Welcome into the vortex........

anarcho-shamanism, mountain spirits; sacred wilderness, sacred sites, sacred everything; psychonautics, entheogens, pushing the envelope of consciousness; dominator culture and undermining its activities; Jung, Hillman, archetypes; Buddhism, multidimensional realities, and the ever-present satori at the centre of the brain; a few cosmic laughs; and much much more....

all delivered from the beautiful Highlands of Scotland!

Sunday, 27 September 2020

A Sufi Mystic

 "When a man is possessed by an evil spirit the qualities of humanity are lost in him. Whatever he says is really said by that spirit, though it seems to proceed from his mouth. When the spirit has this rule and dominance over him the agent is the property of the spirit, and not himself. His self has departed and he has become the spirit."      Rumi, 13th century Sufi.

For some strange and unaccountable reason, various images came to me as I mulled over these words from the wise man.

In no particular order - Ursula von der Ley, Chris Witty, Emmanuel Macron, Melinda Gates, Matt Hancock. Actually, they are not all there... 

Truly, the world of humans is greatly influenced by those who are like hollow vessels, possessed by a spirit. Vessels fit and shaped to channel all manner of evil into the affairs of humankind. Teresa May, Joe Biden - two more. They have, or appear to have, no character, no personality. They are automatons who deliver messages, instructions, edicts, without proper feeling, without natural human response.

The world of power is full of such beings, and this is no coincidence. They are the perfect type. They simply exercise authority without the complication of personal emotions. I am reminded of that section in one of James Hillman's books, where he discusses the nature of evil. It lies, according to various investigators, in uniformity, anonymity, conformity, efficient faceless bureaucracy. These are precisely the elements which these abovementioned people seem to embody. Quiet, unmoved, impersonal: sign the execution form and move on.

In a sense, the out-and-out, out-there, darkness of a Sturgeon, a Salmond, a Merkel, is preferable. It's not so creepy. Well, in Sturgeon's case, I'm not so sure.... 

And what about Boris Johnson? What's happened to him? I might be wrong, but it seemed to me that he went into hospital with an illness as one person and came out as another. Beforehand, he was something of a real person, with his distinctive sense of humour and the rest. But since his stint with the NHS, he has been little more than a robot, a covid automaton. One of the very worst.

As I said, I might be wrong. But that's what my five senses and my intuition are telling me. There's hardly anything said about this: the occasional suggestion that he has been replaced by a double, the original Johnson either executed or hidden away for his personal safety. Unlikely, I submit. But what happened in that hospital? I wonder whether he's been got at, got to, possibly subjected to some heavyweight mind control. That would hardly be surprising: the rest of us have had it. 

Two not particularly related, but not unrelated, articles. If the 'new improved' Google system (ha ha) wants to redirect you that's OK....

