If we stand back a little, zoom out if you like, we can see a grand archetypal drama being played out at this very moment. Not only is it a drama, it is a war. There are battles lost and battles won; it is bloody and it is nasty.
On the one side, there is the archetype of self-determination; self-realization, self-actualization. And on the other side is the collective archetype of the well-oiled, unified, yet ultimately mindless global group - a group comprising several billion pre-individuated beings. These are the players; these are the options.
The war is being executed on different fronts, and is implicated in many current situations. One is Brexit. 'Self-determination or the group?' is the subtext to a lot of what it's all about. Many Remainers just don't get it. I try to avoid speaking about Brexit - not once has it been a fruitful topic of conversation - but I happen to know quite a few Remainers, and some of them seem unable to stop talking about it; maybe still incapable of absorbing the reality which has dawned. The thing is, they invariably go on about job security, house prices, nurses and the NHS, holidays abroad, and that's it. They just fail to understand that, for some people at least, it's about more than that.
Folk are simply sick and tired of being told what to do and what not to do. By committees and institutions far away, in Brussels, Germany, or somewhere. By folk with whom they have little in common culturally, and folk for whom they definitely have not voted, or had any say in putting in their place of influence. They don't want to be told, without consultation, who can and who cannot come into their own nation and set up house next door. I think that's quite reasonable. But the fact that it's not purely about jobs, but about matters of 'soul', seems beyond a lot of Remainers.
I also note, humbly and reluctantly, that some of my old Buddhist buddies, and lots of other 'spiritual types' also fail to get it. Maybe they are swept away by fantasies of Unity, of 'Oneness'. This they confuse with creating a uniform global group, which they erroneously believe will usher in an age of love and peace. In the case of the Buddhists, it's doubly ironic, since I always understood Buddhist practice as taking place in the mould of 'development of the individual', and therefore superseding group values altogether.
Then there's the media. He or she who controls the media controls information and thereby controls - or at least profoundly influences - the public's notion of the world. Social media - the great battle ground today. I noted recently how the social media giants cannot be expected to be impartial: they are big corporations, with big corporation people running them. And they are increasingly influenced and infiltrated by the leading dark exponents of the Kali Yuga. The EU is apparently especially keen on 'regulating' Facebook. But social media remains a problem for the prophets of global mindlessness. When Tommy Robinson can put Panodrama, an hour-long expose of the underhand strategies of the BBC on YouTube, and within four days have nearly 100,00 views, that's a problem. A big problem. (update: up to over a million views, March 3).
Tommy Robinson. Tommy Robinson. I'm not saying he's a nice guy, or a good guy. Actually, I don't imagine he's an especially nice guy. Nevertheless, that's not at all the point. I don't think Tony Blair or Hilary Clinton or one of a whole number of politicos are very nice or good people. However, I'm not trying to shut them up by closing down their social media outlets. Which is precisely what has been happening to Tommy Robinson.
It was only a couple of days after his (totally fascinating) programme about his treatment and projected crucifixion at the hands of the BBC went out that his Facebook and Instagram accounts were permanently closed down. Pure coincidence, of course. I recommend catching his prog on YouTube, but I'd be quick. There's no knowing how long before it's taken down.
It was while watching Tommy Robinson that I had one of those light bulb moments. A bit belatedly, but that's how things sometimes go in my life. It concerned why such an enormous thing is made of newly-defined 'crimes' like sexism, racism, homophobia, Islamophobia, hate speech. Guilty of one of them, and you're as good as dead. They are simple, tailor-made ways to shut up people who you don't like, who disagree with you. The tiniest transgression, and you can be taken down, if so desired.
It is selective, as is clear from Facebook, for example. A person of a certain inclination can say something about a person of a different inclination that is 'hateful' and no action is taken. However, a person of another different inclination says something similar about a different kind of person, and it's on the front pages, the BBC Propaganda at Six programme, and that person's account is shut down. There is no impartiality. It is transparent, transparent, transparent.
So the battle continues. I don't like warfare, and shy away from such imagery in general. Here, however, it seems appropriate. The Big Guns are running scared - they must be, to resort to adopting such obviously totalitarian tactics. Who are we with? David or Goliath? The heroic individual or the controllers of the slaves of Atlantis? I hope the questions are rhetorical....
The UK. It's a funny place. Home to so much invention, innovation, creativity, all products of an attitude of open-mindedness, of freedom. It's kind-of still there, but there's this totally totalitarian element nowadays, completely shameful. A mind-control police state mentality, which lots of people just go along with, but which needs to be brought down somehow if we want anything resembling a healthy society.
Here is the link to Panodrama. Recommended:
And here is our buddie Styxhexenhammer666 speaking about it: