Welcome into the vortex........

anarcho-shamanism, mountain spirits; sacred wilderness, sacred sites, sacred everything; psychonautics, entheogens, pushing the envelope of consciousness; dominator culture and undermining its activities; Jung, Hillman, archetypes; Buddhism, multidimensional realities, and the ever-present satori at the centre of the brain; a few cosmic laughs; and much much more....

all delivered from the beautiful Highlands of Scotland!

Wednesday, 29 July 2020

Notes From a Robot World

Part One: A Covid Death in the Family

Originally I wasn't going to write about this; but I changed my mind....

Aunt Shirley. I hadn't seen her for years, though I spoke to her on occasion at Christmas - phone or Skype. She lived in Toronto, Canada, and died about three weeks ago.

For two or three years she had lived in a care home in Toronto. According to my sister who, unlike me, keeps in good contact with the Canadian relatives, and visited a year or two ago, Canadian care homes can be pretty much a dystopian nightmare (my words, not hers). From her descriptions, I gather that they are sometimes huge, multi-storey blocks, uniform and largely faceless, where those who are no longer able to care for themselves are looked after efficiently. It reminds me of communist Russia, but maybe that's my problem.

That Shirley remained alive this long is something of a miracle. Since I first knew her, over forty years ago, she was seriously diabetic, and subject to illness-related mood changes, to put it tactfully. Her illness impacted heavily upon her health in general. Then, as recent years arrived, she started to lose her mental faculties. Not an unusual story, but no less sad for that.

So Shirley was a victim of Covid-19. She did not, of course, actually have the virus; whether she was tested or not I do not know and do not care. No. She died because, for three months - her last three months in this incarnation on planet Earth - she was denied visitors. Family - my cousin and his family - and friends were unable to see her, because of 'the virus'. All other considerations take second place when 'the virus' is about. So she was left to feel sad and sorry, and the will to live which had kept this tough cookie going for so long finally gave up. Inspiring, expiring, no longer worth the effort. So she died. I am not making this up: a nurse or nurses said as much, so I am told.

This is the new Covid world; the new abnormal; the new psychopathic horror show. Nothing matters any longer. Not very much, anyhow. So long as we contain the virus, meekly wear the mask, do whatever dysfunctional sub-humans in suits tell us what to do, everything will be all right. Well, I've got news: no, it won't.

"Ah, but your aunt was in a care home. These are the people who we have to protect. Get the virus in the home, and they'll all be dead."

My aunt apparently lived on the ninth floor of this residence, but was moved to the ground floor as her health deteriorated. Let's just picture this: the ground floor; near the exit; near the outdoors; near, I assume, at least a small open space. Canada, in spring, early summer. Sun, warmth, at least some of the time.

In a human world, one that actually deals with individuals, we might consider the possibility of a family meeting outdoors. A socially-distanced meeting, even. Just briefly; just once a week. Enough to make a difference, a real difference. But no. We do not inhabit a human world. We live in a robot world. A world where the uniform is the rule, where one size fits all. And this is just a rehearsal for what is to come, should we allow it.....

Part Two: Tarpa Nagpo

Other cultures at other times might grasp better the essence of what is going on at present. The mass of modern humanity appears so sanitised, so anaesthetised, by the life and dogmas of scientific rationalism and materialism, that it is unable to see evil when it stares straight into your eyes. We could call it pseudo-scientific myopia.

The gods have been banished, ridiculed, the sources of great good and great bad dismissed as silly, superstitious, primitive. Which suits the bad guys just fine: they can get on with their dark work uninterrupted.

Most societies predating modern western ones fully recognised the influence on, and power over, human life of non-human gods, spirits: angels, fairies, demons, and the rest. As humans, we are simply one life form in the midst of many; one vibrational energy among a host of other energies, all with their own ways of going about things.

The impact of dark forces was understood and described by the early Gnostics, which is why they had to go: institutionalised Christianity became a prime vehicle for those very forces of darkness. Many shamanic societies, for example both South and North American, know about this. Castaneda saw this, and wrote lucidly about it in his final book.

