Welcome into the vortex........

anarcho-shamanism, mountain spirits; sacred wilderness, sacred sites, sacred everything; psychonautics, entheogens, pushing the envelope of consciousness; dominator culture and undermining its activities; Jung, Hillman, archetypes; Buddhism, multidimensional realities, and the ever-present satori at the centre of the brain; a few cosmic laughs; and much much more....

all delivered from the beautiful Highlands of Scotland!

Saturday 19 June 2010

Manna From A Hot Heaven

The theory of human-generated global warming has been a godsend to politicians and corporate big business alike. It seems only yesterday that talk of climate change was considered the domain of fringe environmentalists and anti-capitalists who dared to critique the unlimited benefits of oil- and coal- based modern societies. Then someone turned a switch, and realised there was money to be made here. Another switch was turned, and somebody else saw how climate change had great potential for fear-mongering and mind control. And so we arrive at the current situation.

If modern dominator culture is expert in anything, it is hijacking ideas and movements that arise counter to their own aims, and corrupting them to suit their own purposes. The mainstream of 1960s 'psychedelic culture' is one such example; interestingly, the British counterculture of the 1970s proved less susceptible to being sequestered, and was really beyond the pale, a fact which resulted in the enormous Operation Julie acid bust of 1977. Once we realise that renewable (which is not necessarily 'green') energy developments are not, in the main, about saving Polynesians and polar bears, let alone providing a better world for our grandchildren, but about making money and maintaining power, then everything falls into place. We understand why the number one consequence of global warming fear has been, in the U.K., the proliferation of large-scale wind farms constructed by multinational corporations, rather than local and domestic initiatives for energy production. In dominator cultures, power and money are concentrated into the hands of the few in the typical hierarchical pyramid. And the last thing these people want is for the mass of the population to be empowered in any way and take responsibility. Their role in the grand scheme of things is to watch television and shut up.

It also becomes clear why the emphasis is on greater generation of energy, rather than energy efficiency and decreasing consumption. I cannot imagine the Bilderburg group of highly influential people, meeting earlier this month in Spain, looking favourably on anything that involves decreases in consumption. Continued economic growth is the name of the game - the media screams at us every day that without it we are all doomed - so energy efficiency, with its concomitant fall in consumption and profits, is a very bad thing.

Armed with the fear that the theory of human-generated global warming provokes, the Control System is able to justify all manner of preposterous claims. The esoteric and convoluted scheme of Renewable Obligation Certificates, through which energy companies are effectively subsidised by taxpayers so that they can reap handsome profits from expensive wind energy, is one obvious and obscene example. Carbon, a word that has taken on the mantle of Jungian-style environmental Shadow, can be used as an excuse for higher energy prices and special taxes. The apocalypse that will be upon us if we don't invest heavily in large-scale renewables projects is used to justify ripping apart the countryside of Britain and covering it with monstrous metal-and-plastic turbines. The fear-and-guilt trip is a favourite ploy of the dominators.

Other sinister events surround the topic. There is seeding of the public unconscious with the need for wind farms: notice how frequently, when the phrases 'climate change' and 'global warming' are used on television, a photo of a wind turbine is flashed up at the same time. Former Energy Minister Ed Miliband's infamous comment that opposing a local wind farm is socially unacceptable. Practices that are undemocratic and of dubious legaity used by councils to rubberstamp wind farm proposals. More locally, the display in Inverness Museum that claims wind farms are 'vital to reduce carbon emissions': opinion presented as fact. I objected to the display, receiving a grammatically correct but ultimately anodyne reply. I decided to let the matter go, but am having second thoughts.

All of this is softly softly totalitarianism. I use this long word deliberately, and mean it literally. Politicians and economic bigwigs would have us believe that the debate is over, on wind farms in particular and human-generated global warming in general. More sinister happenings come to mind. When the Chief of the U.K. Meteorological Office appeared on mainstream television a few months back, in the middle of the climate email fiasco, to reassure us that the entire scientific community agrees that this type of climate change is taking place, and that it is without the slightest doubt a great threat, my antennae went into overdrive. Either he is extremely ill-informed, or he is lying through his teeth. Who is holding the gun to his back, I wondered. Watch Peter Taylor's brilliant scientific presentation to cut through the hype, the counterfeit consensus, and vested interests. Go to the 'Our Planet' section on holisticchannel.org.uk He does not doubt that human activity is affecting climate, but believes that its influence is fairly small compared to other factors.

Meanwhile, groups such as the John Muir Trust and Mountaineering Council of Scotland, who have fought tirelessly to protect wild places in Britain from the juggernaut of wind farm industrialisation are, I suspect, facing a dilemma. Invaluable though it has been, their work has borne modest fruit, as evidenced by the continued building of these Shrines to Mammon among hills, moorland and mountains. Unlike the 'developers', these groups have kept painstakingly to correct procedure, and spoken eloquently with the voice of reason. Unfortunately, this approach has little impact on a process that is fuelled by far darker forces. Will they become more militant? In a sense, the situation requires meeting head-on, confronting on its own terms somehow. A recent letter in one of the main hillwalking magazines called for direct action; last weekend, a demonstration was held against a wind farm in the Lammermuir Hills, south-east Scotland. More people are waking up to the con that is upon them. What effect this awakening will have remains to be seen. Maybe it's time to invoke the aid of the nature spirits, for their own good and for ours........