Originally I wasn't going to write about this; but I changed my mind....
Aunt Shirley. I hadn't seen her for years, though I spoke to her on occasion at Christmas - phone or Skype. She lived in Toronto, Canada, and died about three weeks ago.
For two or three years she had lived in a care home in Toronto. According to my sister who, unlike me, keeps in good contact with the Canadian relatives, and visited a year or two ago, Canadian care homes can be pretty much a dystopian nightmare (my words, not hers). From her descriptions, I gather that they are sometimes huge, multi-storey blocks, uniform and largely faceless, where those who are no longer able to care for themselves are looked after efficiently. It reminds me of communist Russia, but maybe that's my problem.
That Shirley remained alive this long is something of a miracle. Since I first knew her, over forty years ago, she was seriously diabetic, and subject to illness-related mood changes, to put it tactfully. Her illness impacted heavily upon her health in general. Then, as recent years arrived, she started to lose her mental faculties. Not an unusual story, but no less sad for that.
So Shirley was a victim of Covid-19. She did not, of course, actually have the virus; whether she was tested or not I do not know and do not care. No. She died because, for three months - her last three months in this incarnation on planet Earth - she was denied visitors. Family - my cousin and his family - and friends were unable to see her, because of 'the virus'. All other considerations take second place when 'the virus' is about. So she was left to feel sad and sorry, and the will to live which had kept this tough cookie going for so long finally gave up. Inspiring, expiring, no longer worth the effort. So she died. I am not making this up: a nurse or nurses said as much, so I am told.
This is the new Covid world; the new abnormal; the new psychopathic horror show. Nothing matters any longer. Not very much, anyhow. So long as we contain the virus, meekly wear the mask, do whatever dysfunctional sub-humans in suits tell us what to do, everything will be all right. Well, I've got news: no, it won't.
"Ah, but your aunt was in a care home. These are the people who we have to protect. Get the virus in the home, and they'll all be dead."
My aunt apparently lived on the ninth floor of this residence, but was moved to the ground floor as her health deteriorated. Let's just picture this: the ground floor; near the exit; near the outdoors; near, I assume, at least a small open space. Canada, in spring, early summer. Sun, warmth, at least some of the time.
In a human world, one that actually deals with individuals, we might consider the possibility of a family meeting outdoors. A socially-distanced meeting, even. Just briefly; just once a week. Enough to make a difference, a real difference. But no. We do not inhabit a human world. We live in a robot world. A world where the uniform is the rule, where one size fits all. And this is just a rehearsal for what is to come, should we allow it.....
Part Two: Tarpa Nagpo
Other cultures at other times might grasp better the essence of what is going on at present. The mass of modern humanity appears so sanitised, so anaesthetised, by the life and dogmas of scientific rationalism and materialism, that it is unable to see evil when it stares straight into your eyes. We could call it pseudo-scientific myopia.
The gods have been banished, ridiculed, the sources of great good and great bad dismissed as silly, superstitious, primitive. Which suits the bad guys just fine: they can get on with their dark work uninterrupted.
Most societies predating modern western ones fully recognised the influence on, and power over, human life of non-human gods, spirits: angels, fairies, demons, and the rest. As humans, we are simply one life form in the midst of many; one vibrational energy among a host of other energies, all with their own ways of going about things.
The impact of dark forces was understood and described by the early Gnostics, which is why they had to go: institutionalised Christianity became a prime vehicle for those very forces of darkness. Many shamanic societies, for example both South and North American, know about this. Castaneda saw this, and wrote lucidly about it in his final book.
It is there in early Buddhism, where Buddha is often found conversing with non-human forces, many of which are disruptive. This was all natural, uncontroversial, just the way that life was. His final battle was with Mara, embodiment of negativity, who threw everything he had at Buddha to try and prevent his enlightenment. Many modern Buddhists like to belittle such passages by saying they are 'poetic and metaphorical'. Why? Why not literal? That's cultural cherry-picking.