It is there in early Buddhism, where Buddha is often found conversing with non-human forces, many of which are disruptive. This was all natural, uncontroversial, just the way that life was. His final battle was with Mara, embodiment of negativity, who threw everything he had at Buddha to try and prevent his enlightenment. Many modern Buddhists like to belittle such passages by saying they are 'poetic and metaphorical'. Why? Why not literal? That's cultural cherry-picking.

Early Buddhist Tantra also shows an intimate acquaintance with these great forces outside the human realm, but ones eager to impact upon the lives of humans. The lives of these Buddhists were elemental in the extreme, sculpted by sun, snow, hail, wind, rock, ice. All was alive, everything vital, every stone, every tiny plant on the mountainside. And all was impregnated with the influence of non-human entities both benevolent and malevolent.

It is in 'The Life and Liberation of Padmasambhava' that we encounter the jolly figure of Tarpa Nagpo. The Life and Lib is one of several kind-of biographies of Padmasambhava, who is focal to the introduction of Buddhism to Tibet, and whose name is associated particularly with the Nying-ma, 'Old School' form of Indo-Tibetan tantric Buddhism.

This version of Padmasambhava's life was reputedly related by Yeshe Tsogyal, one of his several consorts, and it comes down to us in a kind of verse form, redacted in 108 cantos. It is in Cantos 5 and 6 that we hear about Tarpa Nagpo.

Tarpa, or Black Salvation, originally wished to practice the teachings of Buddha, but then things began to go wrong. "His body put on the semblance of holiness, but his mind was going to perdition." (think 'people who set up nice-sounding charities, but whose intent is in reality evil'.)

Things get pretty bad as Tarpa's life goes on. To cut a long story short, his life goes seriously off the rails, from a spiritual perspective at least. He takes the dead into charnel houses to have his fill of them, and later he eats his own dead demon mother's flesh, drinks her blood, and lives off the dead (echoes in modern times of satanic ritual sacrifices, apparently undertaken by some of those near the top of the pyramid).

After practicing 'the black doctrine' for twelve cycles, he is reborn as a black jackal, a carnivorous mongoose, an eater of vomit, and as a flesh eater. He becomes 'Ma-Rudra', who devoured his mother.

Fortunately help is at hand. However, drastic situations call for drastic solutions. He is finally subjugated by the horse-headed one (Hayagriva in some accounts), who enters him up his anus; and the swine-headed one (Vajrapani, possibly, another extremely wrathful Buddhist deity) up his urethra. "The horse and the pig have subdued Rudra; the Buddha has subdued the demons."

Come, sacred Hayagriva and Vajrapani, please come. We are in dire need of your uncompromising assistance at this dark moment in human history.

Part Three: Tarpa's Little Shot

With the vak-seen, the endgame of the subjugation of the human spirit is in sight. Tarpa Nagpo would be mightily impressed with what has been happening of late.

There is a fair bit of information out there on the subject of the vak-seen, and why Tarpa Nagpo, in his current incarnation as Bill-the-shot Gates, among others, views it with reverence, worshipping it every morning. Among the people who have produced work on it is Carrie Madej. Her video is clear and heartfelt. I strongly recommend twenty-two minutes of your life well-spent.


(you might find it on YouTube as well, where it's had half a million views, but its status there in uncertain....)

I do not exaggerate when I say this video link may be one of the most important things I have ever put on this blog. This information needs to get out to people as much as possible. I am no expert, that's the last thing I am, and there may be things I am missing. But clearly the vak-seen is no joke. And remember: it's a one-way ticket. One shot, no going back.

Part Four: Sanity, an Endangered Species

OK, it's partly a plug for his new book, but it also condenses much of what David Icke has been saying since March into sixteen clear and watchable minutes. 


And from the David Icke forum (a place that can elicit inspiration and a sense of helplessness in equal measure, depending on your mood, where you go there, and how long you spend - short bursts = good, long sessions tend to evoke a bad mood in my experience)

OK, so let's just check if I've understood this properly:

- There is this Covid-19 virus, which has  a mortality in the range typical of seasonal flus (swprs.org/a-swiss-doctor-on-covid-19/ )
- A successful vaccine against coronaviruses eg the common cold has never been found.
- A new type of vaccine, implicating the RNA/DNA systems, the very building blocks of life, is being rolled out for the novel coronavirus.
- A 'safe and effective' vaccine (which sometimes proves to be neither) is normally reckoned to take several years to be ready for use.
- The coronavirus vaccines are being 'fast-tracked', to be ready for use within months, or a year or so.
- This means by-passing the normal stages of animal trials, etc, to get straight to the humans.
- They will nevertheless be 'safe and effective.'
- They are to be used on all human beings, and until that happens life cannot get back to normal.

