.
If you watch some climate emergency fanatics, they have indeed been rendered mad. They speak, not from their own mind, but from somewhere else. They have been subjected to such an emotional onslaught that they have collapsed as rational beings altogether. They have been taken over by an idea, by a delusion. A delusion that tells them that the situation is so grave, so serious, so urgent, that whatever is needed to remedy it has to be done, even if that means destroying democracy, running other people's lives for them, and so on.
Part Three: Careful What You Say
And then we have the virus of political correctness. This works by latching onto well-meaning but vague and unexamined feelings of fairness, equality, and justice, then twisting them mercilessly until they become the exact opposite of what the person having these ideas thinks they are. It homes in on various groups of people, which are called 'minorities', and which need special attention because they are always getting exploited.
This virus is essentially a thought-control virus. Through its proper application, anybody who happens to disagree with you can be publicly humiliated, silenced, or otherwise dealt with. This virus has been known to ruin families, livelihoods, reputations. It is especially used these days to get people who you disagree with thrown off major social media platforms.
Since you probably can't deal with them through rational means, this is extremely effective. If you can manage to sling an ad hominem insult at a person ending in '' or '....phobe' you've likely got them wrapped up. You can even call them a Nazi. Whether they really are one of these '' or '....phobe' people is not relevant: there will be enough people out there who have been infected by the same virus, or are too afraid to speak up in case they are likewise accused, that the tactic is likely to succeed.
Like climate emergency, political correctness can manifest as a kind of madness. People under its dark spell become demented, incapable of proper thinking. Recently I had the misfortune to watch ten minutes of an 'interview' by Andrew Marr of Boris Johnson. It wasn't an interview at all, but consisted of an uncontrollably livid Marr interrupting and shouting down Johnson whenever he tried to answer a question. It was unwise behaviour for a person who has already experienced a stroke, I thought. Anyhow….
At one point Marr brought up a quotation that the Prime Minister had made, many years ago I suppose, in which he commented on how the Koran is not necessarily the book of peace that some people make it out to be. Marr then demonstrated the mad deception of political correctness by insinuating that therefore Johnson was being Islamophobic. Commenting on, or criticising, the Koran is not Islamophobia, which is a prejudice, a preconceived bias, against Islam. No, it's simply an opinion. But this is how it works, the confusion, the conflation. It's how you try to get the Prime Minister to appear as a nasty intolerant bigot. It's how the madness aims to shut up critics, and usher in a state far worse than anything conceived in '1984'.
As an aside: Quoting what somebody has said, probably years ago, to condemn them, is a low trick, one that we shouldn't fall for. Anybody worth their salt has said many things in their life, and if they are a normal fallible human being these things are not always consistent. You can do it with almost everybody. I wouldn't normally stoop so low, but hey it's winter and dark, so here goes....
Let's quote Andrew Marr back at himself. Here's what he had to say, quoted in David Sedgwick's book on the BBC: "And the final answer, frankly, is the vigorous use of state power to coerce and repress ….. I firmly believe that repression can be a great, civilising instrument for good. Stamp hard on certain 'natural beliefs' for long enough and you can almost kill them off."
Nice guy, that Andrew.
Part Four: Don't be Fooled
So what have we seen on this little ramble through the madness and deception of human beings? Well, that's what we have seen. Humans are susceptible to being had, to being deceived, especially through the medium of ideologies and belief systems. Through these they are rendered crazy, they are like putty in the hands of the unscrupulous. This is true in modern times just as it was in 1930s Germany. The methods are the same. It's a large part of how the world 'works' (or malfunctions).
There is one more thing. I am reminded of what Don Juan says to Carlos Castaneda about the flyers, his mind-warping equivalent of the archons, the agents of deception. "The predators' mind is baroque, contradictory, morose, filled with the fear of being discovered any minute now." And this is the nub - or at least one nub. Nazi ideology, climate panic, political correctness: they are all built on lies, untruths, or occasional half-truths at best. They are not real; they are fabricated deceptions, and their makers live in constant fear of being found out. That's why they're so keen to police the internet, it's touch-and-go for them.
And a lie requires extraordinary energy to be maintained. Just imagine how much effort goes into keeping these deceptions alive, every day, it's completely relentless. In the worlds of politics, bureaucracies international, national, and local, the media, the schools. It needs constant input of energy, to keep the lies going. An untruth is an untruth, and it cannot sustain itself forever against the fragments of intelligence remaining among human beings. In the end it cannot win, it cannot win....
Photos: Top: Weekly market at Freiburg, Germany, 1930 (alamy stock photo)
Centre: Glasgow in 20 years time according to modern theories
Bottom: Ursula von der Leye
And a couple of video clips to go along with the writing. First up, Naomi Seibt. Unlike St Greta, she is a smart girl, a good model for young people in her independent and intelligent thinking. We could do with a few more young people like Naomi. Second is another great presentation from Tony Heller. Here he demonstrates one way in which data fraud, misleading and manipulating people under the guise of 'science', takes place.