Part One
Energy is infinite. It is only as it 'descends', taking on the guise of gross material form, that it appears otherwise. Here, in its material form, it presents as apparently discrete separate entities, like trees, animals, tables, human beings. It is here that it undergoes that process referred to in Buddhism as birth, old age, sickness, and death. Or communicated more mythologically in Hinduism by its three great gods of creation (Brahma), preservation(Vishnu) and destruction(Shiva). It is here, in our gross material forms, that we experience the illusion of energy shortage.
Imagine if I were able to somehow tap into that never-ending reservoir of infinite energy. And if I could translate that energy into something practical, something usable. I produced a little device which drew upon that reservoir of infinite energy and made its content freely available for human use. It would be a little device which could be fitted into every household and provide all their energy needs. Wouldn't that be wonderful?
Do you imagine that such a game-changing invention would be welcomed? I don't think so. Just visualise the scenario. Everybody able to provide for their own reasonable needs. Living off-grid is easy, is the norm. The population is more self-sufficient, less dependent on the system, the establishment, the state, all of those things. The individual is more able to simply get on with their life. What a nightmare this would be....
There are, of course, the energy giants, be they in oil, gas, wind, or solar. They would come up with objection upon objection to the device, which would ruin their source of great wealth and worldly influence. Institutions, be they governments or non-democratic organisations such as the EU and the UN, would be unswervingly on the side of the energy giants. Individual practical freedom is anathema to such institutions, which depend on scarifying notions such as scarcity in order to exert their control over people.
And then there would be the faux greenies, the environmental lobbies, the climate alarmists. They would hate my invention with more venom than anyone. They too rely upon scare-city for their manipulative power over people. Most of them do not wish for abundance in human life. They see the 'western way of life' as bad, wrong, sinful. They do not want human beings to have a plentiful enjoyable life at all. They demand penance for our sins; guilt to be our prime motivator. They are our modern-day fanatical puritans, with an ideology befitting a death cult. In short, they wouldn't be pressing for Greta Thunberg to be displaced as 'Time' magazine's person of the year by me with my humanity-and-the-environment-saving little device.
In truth, if I came up with such an invention, I would be ridiculed, irrational objections would flow freely, and I would probably be 'disappeared', as all-too often happens to people who have become inconvenient.
Part Two
Anybody serious about solving the 'energy crisis' would see that the current direction is hopeless. If I wanted to improve things for human beings, I would go for a total moratorium on wind farms, solar panels, all the other inefficient useless garbage hyped to be ameliorating the planet. Instead, all that money would go into seriously researching the many ideas, devices, and proto-devices that individuals have been coming up with for decades. People searching for low-cost or free energy systems: real solutions. There are plenty of them out there, but they never get a look-in - for reasons that are obvious. It just ain't gonna happen
Looking at things from a different angle, however, from a rather deeper viewpoint of life-as-consciousness, we may suggest that what human beings have got, in terms of energy options, is actually entirely appropriate. In fact it could be no other way. The messy, imperfect, finite, resources at our disposal are perfectly congruent with the state of being of the vast majority of human beings, which too is messy, imperfect, and finite. It is not metaphysically possible for such a species to embrace a dimension of energy which is vastly superior in all respects.
Put bluntly: the species as a whole ain't ready for it.
The same, I reluctantly feel, is the case with individual health. Take cancer. From the bits and pieces I have dipped into, I am confident that there exist far more effective and less painful cures for cancer than those currently on offer. 'Chop it out, burn it out, or poison it' is the motto for the practice in orthodox medicine. It is crude and brutal; sometimes it works, to the extent of giving the sufferer a satisfactorily prolonged span of life, but that is it. In the UK, it was made illegal in 1939 to make any claim for cancer cure outside of chemo, radio, and surgery. To this day, people are occasionally prosecuted for making claims. The official rubric is that the law exists in order to protect unwitting victims from charlatans, but that's not the main thing. It's a closed shop, a self-created monopoly, on 'cure' and on the physics and metaphysics of human life.
Part Three
Buried amongst the pile of pre-election words and manifestos is something about Boris Johnson intending to put a decent load of dosh into research about nuclear fusion. The idea is that this might turn out to be an efficient and effective, reliable and clean, source of energy for humanity in the future. I was heartened to read this; it is a step in the right direction. Although nuclear fusion would still entail the mobilisation of large multinational interests, it would be an immense improvement on what the 'green lobby' continues to push onto the public, in one of the greatest deceptions in our lifetime.
'Efficient and effective; reliable and clean': wind is none of these. There is no way that wind turbines can power the human planet: they simply do not produce enough energy. And when the wind fails to blow, they won't even heat a kettle. While humanity may need to eke out its existence within the waveband of the imperfect, the finite and the decaying, it does not automatically 'deserve' to be pushed to the veritable bottom of the pile with this trash, this fraudulent deception.
In more conspiratorial moments, it is tempting to see the promotion of wind as a deliberate attempt to maintain humanity in a state of scarcity - a state which engenders fear and insecurity, and which makes people easy to manipulate. Wind's hopelessness is one of its greatest attractions to those who enjoy power over others.
As for wind being 'green', 'clean', 'environmentally friendly': more total bullshit. Check out the production of some of the components to a typical turbine: areas laid to polluted waste in China, for example. And are they friendly to wildlife, something which most eco-folk hold dear to their heart, I believe? In the video linked below, Tom Harris discusses estimates from the Spanish Ornithological Society. In a 2013 study, they estimated that the number of bats and birds killed annually by turbines in Spain (they like windfarms in Spain) exceeds six million. Yes, you are reading this properly. Over six million.
Now, I accept that casualties from wind turbines are unverified and unverifiable, and this figure could be way off, or unrepresentative; the detractors will come up with their excuses and objections. But the numbers will almost certainly be way above wind industry estimates. And while birds generally get chopped up by the rotating blades, bats tend to get caught in the low pressure area created behind the blades, and as a result of the pressure difference, their lungs explode.
This is all horrendous, yet wind farms are incessantly promoted as 'good' for the environment. You rarely hear about this, do you? Funny, that. And you never come across television and mainstream eco-celebrities protesting about this. They will merrily lend their voice to some safe or trendy eco-concern. But when it comes to a point of view outside the politically righteous box, they will utter not a peep. Concerned not to lose their reputation and their job, I suppose. Fair-weather eco folk. Understandable but unimpressive. They most likely have one eye on what happened to the recently-deceased David Bellamy after he dismissed global warming as nonsense. Expressing personal opinion was not a good career move. That's the choice sometimes: your truth or your money. Take your pick.
Further links: William (Bill) Bengston's work on healing through energy is fascinating, should this area be of any interest. His book 'The Energy Cure' is an easy and good read, and there are plenty of videos out there.
For a relatively reasonable and good-natured presentation on energy for lighting and heating the house, you could check out Tom Harris here:
Keep warm and bright, and all best wishes for 2020 and beyond!