Welcome into the vortex........

anarcho-shamanism, mountain spirits; sacred wilderness, sacred sites, sacred everything; psychonautics, entheogens, pushing the envelope of consciousness; dominator culture and undermining its activities; Jung, Hillman, archetypes; Buddhism, multidimensional realities, and the ever-present satori at the centre of the brain; a few cosmic laughs; and much much more....

all delivered from the beautiful Highlands of Scotland!

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Science in the Vortex

Part One

I suppose I must have spent five years of my youth studying physics. I use the word 'studying' in the loosest of ways. Like its sister subjects, chemistry and biology, physics was sent by God to baffle and confound me. It wasn't my world, or the world as I saw it, at all. I wasn't sure if it was arcane, inane, or insane; probably a combination of all three.

I retain one vivid memory from my years in the physics lab. It was a boys' school, and the school for girls was across the road - a considerable frontier, that road. Our school, however, boasted a spanking new indoor swimming pool, and the girls would occasionally come across to use it.

Most of the girls in that neighbouring school were not 'lookers'. There was, however, one marvellous exception. One of the girls was beautiful, radiant, exuding the confident sexuality which comes from knowing that you are radiant and beautiful. Anyhow, it was early afternoon, first lesson after lunch, and we were all in the physics lab engaged in various levels of bemusement about joules, kilojoules, bunsen burners, or something. 

The alleyway leading to the swimming pool passed in front of the physics lab. Suddenly someone in the class, Steve Pacitti was his name, whispered loud, but not too loud: "It's her". Instantly all work stopped. The world stopped. Some of the class did not know what he was talking about. But the rest of us dropped tools (no pun intended), gazed out of the window in silent communal lust. It was a most memorable moment. And then she was gone, with her classmates. On to the swimming pool where, oh god, she would take off her clothes, slip into a swimming costume, glide effortlessly into the water, which would caress her silky skin, her tender body. Actually, the water was tepid and reeked of chlorine, but....

Part Two

With my dubious scientific credentials it goes without saying that I entered the modern world of Covid poorly qualified. In order to make any sense of the grotesque nightmare that has descended upon humanity I have needed to grapple with topics alien to my native being. Viruses, infections, the nature of disease; PCR tests; cells, DNA, and the rest. 

I modestly suggest that I haven't done too bad. Necessity - and it has been total necessity, personally - is the mother of pushing beyond imagined limitations and personal preferences and inclinations. During the course of the spring and summer I did enough research and head-scratching, reading, listening, re-reading, to come to a number of focal conclusions.

- The 'virus' claimed to be responsible for single-handedly trashing human civilisation as we have known it has not been proven to exist. Despite claims to the contrary, it has not been properly purified and isolated separate form all other manner of gunk. 'The virus' is unlikely to exist.

- The 'test' which has been pivotal in creating our pandemic panic is not fit for purpose. Its creator specifically stated that it is not designed or suitable as a diagnostic tool. It does not detect a 'virus' but a genetic sequence which is assumed to be a sign of aforementioned virus. That's all. It most likely tests for genetic material which is natural to the human body: look closely enough, and everybody may test positive for 'the virus'. It is a test that does not test for a virus, a virus which most likely does not exist in the first instance. 

Such is the basis on which human life has been imprisoned, impoverished, damaged, destroyed.....

Part Three

When it comes to the 'statistics' aspect to science, I entered the world of Covid better prepared. 

As people generally believe in measurements, things that you can quantify, they put great faith in statistics. This faith is largely naive, since statistics can be used by those who know how to use them to 'prove' almost anything. This is especially true if you can turn your statistics into a computer model, using your own parameters and assumptions in setting up the initial model. White is black? No problem!

Selective use of data, pre-determined start and end points to data on a graph, suspect methods of data collection: these are just a few of the ruses used to blind people with your statistical science. In the world of Covid this can be seen in the endless debates about Sweden, for example, and its atypical approach to the Covid problem. Has it been successful or not? Depends on whose data you look at, how you interpret it, and your personal prejudices. In other words, it is an endless and useless endeavour.

There are, however, a few general points that can be reasonably concluded from poring over graphs. Firstly, lockdowns, masks, and the rest, have had little or no effect on containing 'the virus'. In the nations of Europe where masks became mandatory during the summer months, the number of 'cases' has skyrocketed since that particular imposition. The logical conclusion is that face masks increase the incidence of Covid-19. Which is nonsense, but which goes to prove the point....

