Welcome into the vortex........

anarcho-shamanism, mountain spirits; sacred wilderness, sacred sites, sacred everything; psychonautics, entheogens, pushing the envelope of consciousness; dominator culture and undermining its activities; Jung, Hillman, archetypes; Buddhism, multidimensional realities, and the ever-present satori at the centre of the brain; a few cosmic laughs; and much much more....

all delivered from the beautiful Highlands of Scotland!

Tuesday, 24 November 2020

Crossing the Rubi-Con


He's back! Actually, he's never been away.

The output of David Icke is phenomenal. It would be a full-time job simply keeping up what what he manages to put out there. In recent months, I have followed just sketchily. But there is one of his weekly dot-connectors which I especially recommend to anybody still harbouring any doubts as to the status of the corona-no-virus: It's 13/11/20: 'There  is no virus - when that penny drops, all else follows'.  



I sometimes find it personally frustrating - I suppose that's my problem, not yours. Anyhow, the evidence for the totally fraudulent nature of the Covid hoax is out there, and it increases by the day. Despite increasing censorship of dissenting voices (read 'truth tellers' and 'information seekers'), it is not difficult to find out what is actually going on. 

It's there on the internet, loads of stuff. On how the 'virus' has never been proven to exist, for example.  Even UK official info confirms this, as a number of Freedom of Information requests have been made, asking for evidence that the 'virus' has been properly isolated (not 'Mickey Mouse' isolated) and each time the reply has come back: 'We regret to inform you that no such information can be found'. 

And on how the 'test' is a total hoax. It can be turned up or down, to give you the number of 'cases' that you want. Easy. And how can you test for a virus that doesn't exist? False positives? 100% false positives! These are the basis of current Covid measures, aren't they?

Last week, data from the largest piece of research done on the effectiveness of face masks against the (non-existent) virus was made available, from Denmark. The result? That the effectiveness of face nappies in preventing contagion was, er, statistically negligible.


(and elsewhere, in case you're allergic to Breitbart)

So it's everywhere, truth about the fraud. Bizarrely, the majority of people refuse to look. I suppose it's just too much for them. Cognitive dissonance is the swanky term for it. But, as David Icke points out, it's no longer 'conspiracy theory.' It's conspiracy reality. When somebody accused me recently of being a 'conspiracy theorist' I replied, 'Yes I am. Because it is a conspiracy!' It is not we 'conspiracy theorists' who are the nutters, the crackpots; it's those who turn the other way, refuse to look, ignore the juggernaut heading their way.

I watched a video recently in which a woman stated that we are now living in parallel universes. She wasn't speaking all poetic and metaphoric, but quite literally. "Some people don't see you anymore. You can speak logic, quote statistics, but they don't see you. You are not there."

Science, statistics: that's another one. The number of occasions on which I've been considered 'unscientific'. "Follow the science" is the mantra that's rolled out by Covidistas. OK, but what science, exactly? What's your science? 

Ah, I see. The words of some government 'scientific adviser', who on inspection is firmly in the pocket of some Gates organisation, or several. Or some BBC hack, euphemistically referred to as an expert. It's just like St Greta. Follow the science with Greta and save the planet. But what does Greta actually know about 'science'? Why does she not agree to an open debate with anybody like Naomi Seibt on 'the science'? Because she knows as much about science as does an orangutan in the Borneo jungle. 

On the subject of dodgy science, the current frontrunner for the miracle vaccine to cure all our ills is Pfizer. How you can create a 'vaccine' against something that's never been properly isolated beats me, but then I'm not very scientific. Anyhow, here's a little lowdown on these great loving people at Pfizer. It's worth showing anyone who believes in the 'goodness' of all this stuff, or banging it on the table if a GP or similar ever gives you a hard time about not wanting one of these vaccines from these wonderful people:


Just answer me one thing: would you buy a second-hand car from these people, let alone allow them to stick unknown substances into your and your family's bodies? That somebody should permit this for their children is, to me, horrendous. But there we have it....