I like listening to Stefan, with his bits and pieces from Sweden about 'the news'. He expresses things clearly and concisely, in an English more perfect than that of many native speakers. He seems possessed of a dry, laconic sense of humour which will see me chuckling out loud. And there is a sense of spaciousness surrounding whatever he says. The truth is invariably simple enough; abstruse philosophical or abstract discourses often miss the point, or are smokescreens, intended to obscure the reality, which is staring us in the face all the time, should we only dare to look.
Out of the unique debacle that is Brexit, some good things have emerged. Above all, some people, or groups of people, have been forced to show their true face. It is not a pretty face, in fact it is mangled and scarred. It is something that I hope the British populace will not forget in a hurry. Things have become very transparent, who people really are. What their priorities are.
Specifically, I mean those politicians with their buddies in the worlds of media, big business, and the legal profession, who have demonstrated their real feelings about democracy. When it comes to getting your way, democracy is nothing more than an obstacle, an inconvenience. It's their dirty little secret, that they've been able to keep hidden all this time, until now. 'The liberal elite' is the term sometimes used to describe this group of ugly people.
The truth, once again, is quite simple. The result of the referendum on the EU was perfectly clear: 'We want out. Thanks, Dave, for giving us the chance to give our opinion.' And that's it. No conditions, no qualifiers, no sub-clauses. Nothing about deals or no-deals; about what Donald Tusk and his accomplices think about it all; about doing it when the signs of the zodiac are right, or only on a Tuesday when the sun is shining in Bucharest. No, nothing like that at all.
Cue plotting and planning, scheming, wheeling and dealing, conniving and conspiring, the likes of which would raise the eyebrows of even Iago. It has been, in my view, vulgar and ugly in the extreme. Nothing is too low for the liberal elites when they are in danger of losing a battle, when they can't have their way. A truly awful state of affairs brought about by truly awful people, it transpires. And all laid out for everyone to see.
'Parliament versus the people' is one slogan being bandied about at the moment. At root, it seems to be more about a philosophy of life, a dogma, an ideology, believed in fervently, and clung to desperately by that 'liberal elite'. It is called globalism.
Globalism has two main types of adherent. There are the well-intentioned but naïve and badly-informed; people who haven't thought deeply enough, and haven't done their homework. 'We are modern progressive people' they will chime. 'We live in one world. Boundaries and borders are bad. Differences are delusion. We are all one, all the same really. Think globally, act globally.' And then there are the heavy-duty globalists, the hard core. These are scheming and nefarious. They promote and thrive on undemocratic circumstances, happy to live in unelected, unaccountable bureaucracy, such as characterises the EU, if it serves their own higher purpose. They seem to love control, to need the intoxication of evermore power to feed their habit. Without it they feel as dead.
Believe global, and many things automatically fall into place. National identities need to go, obviously. This is especially true in Europe and North America, whose cultures have shaped so much of the wicked modern world, and which continue to hold on to some vestige of pesky notions such as the value of the individual, and the worth of self-determination.
So a mixing of different peoples, different cultures, is the obvious way to go, if you believe in globalism as the great good, for whatever reason. We don't need to resort to Illuminati conspiracies to see how all this comes about. It's just logic. Muslims from poor countries are particularly good mixing ingredients, fodder for the globalist liberal elite's agenda. Their cultures are generally pretty different to those of their newfound hosts, and they are tend not to be very keen on assimilation. Some of them are highly dogmatic, and openly hostile to western values, so can create maximum disruption and nuisance value. And once they have done their job as foot-soldiers for the globalist cause, they are easily dealt with. A glance around the world demonstrates the propensity of some Muslims for infighting, violent sectarianism. It will not be tricky to goad them into self-destruction when the need arises.
'Redistribution of wealth' is another natural consequence of the globalist mindset. Never mind whether you have actually earned the money yourself. You see, we're all one and the same. Each one an identikit blob like everyone else. It's the globalist wet dream. Uniformity makes for easy government, free of trouble makers.
Did someone mention carbon taxes, carbon credits, when wealth redistribution came up? How dare you! It's all about saving the planet.....
In the meantime, the UK Prime Minister has just announced the suspension of Parliament. Maybe he can keep it going for ever. I think it's a great idea. The guy has got a serious job to do: Brexit. And there's no way he can do it surrounded by an army of frenzied sharks, baying for blood and going crazy with new schemes to create problems for him every day. Yes, indeed, most of them should be given a one-way ticket out of Westminster, with 'traitor' stamped on it. The UK will be a better place without them.
'Nuff said....