Welcome into the vortex........

anarcho-shamanism, mountain spirits; sacred wilderness, sacred sites, sacred everything; psychonautics, entheogens, pushing the envelope of consciousness; dominator culture and undermining its activities; Jung, Hillman, archetypes; Buddhism, multidimensional realities, and the ever-present satori at the centre of the brain; a few cosmic laughs; and much much more....

all delivered from the beautiful Highlands of Scotland!

Sunday, 24 March 2019

Footnotes to Gnostics, Illuminati etc

Part One: Personal Appraisal

I think that in the previous post - Illuminati, Gnostics, and the rest - I went as far as I am capable of going at the moment, in one particular direction at least. I have been left with food for thought. For what it's worth ....

As far as 'social and political analysis, observation, comment' goes, there are far better people than me out there. Quicker on the uptake, more nimble of mind; more knowledgeable, more astute. Where I am pretty good, I feel, is on two fronts. Firstly, I can connect what is happening now with the longer game. As any lower league football team will tell you, there's a place for the long ball. Neil Kramer is good on this perspective, or used to be (I haven't kept up with him much in the past two years), and John Lash is brilliant in a hit-or-miss way. But many alternative commentators etc miss this necessary dimension completely. 'The longer game' is a question of maintaining a perspective, and of seeing everyday happenings as often small parts of far longer and deeper processes.

The other area is that of connecting 'today's news' with a metaphysical perspective - a spiritual or multidimensional perspective, if you like. Societies can be more or less inimical to self-realisation, and modern western ones are purposely antithetical to the individual, since the awakening of 'self', or 'Self', translates as the death of the Illuminati-slave patterning of human activities. A healthy society is one which recognises, permits, encourages, even, the supreme human endeavour. While in modern mainstream it doesn't get a look in.

This metaphysical perspective also involves not getting caught up in, and identified with, the menus and restricted dualisms presented to us as 'reality'. It is easy to do this: to end up seeing any situation through the lens of the constricting mainstream. Many 'alternative' commentators end up doing this to varying degrees. Even our good friend styxhexenhammer666 is not exempt. I like his style, his approach, his take on freedom, censorship, this type of essential stuff. But when I listened to him recently speaking about Maduro and Venezuela, he did roll out the 'socialism, bad; capitalism, good' banner. The metaphysical angle which I try to maintain here, avoids these simplistic either/or polarities. Socialism vs capitalism is a kind of false dichotomy, for one thing. And I don't want to play the 'good versus bad' game with topics like this. Socialism is often bad, I submit, as described in the previous post. However, the reality is more nuanced. Mel Fabregas is another presenter (again from the USA) who rolls this one out; understandably, since I believe he is from a family which braved the open sea to get from Cuba to USA. However, that Cubans and Venezuelans have undoubtedly suffered deprivations is not entirely the result of their socialist systems. Cuba is a nation that you could hardly expect to have been ultra-prosperous when most of the world was prohibited from trading with it, due to the bullying which has been characteristic of successive USA administrations.

The issue is not socialism/capitalism: it is the illuminati-style mindset, a phenomenon which exists outside and beyond any social or political configurations. This mindset can bend anything to its own nefarious ends, and is beholden to no particular social or political system. It is amoral in the very worst sense of the term. Communism: no problem. Liberal democracy: yes, I think we can use that. Socialism: yes. Capitalism: yes, yes. Socialism and capitalism are a ping-pong duality, which we can play until the end of time if we so wish. There has to be a third and 'higher' element which comes into play. Basically, what system you have is not primary: it's the consciousnesses of the beings involved. A 'better world' can happen only with the developing of wider consciousness, with the superseding of unconsciousness with self-determination and realisation. With the fostering and prioritising of individual magnificence. Which brings us nicely to....

Part Two: Kali Yuga

Yes. Back down on Maggie's farm, back in the good ol' Kali Yuga.....

It's the thing about the Kali Yuga. The bad guys always win. Once it was pointed out to me, it was so obvious, I had to laugh. I mean, it's self-defining: the Kali Yuga, the Age of Darkness, is by definition, that - the time when the bad guys win. That's what makes the Kali Yuga what it is.

And the good guys? Well, the good guys fight, stand up for all things of goodness and beauty, not in the hope or expectation of winning. They do it simply because it's what they do. They can't help it, they have no choice. It's part of what makes them good guys. They do it simply because it has to be done. It's an inner compulsion, even, we could say.

