Welcome into the vortex........

anarcho-shamanism, mountain spirits; sacred wilderness, sacred sites, sacred everything; psychonautics, entheogens, pushing the envelope of consciousness; dominator culture and undermining its activities; Jung, Hillman, archetypes; Buddhism, multidimensional realities, and the ever-present satori at the centre of the brain; a few cosmic laughs; and much much more....

all delivered from the beautiful Highlands of Scotland!

Tuesday, 18 August 2020

Mind Control

Part One

At the end of the day (as the saying goes) my approach is psychological. 'Psychological' in the broadest sense of the word, that is. Mind, consciousness: these are primary, these are the creators of reality. 'Mind' includes feelings and emotions, instinct and intuition, sensations, just as much as it includes thoughts and ideas. 'Mind' is not a matter of the head; it is a matter of all experience.

There was a number of occasions during the 1970s when, with the aid of various psychedelic, or entheogenic, helpers, I was able to witness the world coming into being. It was as if time slowed down to such an extent that the entire process of manifestation, of creation, could be experienced as it occurred. The world of many things, the world as we normally know it, would unfold from 'somewhere' else: from the non-create, the un-create.

This is how the entire thing comes to be. On a moment-to-moment basis, the 'world' is created anew. It  is in a constant state of coming-to-be; sensations and the rest are instantaneously interpreted by our perceptual mechanisms into what we then, comfortably in the realm of the known, translate as 'the world'.

It's presented in many different places under various guises. In Mahayana Buddhism, it is the Void which gives birth to the world as we know it. It is emanation theory, in which the (dualistic) world is an emanation from the non-dual, what is sometimes  termed 'Source'. It is there in Kabbala, on the Tree of Life, where Ain Soph then Kether, the One, splits into ever-increasing differentiation, until we finally arrive at the bottom of the tree, Malkuth, the material world.

Mind Only. Consciousness is primary, the source of all that is. We forget this at our peril.

Part Two

During these described moments many years ago, and at various times more recently, it occurred to me that realising this process was the root of magic, or at least one root. For if one was able to watch the world come into being, then equally one could learn how to squeeze into that gap between the unmanifest and the manifest, and so twist, alter, distort, what was to come into being. Magic, the occult, are in themselves neutral; they can be the source of either good or evil, depending upon the intentions of the worker of the magic.

According to some, this is the origin of much of the conflict on planet Earth today. The great sages and knowledge-holders of thousands of years back, centred in what is nowadays northern Iran, spilt into two opposing groups. There were the carriers of true spiritual wisdom, who became the Gnostics among others. And there were the carriers of darkness - of power rather than benevolent wisdom - who morphed into secret societies, the Illuminati. And we could say, the embodiments of the mentality of the Archons.

Part Three

Mind is everything. This refers to everything 'now' as much as at any other time.

Face masks, face coverings: for the vast majority of folk they have nothing to do with physical health. Nothing at all. But they have everything to do with mind. Psychology. Everything. They are one of modern history's greatest mind-fucks.

In order to unpack one angle on the mind-mask-fuck, I shall take a stroll down a particularly dark psychological alleyway.

Before the Covid situation arose, there were two topics which occasionally pop up in the 'alternative world' that I studiously avoided. They were too repugnant, too dark, too psychopathic, for me. These topics were a) the A1 (artificial intelligence) archontic end-game, of a brain/computer interface, essentially transforming human beings into computer terminals, remotely-manipulated automatons of the (sub)human hive mind. And the second topic was that of satanic ritual abuse, especially of children, primarily as a means to feed off their energy.

With the playing of the Covid card, however, nothing is off limits any longer. All needs consideration, nothing is impossible. And it doesn't take a genius to see the connections between the artificial intelligence programme, ritual abuse, and the coronavirus plandemic.

The stuff of fantasy nightmares it may seem, but satanic ritual abuse is well-documented, including accounts by survivors which bear close resemblance to one another, thus lending credibility to their stories.

Trauma-based mind control is a vital element in such ritual abuse. Put simply, abuse generates intense fear, trauma; it is intended to so, for energetic reasons. And a major factor in how the process works involves compartmentalisation of the victim's psyche; in my own words, the exploitation of sub-personalities of the target victim, which operate more-or-less autonomously one from the other.