The other Covid-relevant point about statistics is that you can change the parameters to keep the thing going. While people were officially dying from the virus, it was deaths that we were concerned with. Then, when people stopped dying, the emphasis mysteriously morphed into 'cases'. Because so many people were hypnotised by the terrible nature of the virus, this move could be made almost without a squeak from the general population, while it was just a way to keep the 'crisis' going.

In conclusion, statistics are largely bullshit. Their primary use is to programme the general population into beliefs and fears.

Part Four 

Germ theory, terrain theory, the causes of illness. This is biology, I suppose. Unlike with physics, I have no great memories of my years spent trying to learn biology. Quite a lot of it seemed to involve chlorophyll, a mysterious agent which turned plants green. For a couple of years we had a biology teacher who had a beard, and who occasionally smelt of body odour.

Germ theory, terrain theory: two main approaches to human health and what causes it to go bad. I knew a little of these ideas before 2020, but like many other topics, it has demanded closer attention since the Covid story exploded into being.

Germ theory rules the roost in modern 'health' today. And, like many things which go to create the world we live in, this is so not because of anything very rational, scientific(!), or considered. Germ theory runs the show because it is appealing to those who like to control the affairs of other human beings.

Pasteur is Mister Germ, while Bechamp is Mister Terrain. Pasteur won the day largely through subterfuge - it's not difficult to find the story should you want it.

In brief, germ theory states that illness is caused by nasty things like germs, viruses, bacteria, which hang around in the outside world waiting to jump on you, down your throat, and thus make you very ill. Other people with germs can easily pass these agents on, through touch, sneezing etc, so they are best avoided.

Terrain theory places emphasis on the inner health of the individual, as well as that of the surrounding environment. If you are well-nourished, exercised, of healthy psychology and with meaning to your life, your body is pretty well-equipped to deal with any nasty outside agent which may come its way. 

In the germ view of life, however, we are essentially hopeless, helpless blobs wandering around in a dangerous world. Viruses and other disease-producing things are 'out there', hiding behind every tree, around every dark street corner, just waiting to jump on us and render us very ill. There's nothing we can do, really. We are victims of a dangerous world, and that's that. We can just hope and pray that someone will come up with a vaccine, and soon, to protect us from all these horrid things floating through the air and lurking on door handles. Otherwise we live in constant fear.

Terrain theory, by contrast, empowers the individual. There is nasty stuff going on out there, yes, but you can take your life into your own hands, look after yourself, and head out the front door with confidence.


Part Five

Put simply, the Covid story encapsulates everything that is bad, twisted, devious. It is evil incarnated in a phantom killer disease; it is the Inversion in pure form. And it is germ theory write large. In the theatre which is Covid-19, humans are cast as helpless victims in the grip of a terrible fate, unable to do a thing about it. It is victim mentality personified. 

The humans watched in horror as the virus marched through Iran from central China, on through Italy, Spain, France, until - gotcha! - it finally breached the White Cliffs of Dover. Britain sat petrified, unable to lift a finger to do a thing to stop the enemy's advance. Helpless victims - which is exactly where the Cabal wants them to be. 

We are not required to enter into an either/or debate about germ theory and terrain theory. It is most likely a false dichotomy; elements of both may well contribute to health. But the Covid story has been played entirely on the germ, the killer virus. And on humans as helpless victims.

Thus we discover that Hancock, the supposed Minister for Health, is not a minister for health at all: he is a minister for vaccines. And throw in a face mask or two. 

But remarkably, not a word has been uttered during the entire dark pantomime about how human beings might actually improve their health - their defences, their chances of naturally combating any illness that may be around. Instead, everything that has been put in place will have a detrimental effect upon a person's health: being cooped up indoors without fresh air, sunshine, exercise; keeping people apart, isolated from others, especially nearest and dearest, leading to greatly increased stress, anxiety, sadness, depression, all known to make one more susceptible to illness; breathing issues with long-term mask use, including the possible inhalation of toxic plastics; engendered fear, once more with a palpable effect on the strength of the human organism. 

Instead, it's all down to staying put, shutting up, doing what you're told, and waiting for the vaccine. The killer vaccine. the vaccine, designed to end far more lives than the phantom virus ever will.

Scientifically, germ theory is of dubious status. But in psychological terms, its effects are clear: they are devastating.   

Images:  Aylesbury Grammar School, place of much torture

              Some girls come over

              The killer virus

               Germ theory, terrain theory, explained