Brexit and the bad guys. The bad guys treat Brexit very seriously. For them, it's a battle lost, and in a Kali Yuga the bad guys aren't accustomed to losing any battles. They showed their true colours in their response to that referendum result. If they were people of honour, they would speak thus: "Well, we are sad to learn that you have voted to leave our lovely little club. You will be missed. However, we fully endorse the democratic process above all else, and shall endeavour to do everything we can to ensure a smooth departure. And to make things easy for the future, for everyone."

Needless to say, it hasn't been like this. Not that all the blame can be laid at the feet of folk outside the UK. Appointing a 'remain voter' to manage Brexit (ie Mrs May) has to be part of a pre-arranged stitch-up. Doesn't it? Before a crucial top-of-the-table football match between Manchester City and Liverpool, City aren't going to bring in the Liverpool manager, Mr Klopp, to mastermind their tactics and ultimate victory, are they? It seems as crass and ridiculous as that to me.

Trump, whatever you may think of him personally, is another battle lost. Not good for the globalist elite and their 'liberal' fan club. Not good, not good at all.

Having reread what I have written in this article thus far, I submit that it is rather dry and turgid! That's what you get for spending too much time and energy on those themes of illuminati worldview, conniving and manipulating against Brexit etc.

Strangely, martial language has begun to turn up in some recent blog pieces: wars, battles, fighting, winning and losing. Not generally characteristic at all. In terms of personal experience, Kundalini is predominantly a force which has evoked warmth, softness, fellow-feeling; feminine in an almost exaggerated way. More recently, however, it has woken up a very different type of energy. It has got into certain corners of consciousness, and activated a type of energy which feels adamantine, crystal-clear, hard and sharp. Warrior-like. In Tibetan Buddhist symbolism, the bell's ringing has aroused the dorje, the vajra. In Hinduism, read Shakti rising, where she eventually finds and embraces the awaiting Siva. It is Beauty kissing the sleeping Beast. Where there is Venus, there too must be found Mars, the martial language..

War Heroes

War heroes. War heroes? Well, I wish things were always as straightforward as that.... More like sacrificial lambs, sometimes. Brought needlessly to the slaughter in their thousands. In their millions.
Not so much heroes as utterly disposable pawns in someone else's dark and dirty game.

I originally intended to write a full piece on this. In the end, I haven't the heart, the stomach, to do it. I leave you to fill in the blanks yourself.

Take World War One, though. What was that about? Really? Some Bosnian Serb puts a bullet in the head of an archduke-to-be (who, by all accounts, nobody cares for very much anyhow) and before you can say 'Dig me a trench' half of Europe has been laid to waste. By the end of the four-year debacle, there are nine million combatant and seven million civilian deaths. Additionally, the political geography of the continent has been miraculously rearranged; coincidence, of course. No more Austro-Hungarian Empire. No more all sorts of stuff. No more Tsars in Russia, replaced for the benefit of all and modernity by Lenin's Bolsheviks. A new world was emerging, as a result of the sacrifices of our war heroes.

The trenches. Imagine the trenches. I'd rather not, and even with effort I find it difficult. What if it was all a bit, well, unnecessary. The official line fed to the lambs, sent bleating to their fate, their fate in the bloody trenches, wasn't quite true to what it was all about. A possibility that doesn't sit comfortably, does it? It certainly shouldn't do. So we had better not dig too deep; no knowing what we might find. Might all be a bit problematic....

Meanwhile, the heirs to that which remains unspoken sit smugly in their well-appointed offices in Brussels and elsewhere in Europe. The game - politely put, reorganising the political landscape of Europe still further - continues. To deny continuity between the tragic past and the dark, repressive present, is naïve at best. And the propaganda arm of the campaign, led in the UK by its state-sponsored broadcaster the BBC, is relentless and unremitting in its distorting, selecting, lying, omitting, in order to further the cause. If only more people knew the extent to which their minds are twisted and manipulated by the dirty little fingers of mainstream media, with the BBC at the helm. Scruple-free, morality-free.... Actually, some people may just prefer not to know.

That's all. As I write today I feel good. Yesterday, though, the whole thing was making me sick. And that is no good at all. If 'their' nefarious ways make you sick, then they have won. Then it's time to reframe oneself, as I did yesterday afternoon. On  a hill, among the trees, the wind whispering in your ears. Life returned to its senses. Don't let the bastards get to you.