Early Buddhist Tantra also shows an intimate acquaintance with these great forces outside the human realm, but ones eager to impact upon the lives of humans. The lives of these Buddhists were elemental in the extreme, sculpted by sun, snow, hail, wind, rock, ice. All was alive, everything vital, every stone, every tiny plant on the mountainside. And all was impregnated with the influence of non-human entities both benevolent and malevolent.
It is in 'The Life and Liberation of Padmasambhava' that we encounter the jolly figure of Tarpa Nagpo. The Life and Lib is one of several kind-of biographies of Padmasambhava, who is focal to the introduction of Buddhism to Tibet, and whose name is associated particularly with the Nying-ma, 'Old School' form of Indo-Tibetan tantric Buddhism.
This version of Padmasambhava's life was reputedly related by Yeshe Tsogyal, one of his several consorts, and it comes down to us in a kind of verse form, redacted in 108 cantos. It is in Cantos 5 and 6 that we hear about Tarpa Nagpo.
Tarpa, or Black Salvation, originally wished to practice the teachings of Buddha, but then things began to go wrong. "His body put on the semblance of holiness, but his mind was going to perdition." (think 'people who set up nice-sounding charities, but whose intent is in reality evil'.)
Things get pretty bad as Tarpa's life goes on. To cut a long story short, his life goes seriously off the rails, from a spiritual perspective at least. He takes the dead into charnel houses to have his fill of them, and later he eats his own dead demon mother's flesh, drinks her blood, and lives off the dead (echoes in modern times of satanic ritual sacrifices, apparently undertaken by some of those near the top of the pyramid).
After practicing 'the black doctrine' for twelve cycles, he is reborn as a black jackal, a carnivorous mongoose, an eater of vomit, and as a flesh eater. He becomes 'Ma-Rudra', who devoured his mother.
Fortunately help is at hand. However, drastic situations call for drastic solutions. He is finally subjugated by the horse-headed one (Hayagriva in some accounts), who enters him up his anus; and the swine-headed one (Vajrapani, possibly, another extremely wrathful Buddhist deity) up his urethra. "The horse and the pig have subdued Rudra; the Buddha has subdued the demons."
Come, sacred Hayagriva and Vajrapani, please come. We are in dire need of your uncompromising assistance at this dark moment in human history.
Part Three: Tarpa's Little Shot
With the vak-seen, the endgame of the subjugation of the human spirit is in sight. Tarpa Nagpo would be mightily impressed with what has been happening of late.
(you might find it on YouTube as well, where it's had half a million views, but its status there in uncertain....)
I do not exaggerate when I say this video link may be one of the most important things I have ever put on this blog. This information needs to get out to people as much as possible. I am no expert, that's the last thing I am, and there may be things I am missing. But clearly the vak-seen is no joke. And remember: it's a one-way ticket. One shot, no going back.
Part Four: Sanity, an Endangered Species
OK, it's partly a plug for his new book, but it also condenses much of what David Icke has been saying since March into sixteen clear and watchable minutes.
And from the David Icke forum (a place that can elicit inspiration and a sense of helplessness in equal measure, depending on your mood, where you go there, and how long you spend - short bursts = good, long sessions tend to evoke a bad mood in my experience)
OK, so let's just check if I've understood this properly:
- There is this Covid-19 virus, which has a mortality in the range typical of seasonal flus (swprs.org/a-swiss-doctor-on-covid-19/ )
- A successful vaccine against coronaviruses eg the common cold has never been found.
- A new type of vaccine, implicating the RNA/DNA systems, the very building blocks of life, is being rolled out for the novel coronavirus.
- A 'safe and effective' vaccine (which sometimes proves to be neither) is normally reckoned to take several years to be ready for use.
- The coronavirus vaccines are being 'fast-tracked', to be ready for use within months, or a year or so.
- This means by-passing the normal stages of animal trials, etc, to get straight to the humans.
- They will nevertheless be 'safe and effective.'
- They are to be used on all human beings, and until that happens life cannot get back to normal.
Sounds just great to me. Apart from being the most vicious, irresponsible thing I've heard in all my life, quite literally, it's perfect. Sign me up.
Images: Vajrapani, subjugator of demons
Black Salvation (literally: 'I will save the world - with my poisons')