Sounds just great to me. Apart from being the most vicious, irresponsible thing I've heard in all my life, quite literally, it's perfect. Sign me up.

Images: Vajrapani, subjugator of demons
             Black Salvation (literally: 'I will save the world - with my poisons')   

Monday, 20 July 2020

God Save the Queen, Fascist Regime...

The last in our little trilogy titled 'punk for the age of covid'.

Part One: Nightmare On Every Street

The sharp and rude shock is over for now. There remains, I sense, for countless millions of people strewn across the face of the Earth a dull, numbing feeling of trauma. The trauma of unexpected domestic imprisonment; separation from loved ones, even those in need or dying; the immediate curtailment of taken-for-granted freedoms; the omnipresent fear, reinforced every time the toxic-vision set is turned on - 'the virus, the virus. It's out to get you, the virus.'

Trauma, felt now consciously, now unconsciously. People in trauma without even realising that's what they are feeling. Just feeling weird, shaky, so 'off', like crying or shouting for no apparent reason. This is what we have been invited to participate in: a global trauma-based mind control experiment. And it seems to be going pretty well thus far.

Different forms of post-traumatic stress disorder are easily predictable for the foreseeable future. How do not-superly-conscious folk deal with trauma? I have never looked into it very deeply. However, I once worked, about ten years ago, with a young man fresh back from military service in 'Afghan' as they affectionately referred to it. At one point, he was shot and nearly killed, it emerged after a while.

Anyhow, when he first started working with us in the shop he was quiet, almost timid; a little brittle and jittery at times. But then he went wild. All his money disappeared in the pubs and clubs at the weekend. Drink, girls, drink, drink, girls, more drink. He'd turn up to work dishevelled, smelling not too good, half out of it, having bedded yet another local girl the drunken night before. He had no idea what he was doing.

The shop eventually closed down, and he turned up for farewell drinks dressed up as a slutty female, with two female 'friends' as company. He seemed to think this was healthy and normal. I believe he's calmed down since. But this is my main first-hand experience of PTSD.

Another strategy for dealing with trauma is, I suppose, avoidance. Pretend it never happened. You're so relieved it's all over; the nightmares simply get locked away, the key thrown in the canal, never to return - you vainly hope.

When I was young, it always seemed curious that nobody spoke about the War. I was born eight years after World War Two's end, but it was as though it had never happened. The only exception was my mother's occasional relating of watching Coventry burn in the night sky from the vantage point of her home away in Oxfordshire. For the rest, though, a happy silence. Get up, go to work, feed the kids. Job done. The War and the trauma never happened.

This will, I suppose, become a common 'strategy': pretend it never happened; get back to 'normal'. Except that you can't. Your body, your instincts, your feelings, know that it happened. They don't forget. And whenever you go out, it's there to greet you. At every shop, cafe, around every corner. The handwash, the careful-how-close-you-get, the involuntary jerk of avoidance from other bodies should you stray too near. The mask, the mask, the mask. It follows you like a professional stalker: the fear, the panic, the trauma, the virus, the virus.

What I don't quite get, still, is how many people don't realise that this is not all one big accident. These are not incidental side-effects. They cannot be. It was all too obvious what would happen from the outset. It is intended, in-your-face so. Maybe, like trauma generally, that's just too much disturbing reality for many people.

Part Two: Hide That Face!

On a personal level, the mask is the worst mind-fuck of all. I could manage lockdown on a practical, daily level. Everyday life didn't vary too massively from pre-covid ways of going about things anyway. I could still go for a decent walk every day, buy food from the shops (mask-free, until now in Scotland, when the virus has pretty much gone....).

