Saturday, 21 September 2019
The Goose is Getting Fat...
Yes indeed, folks. Christmas is just around the corner, and we are well advised to be prepared. Fortunately, buying Christmas presents has been made a whole lot easier this year, thanks to the arrival on the market of a perfect gift. It is exactly what your woke friends will absolutely love (and I trust that your friends are all completely woke people). It is a new board game. Based upon the original, famous, and hopelessly outdated game of 'Monopoly', and created by the same company, it is a new and improved version. It is called 'Ms Monopoly'.
There are a few new improved rules to the game. You see, the girls get more money to start with than the boys. And the same when you pass 'Go': £240 for the little ladies, while the young men get a mere £200. Something to do with the gender pay gap, apparently. And there's no more of that property-buying stuff. Instead, you get to invest in inventions made by women, or in charities, or somesuch (I confess to not having invested in this game, so am hazy on one or two details).
It sounds like a great game, guaranteed to give young Jimmie a Christmas to remember, getting thrashed time and time again by little sis. "Come on, son. Man up. Generational karma payback time. Stop crying."
Yes, family relations will never be the same after a Christmas with Ms Monopoly. Gender conflict will be healed. A new dawn will be upon us.
Really, have you ever come across such ridiculous stuff? By the way, I am not making it up, it's all out there. You can even check out Stefan's take on it below (about two minutes in).
May I be the first of the season to wish you a happy Christmas!