When I write about BBC 'news' and 'news documentaries' being propaganda, and a means by which a particular form of consciousness implants its own version of reality, some people just don't get it. Since this all now seems transparently obvious to me, I find this a bit irritating - but that, I suppose, is my own problem. If any programme fits the bill of being what Neil Kramer calls an 'official broadcast', telling people what to believe, it is the BBC's 'Conspiracy Files 9/11', recently beamed into the homes of the millions as part of their season to commemorate the tenth anniversary of 9/11.
I was slightly dismayed when a friend of mine told me that he had watched it, and found it good enough for him to be convinced that the 'official story' on 9/11 was the one and only truth. For myself, I had a look at the programme out of curiosity, to see whether the BBC would do what I suspected it might with the subject, and clearly viewed it through a different lens. It was indeed the selective and not-so-subtle cut-and-paste hatchet job on conspiracy theories that I could have predicted. The commentary was delivered in a rather old-school upper middle class BBC female accent, the type that is designed to ooze 'believe what I tell you, I'm not the kind of girl who sleeps around' respectability. The message of the programme was clear: 'Do not believe the doubters, have faith in us. We have your best interests at heart and would never dream of lying or hiding anything from you. There really is nothing to worry your little heads about. So shut up, get on with your life as normal, and leave us to fight terror and generally look after you.'
By chance, a couple of days ago I tuned into a programme - two hours long, no less - devoted to analysing and dissecting the 'Conspiracy Files' programme. And a most thorough and convincing job it did as well, clearly demonstrating the half-truths, the partial and selective nature of the information broadcast by the BBC. Surprisingly, this programme was not actually put out by the BBC, nor any other mainstream media network. UK Sky channels 200, 201, and 203 host Controversial TV and Showcase TV (this is liable to change, and they sometime go off air completely due to lack of funds), which relay, among a variety of other stuff, material by Paradigm Shift and Edge Media. A wide variety of viewpoints can be found on these networks, with a 'we present, you decide' approach, as Red Ice Radio (accessed via the internet) puts it. But these networks are invaluable for presenting material that otherwise just does not get any exposure at all in the mainstream - so, in effect, does not 'officially' exist. It pays to be selective, but in recent weeks I have seen some excellent stuff: the films 'DMT: the Spirit Molecule' and 'Cancer: Forbidden Cures'. And the coverage surrounding 9/11 was first rate.
One thing that is worrying for the mainstream is that doubts about, and disbelief in, the 'official story' on 9/11 continue to be voiced, not by wacky, easily-dismissed, fringe radicals, but eminently respectable and well-qualified engineers, physicists, and university people in suits and ties. It was John Lash (I think) who predicted that, with the tenth anniversary of 9/11, the message would be 'Forget all that conspiracy stuff now. It's all in the past anyway; time to move on.' This was actually the underlying agenda of the BBC programme. But 9/11 refuses to go away. That so many people, both in the USA and around the rest of the world, fail to swallow the official story must be highly encouraging. It shows how more and more people are waking up to the reality that the Control System and its emissaries cannot be trusted or believed at all; in fact, may act in ways that we might normally consider unthinkable.
For myself, I have no final take on 9/11. There is a plethora of data on melting points of metals, dynamics of building collapse and demolition etc, that I am simply not qualified to evaluate properly. Having said that, the more I see and hear, the more the official version appears riddled with inconsistencies and improbabilities, with difficulties in its narrative glossed over and many questions left unanswered. Following Neil Kramer's advice, I am 'holding' possibilities in my mind, rather than grasping at belief in a desperate need for certainty. To 'hold' an idea in ones mind, not believe or disbelieve and thereby attach it to ones already weighty ego identity, is elegant and open-ended. To hold ideas such as 9/11 being an inside job, a controlled demolition or whatever else, is something I can live with for now.
Out on the fringes of the abundance of ideas about what really happened on 9/11, and true to the general observation that the fringe is where things get most interesting, is the work of Dr Judy Wood. In the events of that fateful day, she sees evidence of the possible use of directed energy weapons, a technology that few people even realise may exist. If this seems far-fetched, bear in mind that the truth often seems fantastic from any current limited vantage point, just as the once preposterous notion that the Earth revolves around the Sun was. Inconveniently for the scoffers, Judy Wood is detective-like in approach: her work is based rigorously on hard evidence, not a priori theory. The facts are laid out on her monster website, where she goes into everything in detail. She also has an equally monster book, 'Where Did the Towers Go?'
There is another world-changing spin-off from Judy Wood's investigations: the existence of directed energy weapons would also point to the possibility of free energy. 9/11 conspiracy theories effortlessly morph into that area of undoubted Control System scam, fraud, and conspiracy: the Great Global Warming Alarmist Lie. As with 9/11 shenanigans, here too there is hope, as more and more people see through the surreal fiction peddled our way by politicians and the mainstream media. Increasingly, the Global Warming Alarmist Lie is becoming the preserve of a section of guilt-ridden, life-denying, Guardian-reading, white middle classes (in Britain, at least). The man who uttered to me the other day 'Global warming, my arse' is far more in touch with reality. As with 9/11, the Control System hopes we will cast aside our doubts, accept their stories and their taxes and high prices for inefficient and intermittent energy supply, destruction of the face of the planet in the name of saving it, and just get on with it. How long the windfarm scam can continue in Britain before even politicians cannot hide how much it is crippling the economy and effectively throwing people into needless poverty, I do not know. But the prospect of free energy, even as a hypothetical idea, raises yet another suspicion I have about windfarms. Doesn't it seem strange that, in this modern world of cutting edge physics, hosts of amazing new technologies and the rest, we are expected to have faith in a form of energy production that even Fred Flintstone would have considered prehistoric. I mean, sticking pointy bits of metal and plastic into the sky and hoping the wind will blow is not exactly sophisticated thinking. Yet the Control System appears set on shackling us with inefficient and expensive forms of energy production, rather than exploring the possibilities of liberating cheap or free energy for all. Funny, isn't it? Work that one out for yourself. And whether our so-called 'green' organisations and people would embrace cheap, plentiful energy for all is an acid test of their real attitudes towards humans that deserves an article by itself.
Once again, the reality foisted upon us by the Control System proves more surreal than anything a science fiction writer could come up with. And whether we can really buy the story of a bunch of Muslim extremists fresh out of pilot school and wielding box cutters stage-managing and choreographing the pure and perfect theatre and tragedy that was 9/11 is another question we need to soberly consider. In the meantime, I suggest that it behoves any aspiring responsible planetary citizen, not to mention any budding Bodhisattva, to research these matters. The resources are there and can be easily accessed, thanks largely to the internet. Check out Judy Wood, 9/11 truth, Paradigm Shift TV and the rest; google PNAC, and explore some of the stuff that the BBC and the rest of the mainstream doesn't tell you, doesn't want you to know about. Don't fall victim to what Neil Kramer terms neophobic shutdown, the tendency to dismiss new ideas and information because of the threats and challenges it might pose to our current way of life, sense of security etc. Without this work, any understanding of mind and consciousness is, I feel, seriously lacking an essential dimension. This is where I come into this field....