Part One: Gnostics and Illuminati
There are plenty of stories about how we got to be as we are. A few have made it on to Pale Green Vortex over the years. Here is one that hasn't. It's a story about Gnostics and Illuminati, and it's a good one.
It concerns the Magi, the Magian Order. They hung around in what is today north-west Iran, around 6000BCE. So goes the story. They were seers, shamans, skilled in multidimensional phenomena, the sort of things that seers and shamans are all about.
Then came the great divide. Like a great fall, really. Some, the telestai, continued to use their knowledge and magic for positive purposes. For 'the Mysteries'. Through a series of transformations and geographical migrations, they eventually became what we now call the Gnostics.
The others, however, the breakaway group, took their mystical knowledge and power into the world; that is, the worldly world. Into statecraft, the manipulation of peoples. Mind control, social manipulation. Power politics. They were the germ of what became known eventually as the Illuminati. Mystics of darkness, power for the control of the mass of humanity. Not good, not good.
Yes, it's a fine story. How much credibility it comes laden with, I would not like to say. It has its sources, bona fide. But, let's face it, it's pretty much impossible to know these days what was really going on last week; what chance do we have of confidence with regard to anything from 8000 years back? History, a discipline which I once felt rested upon 'hard facts' I now see is anything but. It is the most fragile of studies, where distortion of 'reality' is the easiest of pursuits and the norm, even if at times unwittingly so. Fake news; fake history.
Let's not be too romantic about the past. It's a mood which comes over me from time to time, I admit. But humans have, most likely, always been nasty to one another on occasion. Fighting for scarce resources, for decent pasture or fertile growing land. For water, for another tribe's beautiful women. Or for fun. But for long it was a local, small-scale affair; manageable. Then something happened, went wrong. People got big ideas, states became big and powerful, and the modern world mentality took root.
It's one of my less orthodox notions but it's this: things haven't changed much for a long time. The pattern was set literally thousands of years ago; hence the manner in which the story of the Illuminati makes sense to the soul today. The technology has changed, the geopolitics has got reconfigured time and again, but the essential is uniform. The overall patterns, the overall dynamics. Read about the Romans and it's uncannily familiar. It's the same themes recurring, the same battles being fought on different soil. Primarily the war for power of an elite few over the great majority of humanity. It's important to bear that in mind when taking stock of 'current events'. They are simultaneously new and not new at all. It's an ancient game, replayed, recurring. That's the perspective that's needed.
Part Two: Collectivism
Socialism; collectivism. I've never, at any moment in my life, been sold on politics. I've always had the sense that politicians, whatever their leaning, are largely a bunch of ne'er-do-wells, not worthy of any great trust or respect. All the same, it's been quite a thing for me.....
When I was young, it seemed clear. Socialists, the left, Labour people, were more like the good guys. They cared about justice, were concerned for the poor, the unprivileged, the downtrodden. In contrast, the righties were egoists, bent on self-aggrandisement at the expense of the majority. Cunning, ruthless, uncaring. They were the Establishment, and they were bad.
Somewhere along the line, everything started to change. Today, the Establishment no longer consists of Tories, or proper Conservatives. It is, instead, the hive home for a whole bundle of 'social democrats', 'liberal democrats', 'progressives', whatever crass term they like to use. In Britain, Cameron, Clegg, May, Sturgeon, Miliband, Corbyn (I suppose), Blair, Brown, from today and the recent past, all belong to the same club. Softly-softly socialism, collectivism. A liberal semi-totalitarian elite.
So a great transition has been effected, where 'radical' has now seamlessly become establishment. Sadly (for me) I know a goodly number of decent folk who continue to believe that 'left', 'socialism', is somehow for the general good, a force for change. They don't seem to recognise collectivism when it's already here....
Collectivism is 'Big State' society. The problem is that it is not for the benefit of 99% of the population. Not really, other than in the form of flat screen TV and Facebook. In truth, socialism, or collectivism, is a slave system, where the vast majority of people are encouraged to become robotic sub-humans. Numbers in a hive. Above and beyond, there lives the super-elite, who live on the blood and hard toil of the masses. Take a look. Soviet Russia, Mao's China, Venezuela, it seems, the EU. That's what you see. Not what you
want to see, but what you actually see. Socialism means slavery. It's one of the great con tricks of the modern age. And it's in your back yard as I write.
Part Three: Slaves of Atlantis
Here's another story. We owe a great deal to Plato for it. Most modern mainstream 'academics' (read 'trusted children of Machiavelli in the pay of the super-elite') will tell you that Plato's story of Atlantis is a fantasy, a metaphor, or suchlike. They are looking at it through the lens of 21st century theory, which makes a hard-and-fast distinction between 'fact' and 'fiction'. I don't think that Plato, pre-enlightenment, more-or-less contemporary with Buddha, saw things in quite the same way. Anyhow....