The mask serves to perpetuate the ongoing sense of trauma. This has to be, once again, completely intended. Really wring out the problem, prolong it as long as possible; really grind people down, until they will accept anything to get  out of it. "Here's our nice little vial full of untested shit, delivered into your body by a new and untested method. It's being promoted and financed by a lovely sweet man with an obsession about sticking foreign substances into as many human bodies as possible. He says he wants to see the world's population reduced, and some of his shit-injection experiments have gone horribly wrong. Would you like a shot of his wonderful medicine, to set you free?" "Oh yes, please. Please! PLEASE!"

The key is to realise that the mask has very little to do with health. Especially the health of normally fairly healthy people. And especially the health of people who spent the months when the 'virus' was at its peak swinging and sliding around the supermarkets mask-free without any ill effects. Or the legions of shop workers who, mask-free, put in 30-hour weeks over the entirety of this period, and failed to drop dead or get ill. And who are now forced (in Scotland already) to spend their working day struggling for breath behind a suffocation cloth.

The mask is not about health. It is about ritual. It is a potent ritualistic implement. Ritual is all-important in the transformation of humanity as projected. This may sound a bit strange to some people. To understand this, we need to understand the nature of the archontic mind behind the whole affair.

The archontic mind, we may recall, is devoid of creativity. It lacks any connection with the divine, with Source. It can only imitate, simulate, build upon what is already there; and it is very good at doing so. But it is mechanical in nature; it inhabits and produces a clockwork world. In everyday human life that mechanical, clockwork world unfolds in linear cause-and-effect. Linear time and space. That's how we typically go about things.

But the archon mentality is not physical. It is inorganic and non-physical; mental in more ways than one. Mechanical, clockwork, in the non-physical realm, often referred to as the 4D, manifests in terms of correspondences, synchronicities, 'as above, so below'.

We humans often consider these things as 'Wow' things, spiritual, but they are not necessarily so. They appear so because they are typically 'out there' to the human realm, so we become familiar with them only as we 'expand our consciousness'. But in themselves they are neither here nor there. And learning about such stuff can be used for the good or the bad of life.

Astrology, I-Ching, all manner of divination, are based upon this kind of knowledge. As is magic - which can be white or black, depending upon the wishes of the participants. And as is ritual, which is the manipulation of events through correspondence, through arranging things on the physical plane to match with things on non-physical planes, to put it extremely crudely. Alignment.

So a good deal of the subjugation of the human spirit takes place through the employment of ritual, dark ritual. When people are told to wear face masks - or face coverings, significantly: the clues are in the words - this is not science. It is occult. It is the occult dressed in the ceremonial garb of 'science'.

Face masks are a mass, pop, occult ritual of submission and consent. In order for their black magic to be effective, the dark lords appear to require our consent to start with. They tell us in occult ways what they are doing, or intend to do. This may manifest in words, numbers, 'secret' signs and symbols, clues in statements made to the public, and so on. They are obsessed with such matters because consent is required, and it's all out there for you to see, if you only dare to look. So wearing the mask is saying 'Yes, I agree, I go along with your work, I give my consent to my subjugation'.

The ritual as submission is similar. Look at a person in a mask, especially one of those identikit surgical masks, and you see a diminished person. The face - the personality, the person - is gone. There is no clue as to who or what lurks behind the facade, the barrier. The person is gone.

This is what I consent to, the eradication of myself as a unique intelligent individual. I submit, I give myself up, to something else, to anonymity at the service of a greater power than myself. I submit. I give up my will. I surrender my will to our will. I am all yours.

Should you 'need' to wear a dark occult covering over your face at any time, I strongly recommend doing it with strong personal intent. Say it out loud, which diminishes the magic. 'I do not consent. I do NOT consent.' And maybe at least avoid the surgical mask, which is tops for anonymity. Maybe a Red Bubble mask is preferable (see above).

Watch a bunch of people going around with the masks on. What do you see? Not 'what do you think you see?' Not 'what are you taught or told to see?' No. What do you actually see? 

Images: The Queen wears a mask
Mask courtesy of RedBubble (lots of 'no consent' masks on sale there)                         

Monday, 13 July 2020

Anarchy in the UK

OK, I've never liked punk, but it provides some good song titles...

Part One: Personal Anarchy

When I was sixteen years old, I decided that the UK government system was unfit for purpose. It was an authoritarian killing machine run by bastards. Nothing has changed, by the way.

