Wednesday, 18 February 2015
The Secret - Postscript to the Postscript
It is nearly three years since Neil Kramer's book 'The Unfoldment' came out. I have read through it several times, and it takes its place on my special bookshelf of 'important books'. In some respects it is a curiously unassuming work, with no frills or unnecessary sensationalism. This, though, is in the style of Neil, who tends to tell it like it is, clear and simple. There is, furthermore, in my experience, something unique about the way this book works. If I pick it up and open it randomly at a page, whatever is there always seems uncannily relevant to my life at the moment. Additionally, it reads like a book with a book within a book. Every time I read a chapter, it seems like I am reading it for the first time. It is as if it is a text that speaks on many different levels, always relevant to wherever you are at the time. The diametric opposite is those books (and, very often, films) that you read or watch once, thoroughly enjoying them, but knowing that you won't bother going back to them again; their meaning has already been exhausted.
Of particular relevance to the recent discussion on Pale G. V. of the Secret, the Lie, and what's behind them, are chapters seven and eight: 'Imperial Secrets' and 'The Distortion'. In the former, Neil Kramer spells out his understanding of the different layers to the Control System. This outline illustrates how the System functions on a day-to-day basis, and runs as follows (additional comments are mine):
Layer One: Enforcement. Army, cops, private security.
Layer Two: Government. Our public figures, the puppet slaves as described in 'The Secret - a postscript'. The custard pie fall guys and gals.
Layer Three: Realpolitik. Largely behind-the-scenes politicking. Practical and power-based, as Neil says, rather than principled.
Layer Four: Think tanks. Our buddies in Bilderberger, Club of Rome etc. Filtered through United Nations, Earth Summits, etc. 'Managed social, economic, and cultural change' (Kramer).
Layer Five: Esoteric Groups, using sequestered knowledge from the ancient past. This is where we seriously begin to lose people.
Layer Six: Ultra-terrestrials. Beings of a different density/ in a different dimension. We're back with the archons, folks.
The Control System has efficiently organised itself in similar fashion to that which may exist in terrorist groups or large drug organisations and syndicates. Each layer is only in meaningful contact with the layers immediately above and below. Folk on layer two, for example, will have no direct communication with layer five, and will most likely be totally unaware of its existence. In this most elegant of systems, to quote Neil Kramer, 'if any elements within lower layers become compromised, they can easily be denied, deactivated, or terminated.' In other words, our militaries, who bravely go out to defend our nations with their lives, are just cannon fodder anyway. Similarly the politicians - completely dispensable within the bigger picture.
As we approach layers five and six, the world views of many people will be severely stretched. It is not my purpose here to try and convince you of the existence or otherwise of esoteric groups or archontic ultra-terrestrials. The general principle of the Control System hierarchy is the first thing to be cognisant of; the details are a matter for personal unbiased and discerning study and contemplation. Probably the main thing to avoid is taking 'reality' as presented by folk on lower layers, especially layer two, as the entire and real thing. It ain't. It's just a tiny slice of the cake - and one without a cherry filling.