Welcome into the vortex........

anarcho-shamanism, mountain spirits; sacred wilderness, sacred sites, sacred everything; psychonautics, entheogens, pushing the envelope of consciousness; dominator culture and undermining its activities; Jung, Hillman, archetypes; Buddhism, multidimensional realities, and the ever-present satori at the centre of the brain; a few cosmic laughs; and much much more....

all delivered from the beautiful Highlands of Scotland!

Saturday, 31 October 2020

Trick or...... Trick?

 Part One

I bought a hallowe'en mask. £1.50 from Tesco. It's very interesting. It's a kid's mask, so a bit of a tight fit. But the nose and mouth are completely covered, no holes. It complies totally with the 'rules' or 'guidelines'. Perfect.

I have yet to wear a 'face-covering'; I have no intention of doing so. Nevertheless, should I at some point decide that the need has truly arisen, then the hallowe'en mask will fit the bill magnificently. I can see no reason to object.

I quite like hallowe'en. OK, I know, it's trivialised, commercialised, bastardised, Americanised, distorted. But still, it can be a bit of fun for children especially, and fun is in real short supply nowadays. I also consider it valuable for introducing children to the notion that there is a darker side to life, doing it in a non-nightmarish kind of way. It shows the way to deal with dark forces, sometimes at least: laugh or scream in a silly way, don't take them too seriously, that only makes them feel more powerful. Take the piss, ridicule them and their demented ways. Can't scare me, buddie. They have no sense of humour.

If more people had cognisance of darkness and evil in the universe in the first place, we might not be in the mess that we apparently are at the moment. The majority of humans simply do not see, or refuse to see, evil when it's staring them straight in the face. They have lost the ability to recognise that evil exists at all, inhabiting instead a grey twilight world of relativities and fifty shades of mediocrity. 

That evil stalks them in the form of confinements, inability to access health services when they are needed, prohibitions on visiting friends and family, those nearest and dearest, forced smothering of personality with faceless masks, and all the rest. 

This is the prime difference between myself and so many others. They see it all, in a move of breathtaking naivety, as a temporary inconvenience: comply for a while and then it'll all go away. While to me it is Evil itself out on the street, running amok. The more room you give to it, the more liberties it will continue to take.

Part Two

Hallowe'en also marks a time of the year in northern climes when the boundary between dimensions, twixt human and non-human, is especially thin. It is a period when spirits, demons, good guys and bad guys, can pass easily into the human realm, and we come under their influence, like it or not.      

Masks are not 'bad'. The Covid mask is bad, for sure; very bad. It is a grotesque ritual being enacted on a global scale to diminish the human being. It is designed to remove individual personality, part of a drama of submissiveness and submission to another force. "I give myself - my self - up to you, oh great one, oh evil one. Please take me, take me over. I am nothing in your greater presence."

The Covid mask diminishes the human being. A mask can, however, be used to explore the richness and diversity that is real authentic life and living. It can empower instead of disempowering.

Shamanic masks are employed to invoke other spirits and beings, helpers and messengers. They are used for healing and for divination. Put on your power mask, invoke your power animal through donning your mask, and you begin to embody a power that is marvellous, awesome, and for the good of existence. 

Tribal folk of all continents have utilised the mask in this way. Eighteenth-century Europe saw events such as the great carnival of Venice, where people would don richly ornamented and fashioned masks in order to take on other personalities for a while, and do things their 'dominant persona' would not consider doing. The mask can be a powerful tool for good and for exploration. But not the Covid mask, worn unconsciously and erroneously. This is the tragedy: most people have no clue about the true purpose of this infernal mask. That it has nothing to do with a killer virus, but everything to do with changing them for the worse - robotising them.

Imagine a bunch of people turning up at Tesco wearing power animal masks. What vitality, what vigour, as they dance down the aisles, between the tins of pineapples and tomatoes. The Cabal would soon be shitting itself.

Part Three

This is an important point. The battle needs to be fought on the level of the occult. This is the level from which much of the psychopathology is being generated. Ritual, satanic magick, and so on. It is partly so effective because the majority of people don't recognise that this is a viable layer of reality at all. They are totally submersed in their 'scientific materialistic' viewpoint, which does not admit the occult, the real driver of the world.

The current madness cannot be fought with reason - not primarily anyhow. Vast numbers of people, the seriously afflicted, are no longer amenable to reason, despite their protestations to the contrary. They have been rendered insane and blind by the dark dark spell which has been cast. It matters not how many statistics you throw at them: logic, reason, proper objective science, won't work.

Curiously, there are those on whom the spell has not worked one bit, but that's another topic. But like must be met with like: occult must be met with occult. As is the case with masks, the occult is neither good nor bad: it is merely acknowledgement of the non-physical realms which form part of our world, along with recognition that they can be impacted and altered for the good or the bad. The Cabal cannot be defeated without the inclusion of other dimensions, other densities, other powers, in the equation. Otherwise, it's King Canute all over again. End of story....