Welcome into the vortex........

anarcho-shamanism, mountain spirits; sacred wilderness, sacred sites, sacred everything; psychonautics, entheogens, pushing the envelope of consciousness; dominator culture and undermining its activities; Jung, Hillman, archetypes; Buddhism, multidimensional realities, and the ever-present satori at the centre of the brain; a few cosmic laughs; and much much more....

all delivered from the beautiful Highlands of Scotland!

Friday 13 September 2013

A Warrior's Greatest Love, And Its Great Betrayal

It's the end of the line. After a decade and three best-selling titles, the time has come for a final dramatic farewell. Along with Pablito, another apprentice, Carlos Castaneda stands on the northern edge of the mesa, a flat-topped mountain, somewhere in Mexico. There, too, are Don Juan and Don Genaro, Castaneda's teacher and benefactor respectively. The light is fading; twilight, the door to the unknown, is fast approaching. The time for the jump. The jump into the abyss.

Pablito and Carlos are told to say goodbye to all those present and everyone else they are leaving behind. They might return to fulfil their earthly task, or they might not, instead merging finally and completely with the nagual, the infinite.

A wave of sadness and loneliness overcomes Castaneda. 'It's almost time for us to disband....' says Genaro.'But before we go our separate ways, I must tell you one last thing. I am going to disclose to you a warrior's secret.' He recalls Castaneda once saying that the life of a warrior was cold and lonely and devoid of feelings.  This cannot be so, iterates Genaro, because his life is based on his affection, his devotion, his dedication to his beloved. At this, Genaro makes a series of 'dazzling magical moves' that Castaneda perceives as a luminous ball 'sliding on something like the floor of an ice skating rink with a thousand lights shining on it.'

The voice of Don Juan illuminates: Don Genaro's love is the world, and this is his way of embracing the Earth. The Earth knows that Don Genaro loves it: hence his life is filled to the brim. 'Genaro roams on the paths of his love and, wherever he is, he is complete.' 'Only if one loves this Earth with unbending passion can one release ones sadness' he continues. 'A warrior is always joyful because his love is unalterable and his beloved, the Earth, embraces him and bestows upon him inconceivable gifts.'

The barking of a dog cuts the silence. This barking, Don Juan goes on to explain, is the saddest thing one can hear. 'That barking, and the loneliness it creates, speaks of the feelings of men. Men for whom an entire life was like one Sunday afternoon, an afternoon which was not altogether miserable, but rather hot and dull and uncomfortable. They sweated and fussed a great deal. They didn't know where to go, or what to do. That afternoon left them only with the memory of petty annoyances and tedium, and then suddenly it was over; it was already night.'

For Castaneda this, a warrior's greatest love, is the final teaching, the one that puts everything else in context. And it is written about in the final pages of 'Tales of Power' with a force, a focus, and a passion, that is, to my mind, unequalled in the work of Castaneda. It is real Earth mysticism, direct contact and communication with Gaia, which arguably represents the highest aspirations a human being can have.

Today, this sacred pathway has been twisted and distorted beyond recognition, hijacked by the oligarchs and other emissaries of control over our species. Love of the Earth has been debased into global warming panic, carbon emission guilt, the desecration of the beautiful face of the Earth with windfarms that benefit only the rich and power-hungry, and a general hatred of humanity for its sins. A message both poisonous and ludicrous, thrust upon a gullible public desperate for something to believe in, something to save their hideous souls.

In Britain we have the Camerons, the Ed Daveys, the Huhnes; the Salmonds and Fergus Ewings in Scotland; the shameless opportunists of Scottish Renewables and Renewables UK; the fanatical ideologues in Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, and WWF. Blind ideology and Machiavellian opportunism combine in varying proportions in an appeal to people's better nature. Rationally, it doesn't have a leg to stand on. Just as one example, even were human-made warming a perilous reality, whatever happens on these small islands of Britain would be irrelevant, given its tiny contribution to planetary emissions overall. More and more people are seeing through these vicious lies, but still they hold, through ignorance, fear, and guilt, far too many people in their thrall.

In truth, the Green mind control programme delivers a double whammy; it is probably the most successful in business at the moment. Increasing numbers of people are becoming suspicious of the 'Mohammed Dave has an enormous armoury of massively destructive weapons in a little country far from here and he's got them all pointed at his next-door neighbour/Kensington High Street (delete as appropriate)' routine. Yet those very same people will swallow whole the 'climate change - panic - just do as we say and everything will be alright' fabrication. It's the programme that catches nice people, people who are concerned. Some generally aware 'psychedelic people' are among those who have fallen for the scam. Take Graham Hancock and Ralph Metzner: both people for whom I have a goodly store of respect, and who carry around a bucketload of wisdom with them. Yet look at their blogs and websites, and they are littered with stuff about human-induced climate catastrophe, draconian low carbon strategies, etc. If we are going to talk low carbon technology, let's at least do it properly. Forget wind turbines and everything else that's been thrown at us thus far. Put serious time and energy into looking at the plethora of low- and free- energy devices that are popping up nowadays (with predictably zero coverage in the mainstream).

I haven't written much about windfarms recently. That doesn't mean they have gone away. It's just that I have no intention of turning into a full-time campaigner. At the end of the day, moving the pieces around on the chessboard isn't a solution. The real game is off the chessboard altogether. As it happens, my cursory glances at the 'news' show how the extent of the windfarm lie is being exposed on a daily basis. Yet still this programme bulldozes its way through regardless, attempting to worm its slimy way into every nook and cranny of sacred earth beauty. And, by the way, the Earth appears to be cooling at the moment, and Arctic ice is back with a vengeance.

Image: truth frequency