It is possible to turn on and off the sub-personalities of an individual. Thus, a victim may appear relatively normal under most circumstances, when their main persona is operating. However, it is possible to 'trigger' (the word used) another (sub)personality through the use of particular trigger words, sounds, or other means. Once triggered, this sub-personality can be subjected to extreme pain, fear, whatever, and then turned off again at will.

The person is then returned to their main persona, and such is the trauma that they consciously recall nothing at all - it is completely identified with that other (now unconscious) sub-persona. It's as if nothing every happened, and it's only through intensive psychotherapeutic work that the horrors may eventually be recovered.

Such are the psychopathic depths that a small proportion of (non)humanity will plumb. But the principle of the mask is not so very far from that employed in satanic ritual abuse, I suggest. Not so very far at all....

It is simple and straightforward to observe. Put on the mask and you become a different person; a different sub-personality takes charge. And this is all intended, by the way.

Part Four

Put straightforwardly: the mask is a trigger. It is a trigger for demeaning, humiliating ritualised abuse on a global scale. You can see it happening all the time, if only you look: see what is there, not what you have been told is there.

You see people behaving in human fashion, in the street, in the park, in the car park: laughing, joking, playing around; complaining, communicating about something or another. Then they approach the shop, and put on the mask. Immediately it is triggered: the Covid horror-anxiety-fear-and-danger-submission sub-personality. You see it in the supermarkets, on the buses, wherever people wear the mask. The Covid persona has been turned on.

And the thing about the Covid sub-personality is that it is not a personality at all. The personality has been erased, removed. Which is the whole point of the exercise, and why it is satanic. Our individuality is gone, and we are all the same, all subservient to the same common horror, the one great unifying Covid. We bow our heads in unison.

I believe that last week Con-mander-in-Chief Johnson issued yet another edict enumerating further places where the mask had to be worn. Hotel lobbies, for example. There is no coincidence here. Introduce still more petty details about where faces must be covered in order to keep the loyal subjects in constant remembrance of the mask, of their subservience to the mask, of the omnipresent horror of the Covid.

Do not allow them to forget for one second their inferiority to the god of the mask, the personality eraser. Over time, roles will reverse: the current personality will become the sub-personality, and vice-versa. The mask will become our prime face, our default way of being. Loyal, cowed, fearful, obedient: this will become the norm. Our face of individuality gone. We will be wearing the mask even when the face is uncovered.

No way......

Part Five

I have yet to wear a coronavirus suffocation cloth, and I intend that things will remain that way. There are, however, a number of occasions when I would consider it, to be effected in full consciousness of non-consent to the satanic rite.

One such occasion was last Sunday, when my wife (who hasn't covered her face yet, either) had an appointment at the local hospital for a check-up on a previously serious condition, postponed from March. If it was a case of 'no mask=no check-up' I would have donned the infernal object.

We arrived at reception; hospital almost deserted. "Use the handgel" the young lady at reception told us. I backtracked a couple of steps, and squeezed a tiny drop of this unpleasant stuff over my fingers. "You need to wear your mask" she continued. "We are exempt" I declared, pointing to the badges dangling prominently from our necks. The receptionist got a bit flustered; this was a bit much for her. Such complications were clearly not part of the script she had been given. "Oh, well" she mumbled. "Take these with you, in case you need them" handing me a couple of those surgical mask things.

We saw the consultant, who appeared remarkably unworried about contracting a fatal virus from either of us. He has always been courteous and helpful, and was happy to give my wife the all-clear, and hoped he never saw us again.

Once home, I opened my bag and took out my trophy from the hospital. I'd seen thousands of people wearing these things, and plenty of them, used or unused, thrown away and strewn across the pavements and forest walks nearby. But I'd never looked at one closely. Not really. And never touched one. 

I inspected it, rubbed my finger across its centre, held it up to the light. The magic mask, the transformer of society.

What an awful thing! It is worse than I had imagined. Crude, cheap, synthetic, slimy. A mass-produced piece of demonstrable shit. The very depths of what modern industrial society can come up with. Is supposed to protect against the most deadly Covid virus? Really? And people wear this on their face every day??? Voluntarily???

The medium is the message, I guess. Demeaning, humiliating, you got it. How low can you sink? 


Above is a link to David Icke's weekly dot connector videocast. It's on the same subject, approached from a slightly different angle, but one of his best. Highly recommended.   

Images: coercioncode
             well-known celebrity