Looking for better ways to run things, I read a big book about Karl Marx and Communism. I became a communist for about a fortnight, until I couldn't take the obvious contradictions any longer - plus the fact that communism and violence all too often went hand-in-hand. Communist-run nations didn't look that good, really.

I went on to some study of political anarchism. I failed to fall in love with the heroes of 19th century anarchism, Proudhon and Bakunin: they seemed very 'straight' from the perspective of a 1969 long hair. Nevertheless, there was a good degree of resonance with anarchism, and I would muse on how the world might have been a better place, had Bakunin won his ideological duels with Karl Marx.

Anarchism appeared to come in two intertwined yet separate strands. There was the collective, syndicalist thread - think 1930s Catalonia - and the more individualistic one, embraced more by artists, writers, philosophers. Ever since, if anybody had pushed me into giving myself a political label, I would have had to opt for anarchism.

Subsequent communal living within a back-to-the-land ethos became a practical manifestation of this core attitude. Our instinct and analysis both told us that the whole shithouse was rotten from the inside. Attempting to work 'within the system' was a complete waste of time, and the only hope for a better life was to re-create a complete alternative.

And it was a similar attitude that coloured the earlier period of my life in Buddhism, a move I made when I realised the primacy of consciousness. In the language of the day, you need to get your head together before you can do anything else worthwhile. So my Buddhism included community living and working in Buddhist businesses. It was a matter of creating a new kind of society.

I submit that the overall thinking was absolutely spot-on. Reforming a system that is rotten to its roots isn't a realistic proposition. Using its own institutions will be pretty much doomed to failure. I have said for years that the reliance of more modern alternative media and culture on the tech giants of Silicon Valley was a very naive and foolish thing, a prediction that has proven all too true in recent years. You need to create alternatives, and if they get taken down by authoritarian psychopaths, you need to brush off the dust and try again. It's the only way.

Part Two: There it is

As so often nowadays, it's there staring us in the face.

Anarchism. Anarchy. An-arch-y. According to the dictionary, 'Arch' denotes a position of superiority. Deriving from the Greek 'archein', to begin or to rule. It also means 'chief' or 'extreme'.

Arch: superiority, ruling. Power, authority, we could add. Arch-angel. Arch-bishop. Arch-enemy. Arch-on. You get the drift.

'An' is a prefix meaning 'without, lacking.'

So 'Archon' is a superior, ruling, authority being. And an-archy is 'without archon'. To live as an anarchist is to live free of the archons. The spirit of anarchism is, at the very least 'small government', 'as little as possible government', 'localised as much as possible government.' Conversely, globalism is the archontic world writ large.

As the covid situation began to emerge in February/March of this year, I found any lingering faith I might have in any authorities simply crumble to dust. Since then, I have failed to believe a single word uttered by an 'authority', at least not without investigating it thoroughly first. Now I understand why.

'Authorities' as generally understood are under the spell, under the control, of archons. They channel the archon spirit into everyday human existence. And it has become clear that the covid situation is predominantly a power grab by the archontic spirit, a massive bid to take over human life and take down the human spirit for ever. Conversely, it is not surprising that authorities are frequently observed being officious, authoritarian, overstepping the mark, during these times. It is the day of the archon, after all.   

The only real solution is for the entire archontic network to be dismantled. The Queen, Westminster, Holyrood; 'aides', 'advisers', 'experts'; scientists; media, the 'news'; education, academia, 'intellectuals'; the current banking and money system; the church; the military, police, and judiciary hierarchies. That'll do for this little corner of the universe for starters. If enough people woke up to what is actually going on, what is being done to them, then this would happen. In the meantime, we're stuck in the shithouse. And planet Earth is sliding towards being off the radar for any consciousness that wishes to commune with its own true nature. 

Part Three; The Aeons

There is something satisfying - er, self-satisfying even - to come up with notions, reach certain conclusions, and find them echoed afterwards in other sources.

I have been reading 'Everything you need to know but have never been told' by David Icke. It's a thick book, like all his books. Actually, although I am familiar with his work generally, this is the first full-length book that I have come to read. And I have only read the first half. The second part goes in depth into matters such as political correctness, woke mentality, modern parapolitics: I know this territory pretty well, and could do without still more of this at the moment.

