Ottmar Edenhofer. Check him out on Wikipedia; he's the kind of guy it's good to know is around. He gets around a lot, an awful lot. He's a climate dude, a big important climate dude. Co-chair of an IPCC working group on climate change mitigation 2008-2015, lead author of the UN IPCC's 4th Assessment Report (2007) among plenty of other very important functions. Here he is being interviewed back in 2010:
"Basically it's a big mistake to discuss climate policy separately from the major theme of globalization...… But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy …… One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore....."
Remember, folks, this is not Pale Green Conspiracy Nutcase speaking. It is a major official player in the climate change thing. The purpose of climate policy is not saving the planet; it's redistribution of wealth. And this was nine years ago. Imagine how these folk are thinking today.....
The thing with global warming catastrophists like St Greta and Extinction Rebellion is this. They think they're such shit-hot radical rebellion types, while they are not. Instead, they are hard core Establishment. Complete. Total. More Establishment than Boris Johnson. More Establishment than even some middle-ranking EU functionaries. They are one with the status quo as it projects its own image through time.
The UN is delighted to have such enthusiastic foot soldiers out there, spreading the creed. 'Celebrities' queue up to say good things about St Greta. The majority of politicians seem to think these are the voices of hope for the future. The lamestream media is generally favourable towards the patron saint of polar bears (who are actually doing very nicely, by the way) and the antics of Extinction Rebellion, a few extreme acts like climbing on top of tube trains aside. If this isn't Establishment, I don't know what is.
To further the point, imagine how different the reception would be if people were peacefully and lawfully protesting about some other topic. Mass immigration, for example. Or if it was a two-week long Festival of Straight Pride. No sirree, it wouldn't be treated with kid gloves in the same kind of way. Not at all.
This is a great dupe, and one of the clever ways that the System gets what it wants. It preys upon those of questionable psychological development, those who lead unexamined lives, or are just too silly or lazy to look beyond the surface of things. Such folk are easily fooled into doing stuff that is exactly the opposite of what they think it is. We've been over this on the blog before, but it's important in terms of trying to get a grip on the madness that takes place out there.
I was reading recently an interview with somebody talking about their experience of kundalini arising. This is a woman who does not ramble all around the houses, as I am wont to do, getting lost in the process. Her words are few, pointed, direct, right to the heart of things. No bullshit here. In response to the question 'What was your initial awakening experience like?', this is part of what she had to say: "..... I started questioning everything..... Then the anger came, when I found out that everything was a lie."
I wish I could write with such courage, such economy and precision, such freedom from caring what anyone else might think. 'Then the anger came, when I found out that everything was a lie.' Everything was a lie. The words return time and again, to haunt me. You see, she is correct. It is only a cleansed and fearless mind that sees this. My own purification remains incomplete. I am work in progress. So let it be.
Dilemma of a saint: