Welcome into the vortex........

anarcho-shamanism, mountain spirits; sacred wilderness, sacred sites, sacred everything; psychonautics, entheogens, pushing the envelope of consciousness; dominator culture and undermining its activities; Jung, Hillman, archetypes; Buddhism, multidimensional realities, and the ever-present satori at the centre of the brain; a few cosmic laughs; and much much more....

all delivered from the beautiful Highlands of Scotland!

Friday 6 May 2011

Plastic Mountain

No no, this is the real thing..........

Any vestige of credibility I may still cling to in the eyes of my readers probably vanished on the mountain breeze when I wrote about the archons and alien intrusion on January 25th this year. To date, however, not one of even my most erudite friends and contacts has come up with an alternative solution to the most pressing of riddles posed in that article: why can humans be so fantastic, yet be driven so easily to behaviour that is imbecilic on the back of stupid ideas and beliefs? This being the case, and with nothing to lose, I have continued to look further into archon theory. The wider context for this project has been a close read of John Lamb Lash's magnificent book 'Not In His Image'. The result of John's painstaking and original research, the work is first and foremost a presentation of Gnostic theory and practice. According to John, Gnosticism is not, as normally supposed, an offshoot of early Christianity that hasn't fared well in the Darwinian stakes. Rather, it is the mystical repository of pagan and shamanic practices and ideas that stretch back some thousands of years.

As well as constituting a masterly exposition of Gnostic vision, 'Not In His Image' presents a detailed and thoroughgoing critique of the basis of Christianity and the other Abrahamic religions (Judaism and Islam). This is necessary, since the Gnostics viewed with alarm the development of the extremist cult that became early Christianity, with its weird beliefs in an off-planet creator-of-all god (known as the Demiurge), along with the doctrine of salvation for those who embraced the redemptive nature of the son of aforementioned god. 'Demented' is a word that John Lash uses to describe how the Gnostics viewed this sect with its bizarre ideas. These pagan mystics were to pay the price for their opposition to Christianity: they were vanquished and more-or-less disappeared without trace in the wake of the juggernaut of creator god worship (incidentally, some modern Christians retain this hostility to Gnosticism: watch 'Gnosticism Exposed' on youtube; though some of what is expressed here as Gnostic does not accord with John Lash's research).

This is the wider context; but to return to the archons...... The stupidity of so many human ideas and beliefs (which in turn drive idiotic and destructive actions) is rooted, according to the Gnostics, in the Demiurge's idle boasts and the actions of the archons, who lead us away from our true path in life. To understand the way in which this happens requires an acquaintance with Gnostic error theory. Put simply, this states that mistake-making is part and parcel of our life - to err is human -, and indeed it is through our mistakes that we learn. But through the deviant influence of the archons, we fail to detect our errors, which then magnify unchecked and out of all proportion. This is how demented ideas and belief systems arise and continue to propagate.

The archons' prime means of deception and leading us astray is HAL in Coptic: simulation. The idea needs a little getting used to - hold it in the mind without judgement for a while. But it is expressed succinctly in Chapter 17, 'The End of Patriarchy':

"In Gnostic terms the replication of nature in lifeless forms exemplifies HAL, Archontic simulation. In the shift from organic form to abstraction an entire range of values is lost and other values contrary to organic life are adopted as if they were equal, or even superior to, the lost values. This is antimimon, countermimicking."

On reading these few lines, I felt as if I had been struck be a thunderbolt. Not only were they relevant to the arising of the Abrahamic religions with their strange beliefs; they seemed to present a precise description of the madness of that part of the so-called environmental movement which is fixated on Anthropogenic Global Warming and the invasion of the windfarms. Adopting values contrary to organic life as if they are equal to them is exactly what Al Gore, Greenpeace, WWF, Scottish Renewables, and the rest have done. For the politicians, climate change paranoia has been a useful ploy in advancing their true and covert agenda of increased control over resources and human lives. For big business, it has been a convenient cover for reaping rich financial rewards while claiming that right is on their side. And for one-eyed environmentalists it has meant blind adherence to an ideology that ends up as species-hating and totalitarian. They have been truly suckered by the archons.

All have in common the fact that they live remote from direct experience of Sophia, the living intelligence of the Earth as expressed by the Gnostics. Instead, their notion of 'environment' is a simulacrum, composed of theory and ideology; of dodgy statistics, dodgier computer models, and targets plucked out of thin air. In general, it is feigning salvation of the Planet while damaging it. And there is a special irony involved in the dynamic of archontic effects on our environmentalists. It is our rich biosphere (our 'environment') which, say the Gnostics, the inorganic archons particularly envy. How cunning to turn humans against that very biosphere in the belief that they are acting to protect it!
The archontic influence, elegantly described as "subliminal effects that disguise themselves in the routine operations of mind and imagination" is also instrumental in the creation of what we sense as 'evil'. The subject of evil has preoccupied philosophers, theologians, and others throughout the ages; the Gnostic view is pragmatic and very simple. Evil is what arises when our mistakes are not attended to, and given a further deviant spin by the influence of the archons. Uncorrected error holds the potential to morph into what we sense as 'evil'. To my mind, it may well manifest as a kind of blind and wilful ignorance, driven by unacknowledged (archontic) influences in the psyche. I recently made the bold proposition that there is something evil about Al Gore and his ilk. This is the analysis that gives rise to this notion - the reader can fill in the gaps for her/himself.

The "preference for simulation over reality is the primary risk of deviation for the human species, the Gnostics warned". Just so. And while we have an 'environmentalism' that is spearheaded by those with unreconstructed egos defined by scientific materialism and shaped in the Judeo-Christian mould, we can expect little but deceit and deception from it.