Shameful piece of social engineering of young people, at a primary school just down the road. Get 'em young, get 'em young.
And last week saw the strike by children about climate change. In one respect, I suppose, it's great that some kids are concerned about the world they live in. But unfortunately it's once more a socially-engineered concern. By a system that's 'taught' them how climate change is as much a fact as the sun rising every morning. By a system that whisks these young people away from the world of children prematurely. Ejected from that world of magic, mystery, exploration, of real learning for the soul. Young, impressionable beings thrust into the careworn, nuts-and-bolts, fretful world that is modern mainstream adulthood. No place for 'soul development', for the inspired and inspiring daemon to have its say and its way.
As might be expected, comrade Nicola Sturgeon tweeted her solidarity with the kids on climate change. Good on you, Nicola.
Climate change. What do these children actually want? To be released from worry, I guess. For politicians to do more about climate change is what they say. But what? It's one of the light-bulb moments in that little clip from Jordan Peterson on the subject I linked to recently. He points out the obvious: even if runaway climate change is a reality, what are you going to do about it? Nobody has a clue in truth. All the 'solutions' are no solution at all; they will make next-to-no difference. They are merely cosmetic jobs with socio-political motives, emanating from unsavoury mindsets.
From what I can make out, real solutions could involve wiping out China, India, and the USA. That will dramatically reduce carbon emissions, which are apparently the source of all evil. Not a big vote-winner, however. Other than that, I am at a loss. Just like everybody else.
As for the kids, there is good news. From what I can see, there are some who succumb pretty much completely to the social engineering, to the narrative about life that's spewed out to them. There are others, though, and plenty of them, who never go completely under. There is something in them which remains apart from the crappy, fear-and-panic, hopelessness-inducing conditioning. We could call it their soul, their daemon, their inner self, their genius. But it is something beautiful to behold, shining through and beyond the muck and mire that's heaped upon them. While social engineering fails to get to this, those young people are still in with a chance....