Atlantis. It was. so the story goes, populated by people of wisdom and love, light-years ahead of modern humans in spiritual gnosis and the technological advancements which accompany knowledge of the working of higher dimensions. The time arrived, however, when some of their number began to get naughty. Control and manipulation, rather than spiritual illumination, became the order of the day. A bit like the Illuminati story. Some say that they began to develop human/non-human hybrids, who became perfect worker underlings. Whether true or not, Atlantis morphed into something of a slave culture.
The moment arrived when Gaia-Sophia, Great Goddess, had had enough of this nasty nonsense. Thus came volcanoes, earthquakes, terrible cataclysms, and Atlantis sunk beneath the sea forever. Saved were the few truly wise ones, who foresaw the disaster, and escaped to.... the Poles, Tibet, are favoured venues, locations where good magic, good mysticism, lived on.
Why I am reminded of present-day EU whenever my mind turns to the slaves of Atlantis, I cannot imagine...… OK, the EU is a developing slave culture, for the benefit of a small elite intent upon a project of globalisation (read 'glob-isation', where everybody is a little 'glob'). The real enemies are not terrorists, Islamic extremists, mass murderers. No. They are those who stand up for national identity, pride in place of birth, the individual human being, even. Anyone who doesn't like the idea of global collectivism.
The sentiment behind Brexit needs to be a healthy one. People are simply fed up with being told increasingly what to do by bureaucrats who they have no idea about, thousands of miles away. Similarly with 'national' and 'populist' movements across Europe. Putting details and niceties aside, I take them all as a good sign.
Hollywood, maybe, has taught us that slaves are poor people with nothing. This is not necessarily true. In modern times, they can live affluent lives, with new mobile phone devices every couple of years, annual holidays abroad, and the rest. They are, nevertheless, slaves, confined within a little box. And the EU does not care to treat its slaves very well at all. If they are really naughty slaves, such as the Greek ones, then they will be punished mercilessly. And even well-behaved, submissive slaves, like the German ones, are readily abused, with mass uninvited influxes of people from cultures that are not at all compatible. No wonder people are fed up.
The EU is the perfect flowering of the virus of the Illuminati 8000 years ago.
Part Four: Anarchism
There is no way out. Not within the parameters of the box.
It work on different levels. I deplore the EU model because it demeans human beings. More metaphysically, and where I really come into all this, spiritual realisation is not a transfer of 'the drop of water melting into the great ocean', into a vision of a collective 'all is one and the same'. It is a matter of self-determination, self-realisation, self-actualisation, outside and beyond any identity with group, be it political, cultural, religious. It is ruthlessly individual, personal, even. And it is this process which collective theory discourages, indeed seeks to eliminate from human possibility altogether. The realisation of the collectivist dream spells the death knell of individual aspiration, barring the few who are truly exceptional. Conversely, the realisation of the individual spells the death of the slave collective. It is actually the only solution.
Strict non-alignment politically, ideologically, is the name of the game. As soon as you begin to identify with any -ism, that natural purity of openness will start to close down. And that openness is a requisite for real spiritual gnosis. It is what is meant by that more 'ooh, aaah' term, the Void.
I find myself frequently in accord with those who term themselves nowadays 'libertarians': believers in freedom of speech, freedom in thinking; in the individual, self-determining human being. Another word that I often resonate with is 'anarchism' - which, in its more profound meaning, is not so far removed from 'libertarianism'.
In my mid-teens I undertook a personal education in fringe politics. I became a Marxist for about a fortnight, until I recognised its inherent contradictions, and intuited that it just wouldn't work. Then I found political anarchism. It was mainly through the lives of Bakunin and Proudhon, neither of whom I felt hugely enthusiastic about. But the spirit of political anarchism came through and has remained.
The thing is: we don't need a lot of governing really. Most of it is unnecessary slave control, that's all. The vast majority of people, whatever their nationality, religion etc, are reasonably OK. A certain amount of regulation of trade, transport, and so on, is needed. But as little as possible, and as much of it as possible should be local. This is what I mean by being anarchist-inclined. Government, but a little bit, carefully circumscribed, and light-handed. And predominantly local. That's all that's needed, really.
It's not my place to go into the fineries here. It's a general principle, that's all, and I don't deny that there are problems. But I suggest that, for bringing an end to the Illuminati-lookalike mould that is shaping our world, it is the only solution. Anything else, and the mess continues, inevitably so.
Link to John Lash's article about Gnostics and Illuminati:
The Nag Hammadi Codices, prime source for info on Gnostics
Artist's impression of Atlantis
And, for your infinite edification, a relevant ten minutes from our buddie in the USA, Mr HexenHammer: