Part One: Ever Been Had?
It was not one of my more glorious moments. With the festive season fast approaching, I decided I might bring cheer to family and friends by producing some home-made Christmas cards. Being a topical, on-the-ball kind of guy, I thought I would choose as subject of my creations the divine child herself, Greta Thunberg. I would find a scary picture of her - not difficult - and frame it with the immortal words from Handel and Isaiah "For Unto Us a Child Is Born". I could just see my friends sitting down to their Christmas nut roast and Christmas pudding with vegan custard, all the while gazing in adoration at our new young modern saviour.
By now I was on a roll. At the local branch of Waterstones I spied a pile of slim volumes by the till: 'Greta Thunberg: Nobody is too small to make a difference". I would enchant my friends with my own Christmas gift, a sequel: "Greta: Nobody is too small to be a nuisance".
That night I had a dream. I was in conversation with Gordon Brown - remember him? I had never dreamed of Gordon Brown before, but here we were, discussing all manner of subject. Near the end he paused, looked me straight in the eye and, summoning his finest Scottish gravitas, uttered the words "Greta Thunberg is evil. She wants to rule the world."
How many people still go along with the Greta guff, I do not know. Anybody who does so must live a life of extreme denial. The credibility of this little evangelist is currently roughly zero. You don't have to be a mastermind to check out a few background details. Her parents, her relatives going back a little further. Her group, her 'team'. These are not ordinary Swedes pursuing ordinary pursuits....
It was when I saw the book that I realised: Greta has become a brand, a bit like Nike or Kentucky Fried Chicken. People think she's a good sale. I don't know how true that is, and I take a certain dark delight in reading about the increasing number of cases of 'Get Woke, Go Broke' in the business world. 'Woke' is 100% Orwellian newspeak. People who are 'woke' are in reality deeply asleep.
For a different take on 'climate change', from outside the globalist bubble, visit:
Part Two: Who is the Problem?
And then there is Prince Andrew. And Emily Maitlis. I watched about four minutes of the interview: enough to get the drift, which was as expected.
The aftermath has been a near-unanimity in the lamestream media, of criticism and general pulling-to-pieces of the Prince. Any such solidarity amongst the criminals of media immediately attracts suspicion, but there we go. The question remains, though: who is the problem? Prince Andrew or Emily Maitlis? Who is the problem, really? And the answer turns out to be: Emily Maitlis.
It's not necessarily Emily Maitlis the person, though I wouldn't wish to have dinner with her. It's the web, the matrix, rotten to the core with the BBC a bitter black pip near the middle, of which she is one small but effective part. Concerns about David Icke-ian royal reptilian bloodlines aside, Prince Andrew would seem a bit of a sideshow to the overall 'programme' of modern times. Maitlis, on the other hand, is right in there, promulgating the stinking agenda to the masses.
Dig a little deeper, and they are revealed as players for the same team. Prince Andrew is probably dimly aware of this; Maitlis, on the other, has been well-trained within a little box, and will not know. Instead, she will wag her pen at you repeatedly should you make such a suggestion.
It's a funny thing, the Epstein case. Actually, it's not very funny at all. It unwinds in precisely the way that things do in the puritan-flecked control matrix which holds northern Europe and North America in its thrall. Epstein's real crime was that he was caught, and with nothing much left to lose, he was liable to spill all sorts of beans. Completely dispensable, a wealthy pimp for the rich and infamous, that's all.
And his 'suicide'? Andrew and Maitlis both referred to his 'suicide' as if it were a given fact, on the principle of 'tell a lie frequently enough, and it becomes a truth in the minds of sufficient people.' Epstein's suicide is about as likely as is Scotland winning the next football World Cup. For some uncanny reason, the word 'scapegoat' comes to mind. Even Prince Andrew has become a bit of a scapegoat. Turn somebody into a really bad guy - particularly easy when they have conveniently just dropped dead - and the rest of the stink can get on with their lives as if nothing ever really happened.
Part Three: the Burning House
"Flee the burning building, just leave. The whole world is a burning world, with everyone trying to keep their beliefs carefully in place as they cannot see the flames around them...….. Just go."
We've all been there. A new quote saying the same old thing in just-so-slightly different a way. "Yeah, yeah, yeah" you sigh wearily. "OK. Er, shall we have a cup of tea?"
You've come across the same sentiment forty nine times. It sounds nice and true, but water off a duck's back. Then you encounter it for the fiftieth time, and your world proceeds to collapse.
Such was the case with the quotation above, from one of my 'kundalini-energy' sources. The writer had been spoken to thus by a voice, I would say; he terms it his essential energy speaking. I'd come across the image long ago, and had read this piece on his website before. But I revisited, and suddenly, unexpectedly, it hit me.
Fleeing the burning building may well be the name of the game, but I have a propensity for leaving a couple of toes in the fire. Something in me is reluctant to really leave, as if there remains a vestigial belief that the fire is where it's at, where the real action is. The doubt also arises in my mind as to how to relate to the burning building if you have truly left it; an illogical doubt, since that question can only be answered once you have succeeded in escaping, when all will reveal itself organically.
A couple of mornings afterwards I awoke in an unusual mood (for me, anyway). Everything seemed rather amusing, like a bizarre game, or a comi-grotesque theatre intended to fool me, but which was not succeeding at this moment. The antics of the building's inhabitants - Maitlis, Andrew, Democrats, Republicans, Donald Tusk, St Greta, you name them - failed to touch me, aside from arousing a faintly amused quizzical response. It was as if I was able to watch the matrix, the control system, the agenda, call it what you will, from outside, and see it for what it is. A false construct, aimed at soul entrapment. Yes, it needs to be fled, for your very life. "Just go."
Photo: Eyeballs Studio