Anyhow, in the first, bigger-picture, part of his book, he talks about science and its diabolic nature, just as has been elucidated on Pale G.V. recently. And he writes at length and with great clarity on that topic of topics: the archons.

Icke's writing echoes much of what has gone onto this blog about the archons over the years, and in detail recently. I suspect he has sourced quite heavily John Lash, but there is plenty of other material as well. Reading David's sections on the Gnostics and the archons, it becomes possible to describe the Gnostic view of how human life on this planet works in simple terms, and how it's in its dire situation today.

So, very simply, there are three strata to the universe as we know it:

1. The Upper Aeons. This is where we find the Aeons, divine emanations if you like from Source, Infinite Awareness, God even (though Icke does not use this word in this way). These are pure manifestations, from where all creation comes (the language is not to be taken too literally).

2. The Lower Aeons. It is said that the Aeon Sophia, in a disastrous experiment, decided to create without her partner, her counterpart, her consort, outside the syzygy. Out of the Upper Aeons she fell, and what she created was of necessity unbalanced, out of harmony with the divine flow in the universe. This is 'the world' as we typically know it.

Icke effectively calls this creation 'a bad copy'. Superficially it bears some similarities with the divine of the Upper Aeons, but it is not the real thing. It is a simulation, or a 'matrix'. It is the lot of most human beings to inhabit this bad copy of a world, unaware of the Upper Aeons, and erroneously considering it to be the one-and-only reality.

3. As if this wasn't bad enough, the Demiurge, the impostor, the false god, came onto the scene. He pretended to be the creator of everything, but his simple wish was to subvert human life, in particular to disconnect it from the properly divine, the Upper Aeons. This is his nefarious project, and in order to achieve his demonic goals he has an army of supporters and foot soldiers, focal among whom are the archons.

Like the reptilians and various other dark forces, the archons are inorganic. They do not create, cannot create and be original - they have no connection to Infinite Awareness, the source of all creativity - but only imitate and simulate. Their mind is technological, robotic, psychopathic. And here we are.       

David also provides a more 'scientific' explanation of what I generally call multidimensionality, and how entities such as archons and reptilians can move from one (eg human) into another (eg non-human) dimension. The universe is composed of wave-form energy, and we, in our 'third dimensional reality', are simply experiencing a single frequency band among many. But the frequency can be altered, just as on a television set.

Icke appears ambiguous on the relationship between the Lower Aeons and the world of the archons and demiurge. It is a question that has deep implications. At times he writes as if the entire 'bad copy' is the realm of the demiurge, in which case all of our everyday world can easily be seen as nefarious in nature. At other times, he seems to admit what I feel to be the case. The Lower Aeons provide possibilities for human life to go either way.

There exist in the Lower Aeons reflections of the Upper realms: beauty, for example, the best in art; human courage, love, honesty, kindness. Authenticity. These are all like trickle-downs from Source, and proper spiritual existence involves cultivating a likeness in our own lives to the divine, so that eventually a door opens up, a channel through which energy readily flows to and from the Infinite.

The Lower Aeons are the result of a mistake, but through Sophia their creator, they are nevertheless still connected to Source. I think Icke's equating of Lower Aeons and demiurgic/archontic activity is the root of the feeling of powerlessness which can overtake a person (such as me, anyhow) if over much time is spent delving into his information. I love David Icke: his work and example have helped me no like no other over the past few months. I shall remain eternally grateful. But even Icke is not perfect.....


Sunday, 5 July 2020

Never Mind the Bollox

Part One: Made in China

I waver. Sometimes I think this covid lark is 99% bullshit. Other times I think it's 100%.

At the moment I'm in full monty mode....

I have been conscious of a number of similar comments connected to different articles on the internet of late. All have been saying how they suffered a covid-like illness well before the virus was officially supposed to exist. David Icke reported on a horrible flu-like illness that both he and one of his sons experienced back in January 2020. He said, further, that this was noteworthy, since they rarely succumbed to illness.

The reports I have seen come predominantly from the UK and the USA, dating from especially November and December 2019. People speak of being horribly ill, with something on the chest, a bad cough, and generally feeling awful. Not typical cold or flu, they say. Sounds a bit like 'covid-19' to me.

