Welcome into the vortex........

anarcho-shamanism, mountain spirits; sacred wilderness, sacred sites, sacred everything; psychonautics, entheogens, pushing the envelope of consciousness; dominator culture and undermining its activities; Jung, Hillman, archetypes; Buddhism, multidimensional realities, and the ever-present satori at the centre of the brain; a few cosmic laughs; and much much more....

all delivered from the beautiful Highlands of Scotland!

Thursday, 31 December 2020

2021: A Year for Truths?

Part One

2020 has been a year of lies. Lies, lies, and more lies. Lies from governments and government agencies. Lies from medical officers and scientific advisers. Lies from the UN and the WHO. Lies from television channels, newspapers and other 'news' outlets. Lies from Silicon Valley, from social media corporations. Lies from so-called health authorities. Never has there been so many lies. Maybe it is time for a year of truths.

Actually, the beacon of truth has shone brighter and brighter during 2020, despite it all, or because of it all. Amidst the darkness has arisen an army of truth seekers and truth tellers, emitting love, light, courage, as they go. They will not be silenced, eliminated, whatever nefarious actions are taken by the forces of darkness in terms of censorship and worse. I have a new glittering throng of heroes and heroines in my life. Thanks to you all. 

Part Two

"I never said give up control/I never said stick a needle in your arm and die" John Cale and Lou Reed, Songs for Drella

Maxine is here. She arrived in double-quick time. Maxine the v*****e. She is now involved in an absolute frenzy, going about infecting as many people as possible, probably before she is finally rumbled.

It was always known to be the end game, or at least the climactic paragraph in this particular chapter, by those who understand a bit of how things really work in the game of human souls. David Icke was outlining clearly back in April how the shot was the goal of all this pandemic theatre. 

It's very simple, really. Maxine is a way to get stuff actually into the human body, to be able to influence directly the nature of human life. Mind control through media, programming by dark ritual like face masks, is all very well, but the dream is to be able to influence human perception directly. So stick nanobots, smart dust, whatever, into the human body with the aid of Miss Maxine, which will be at some date activated, possibly through 5G or via satellite, and 'job done': you have your remote-controlled human being, a kind-of hybrid human/computer terminal. Total compliance, total slavery. This is one aspect of the Maxine agenda, at least.

In the absence of proper info as to what the Covid shot really is - I don't know, and neither do you -, an abundance of theories has sprung up. It is plausible that all come bearing truth, since there is no reason to assume that Maxine has a single aim only. Sterilization; behaviour modification, as outlined above; time-release genocide; general debilitating of the immune system, overall negative impacting on health. These are some of the main players in the 'who is Maxine really?' question-and-answer situation.

As the briefest of outlines, here are a few things which I have picked up surrounding the nature of the shot:

a) A vakk-seen normally requires several years for creation and testing. This one has been dished up in a few short months (David Icke proposes that it was ready before the vai-russ card was played early this year). Most of the normal testing protocol has been by-passed.

b) A successful vakk-seen for a coronavirus has never been produced before. 

c) The new Maxine utilises what is called an MRNA vaccine. It impacts upon our RNA/DNA system. Such vakk-seens have never been successfully created before, so their effects are unknown (to you and me, anyhow)

d) From what I understand, if you read carefully, these current Covid ones are not even proper vakk-seens. They do not purport to prevent infection. They claim to reduce symptoms.           

e) As of a few days ago, the 'adverse effect' level of the Maxines delivered was running at 2.7% in the UK. 'Adverse effects' does not simply mean an uncomfortable arm. It means 'unable to work, or to go about everyday affairs, or require a visit to a doctors or hospital.' In other words, a fairly substantial level of unwellness.

f) The Maxine roll-out has been funded largely through a man who, along with his wife, have remarkable and completely undemocratic influence in human affairs. The father of this man was an openly-admitted eugenicist, and his son followed in his footsteps, for sure during early life. Gates jr can be seen in a public lecture stating that the planet is overpopulated, and that through 'education, sterilisation, and vaccines', we can reduce the population by 10 - 15% ie by about one billion. And this is the man you want a vakk-seen from??

f) Mix into the equation the fact that the Sars-Cov etc virus has never been properly isolated, as now confirmed by Freedom of Information requests in at least Canada, UK, Ireland, there may be more. So the plan is to stick Maxine into everybody on the planet for something which has never been proven to exist. So, hang on a second: - if it hasn't been isolated properly, how come you can create something to prevent it from happening???

g) The goal is for everybody on the planet to have one of these. In short, it is the most reckless, irresponsible experiment ever carried out on humanity. Remember to take your badge to wear in the afterlife: 'I was there for the Maxine.'

I am no expert on the topics above, far far far from it. But I have done enough research over recent months to state that, in a rough and ready manner, what I have stated above seems to be substantially correct. If you want more info, which you should, don't take my word for it, there are plenty of references scattered across Pale Green Vortex, check links etc.

There is also the story of Tiffany Dover, the unfortunate head nurse in the USA who went on live television to tell of how proud her team were to have taken the shot. Midway through the interview, she felt dizzy, then collapsed. My research and that of several other contacts leads us to the 99% conclusion that the mainstream is not telling you the truth - that she is dead. As are other pioneers in this world-saving shot, again not covered in the mainstream, which we can reasonably accuse of being complicit in potential crimes against humanity.  

In brief: anybody who wants to partake of Maxine needs their head tested, no two ways about it. While half the human population remains terrified of a virus which, should it even exist, will not be serious for the vast majority of them, they seem oblivious to the real dangers posed by sticking an undertested cocktail of sinister substances into their body, promoted fanatically by people who emanate darkness from every pore of their skin.

2020 has seen my stock of old friends and acquaintances dwindle somewhat as a result of what has appeared on  Pale Green Vortex, and my general refusal to accept any of the officially-sanctioned lies and bullshit. Fortunately, new friends have emerged. This process may well continue into 2021, as I irritate people by trying to point out to them what I have gleaned about vicious Miss Maxine. She comes with a smile on her face, but is dressed to kill.....       

And, for anybody wishing to dig deeper into the story of Maxine, and wants first-class investigative reporting, there are a few excellent (if long) articles here:


Images: The Road of Gold


             This Maxine was apparently a famous soap character