Part One
Spring and summer witnessed an unprecedented flourish of activity on the blog, to correspond with the unprecedented flourish of insanity in the world. Now, suddenly - nothing. I am quiet, more in-turned: what we can call the inner work calls out for priority attention - not just for 'me' but for any contribution I may make to the overall betterment of the world. So be it.....
While springtime is, apparently, the time of the 'Lesser Mysteries', autumn marks the unfolding of the 'Greater Mysteries'. As outward activity diminishes, this seems fitting, natural, appropriate. It is the season when the big mysteries of life will most readily be revealed, to those who are prepared to listen, be quiet, to go inwards.
What I have written so far this year represents a reasonable summary of what I feel has been going on over this uniquely bizarre and brutal period. It is now a matter of seeing how things unfold further. In part, at least.
As it happens, things have become still more ludicrous - if that is possible - by the day. The 'pandemic' has been replaced by the 'casedemic' as prime mover of dystopian events. 'An increase in infections' is the new phrase designed to strike still further fear and terror into the lives of many many people.
This masks-and-infections phase is personally more difficult, in some respects, than the initial lockdown back in spring. It is grotesque, totally irrational, incredible. Anyone in their right mind would simply note that, for about two months now, UK deaths from typical seasonal flu have far outstripped those from 'the virus' and, when confronted with 'increase in infections' simply reply with "What's the problem, then?"
Many people are not, however, in their right mind. A dark spell has been cast - literally - reinforced every time people put on the mask of the beast in subservience or fear. They have fallen for a story that gets more surreal by the day. A part of me still recoils in shock at how easily people have fallen for this fiction. Maybe I was naive about the nature of many human beings in the first place.
"The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists." J. Edgar Hoover (and he should know.....)
Part Two
A couple of weeks ago my wife and I went to Edinburgh for a few days. It was the first time outside the Scottish Highlands since March; not something I had any great urge for, but, as it turned out, refreshing nevertheless.
I would not normally harbour notions of visiting Edinburgh at this time of year - accommodation prices sky-high, and half the world there for the Festival. But this year being different, it was manageable both economically and psychologically. Not crowded, but sufficient people to avoid the ghost-town experience.
We tracked down the less covid-infested eating places, the ones without fear-porn signs all over the place, without military-style 'security' on the door, etc. We even found a cafe where the staff were unmasked. I told them how wonderful it was to see their faces, and they said they were following misgovernment guidelines on 'safety' fully anyway. Which was interesting.
All in all, we tried to live like fully-fledged human beings, not zombies. And on Saturday it was the 'Freedom for Scotland' Gathering near Holyrood. Lots of warm, friendly, fear-free individuals meeting together to make their human voices heard. No mandatory vaccines, no mandatory masks, no more lockdowns; you get the idea. The atmosphere was generally carnival more than it was protest, the attitude being predominantly that of being healthy human beings rather than angry fists and confrontation. That is playing their game, after all. It is one that 'they' are all too familiar with, and one which 'they' invariably win.
Part Three
It's been the order of the day for a couple of months now: the satanic ritual of the mask. Taxi drivers in masks, shoppers in masks, hotel staff in masks, solitary passengers on a bus, peeping out from behind a mask. No longer do I walk around in a human world. I now wander though a bizarre ritual enactment, in which 'persons' are removed, erased, sponged out.
And we have the local lockdowns, driven by 'cases'. People aren't actually dying, but the invisible enemy is afoot, invoking fear on every street corner. "Best to be safe."
And now we have the blackmail of children, just one small step away from full-on pedophilic child abuse: wear the mask or you might give the virus to grandad, and he'll die. Traumatising the kids, just like in satanic child abuse. There is no limit to the depths of depravity that today's new leaders will go to.
We have, too, the grotesque numbers: six people meeting together only. Precise, mechanical, calculated. Six. Six. Six. Why don't more people get it????
Anybody in their right mind would see that this dark theatre which is being enacted is not the product of the 'human mind'. Human minds could not, I submit, work out, choreograph, and orchestrate all this. No. It requires another kind of mind, the archontic mind. Castaneda uses three adjectives to describe this type of non-human influence on our affairs: baroque, morose, contradictory. I found this an extremely curious choice of words to begin with, but its quirky nature, behind which lie sadism and pure lust for control, makes more sense today.
It is all occult, calculated, sadistic. And this is another thing....
Part Four
Over the past two hundred years or more, the 'modern western mind' has been in process of creation. It has now reached full flowering. It is indeed modern and western: scientific, rational, philosophically materialistic - well, that's the official story, anyhow. It believes in science and things scientific. Measurements, computer models. To be real, something needs to be amenable to the five senses; we need to be able measure it, quantify it. Otherwise it's dismissed as superstitious rubbish. This is the great psy-op of the modern era.
When a friend wrote to me that 'science is diabolic', this short sentence turned on a switch, a switch of understanding. Yes, science is truly diabolic - science as commonly understood, that is. It cages the human mind in a tiny box of cognition and experience: anything that may exist outside that box will be either ridiculed, dismissed, or simply not experienced consciously at all. And all the while this limitation to experience is justified by the programmed belief that 'we' are more advanced: our 'science' makes us superior, more knowledgeable, closer to real life. While in fact the converse is true.
"We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the rule of our lives. Human beings are its prisoners. The predator is our lord and master. It has rendered us docile, helpless"
And again:
"The predators gave us their mind! Do you hear me? The predators give us their mind, which becomes our mind....... Through the mind, which, after all, is their mind, the predators inject into the lives of human beings whatever is convenient for them." (Carlos Castaneda, the Active Side of Infinity).
The predators gave us our mind. They gave us our scientific mind. And one reason that they gave us our scientific mind is that it acts as perfect cover.
The predator does not act through materialistic rational science at all. The predator knows that's not the way that the world works. The predator acts through the occult. Through ritual: through signs, symbols, numbers, synchronicities. It knows this is the real deal, not crappy computer models.
But it has given to the human mind science. Science, which denies the very existence of the occult. The means by which the predator manipulates, and is currently in the process of destroying, humanity as we know it, is not even recognised by modern western people. The predator's means is invisible! This being the case, the predator can continue its monstrous activities undetected, outside the cognitive menu which it has instilled into humans as being the one-and-only reality. Isn't that genius?
"The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists...... The American mind has not come to a realisation of the evil which has been introduced into our midst."
Images: Calton Hill, Edinburgh