Add into the mix the recent claim by specialists from Barcelona. Analysing sewage samples (what a job....), they went back as far as March 2019, and say that they found traces of covid-19 during that month, almost a year before the virus is reckoned to have hit Spain.

Put all of this together, and a plausible story begins to emerge. The illness that locked down the world and caused millions to lose their livelihoods was circulating as a nasty flu-like illness way before the 'virus out of Wuhan' narrative hit the world.

The 'virus' did not come out of Wuhan; a test did. What first began happening in Wuhan was not the virus, it was the testing. And, if anyone cares to check it out, it is clear that the test is pretty hopeless. It 'tests' for a whole bundle of things, and was never intended as a serious diagnostic tool. Certainly not intended as anything to base entire world policy upon.
Yes, Johnny, it's a load of bollox

So you have this necessarily crappy test, which is deliberately imprecise and  tests for a whole bundle of things. You unleash it in a city notorious for its air pollution and attendant chest problems, in the middle of winter. In this way you ignite the other things to come out of Wuhan: the fear and panic, and the 'solution', lockdown. Then you transfer attention to another one of the world's notorious hotspots of air pollution, northern Italy, bringing the fear and panic home, ie into the western world. And the rest can look after itself.

The Wuhan lab is a great red herring. 'They' would know full well that 'conspiracy theorists' would grab onto the connection, thereby diverting them from the real paper trail.

The virus does not come out of Wuhan. We do not know this. We cannot know this. What we do know came out of Wuhan was the testing, the panic, the lockdown 'solution'.

'There is not a new virus. There is a new test.' This meme has appeared on David Icke's website on numerous occasions. I finally get what he is saying, I think. He is spot-on.


Speculation is rife, naturally, on many fronts. Another notion going the rounds is that the 'coronavirus epidemic' was caused and/or made far worse by the flu jab taken by vast numbers of people every autumn/early winter. One particular suspect is the H1N1 vaccine in Italy. These vaccines apparently suppress the immune systems of adults. It may go to explain the Bergamo mystery. Bergamo is not a particularly large place (population c. 122,000), but it was particularly hard-hit by deaths of old people. Apparently, the city had been the venue for a real saturation-bombing of a number of different flu vaccines.

So these are the two linchpins to the hoax: the test, and the media saturation with panic and fear, which has so hypnotised people that the vast majority have been rendered incapable of standing back and getting some semblance of perspective on the whole thing.

Question: Please, Mister Pale Green Vortex. Why are you always going on about this plandemic stuff? You've been doing it for months now. Haven't you made your point?

Answer: What has happened this year is an enormous play in the game towards authoritarian world governance, effectively the enslavement of the human species. It is a big move towards the end of humanity as we think of it, I say this without exaggeration. I have seen nothing remotely like it during the course of my life. I think it requires going into, understanding, rooting out, and doing whatever lies within our powers to deal with it.

The struggle between good and evil is out on the battleground now, above surface, for anyone who dares take off their facemask to see. If the direction does not change, planet Earth will soon be off the radar for any consciousness wishing to 'develop spiritually', to connect with its true Source. I think this is all worth devoting a bit of serious time to.

Part Two: The New Abnormal

Hey, it's party time. "You bring the masks, I've got the drugs..."

New times require new strategies. Nobody can change the world by themselves. Personally, I am doing a few little things in light of the new abnormal. One is using Bitchute whenever possible, rather than YouTube. There are issues with Bitchute, mainly how it has become the oasis for folk who only want to talk about the Jooz, so do so in almost every 'comments' section, sometimes in not very helpful ways. But, in order to avoid the censorious YouTube...

DuckDuckGo as default search engine. The practical pain in the butt is that, every time the computer updates (=downloads stuff that doesn't work properly, to replace stuff that functions OK), the search engine returns to Big Brother defaults.

This blog will eventually move/transform outside the Google/Silicon Valley big tech world. But don't hold your breath about when. I'm slow on this change, for a variety of reasons.

I am also using cash as much as I possibly can. If people don't want my money, I'll go somewhere else whenever possible.

And I ain't wearing no bloody useless, harmful, face-erasing mask. See Dr Buttar: