These shamanic-type societies held sway for many-a year. Then, in a fatal move, appeared the priestly castes or classes. The priest-kings. These represented a further distancing of the general populace from direct experience of the totality of reality. A sequestering of knowledge began, and the Secret started to gestate. Experience of gods, spirits, non-linearity, what have you, needed to be had through the priests, who increasingly acted as intermediaries between 'heaven' and 'earth'. Experience of 'higher realms' became restricted to certain people, or certain selected times and places - in Greece, for example, through the Mysteries, as in the Mysteries of Eleusis.
Then came the Roman Empire and its eventual religious arm, Christianity. Thus began the sytematic extermination of anyone who laid claim to direct access to the Secret. Gnostics and Cathars; witches and experts in herbal lore; victims of the Inquisition; further afield, Aztecs, Incas, Muiscas, and the rest. All cultures requiring eradication, not primarily because of their 'inhuman ways' or their non-Christian beliefs as such. But because they kept open access to the Secret.
And so here we are now. The dream is of a totally secular, materialist, humanist society, whence all knowledge of the Secret has been thoroughly banished. Ordinary folk will now be, completely unbeknownst to themselves, willing slaves, their lives confined to a tiny box without their faintest suspicion of the reality of the matter.
Into this wider context we need to insert our politicians, and those other darling public figures we love to rail against. They are easy targets, and I do my fair share of despising them from time to time (a personal characteristic of which I am not proud). The thing is that, in the main, they are not worth our emotional energy. Far from being the great decision-makers, policy and world-shapers, movers and shakers that the official narrative portrays them as being, they are nothing more than puppet-slaves to programmes set up long ago. They are the unwitting gatekeepers for plans and policies, the origins and purposes of which they are probably blissfully unaware; prime among these programmes being the sustaining of the Secret and the Lie. Cameron: puppet-slave. Miliband: puppet-slave. Obama: puppet-slave. I pick out these three as, to me, particularly transparent examples. Watch them without the normal accompanying narratives - that they are 'important, special people' for example - maybe turn down the sound on the television, and see what happens. They are hollow people, acting out a script that is far removed from their own minds. These are the fall guys, the public face of the Secret and the Lie, set up to have custard pie thrown in their faces if need be. Replacements can readily be found if required.
Further up the line of programme-shaping are the think tanks, the NGOs, the groups cloaked in anonymity gathered in Brussels and Strasbourg: non-democratic, non-accountable, infinitely shady. Then there are the dudes who come up with twisted data and lies at places like Earth Summits: the IPCC; the sneaky worms who come up with documents like Agenda 21. Policy - big policy - comes from places that the Camerons and Hollandes are probably quite unaware of. And this is only the beginning of the poisonous paper trail. Homework time again......
It's too late now, folks..... Image: bluelight