Ah yes, the battle twixt truth and falsehood. It goes on and on and on. And on. On our level, in this dimension, it seems there is no way out, no means of ending this war. It is part and parcel of human life as the mass of us experience it. It is our training ground, our education, granting us the eventual possibility of graduation, amazingly enough.
There is climate change fraud - the lie of certainty where certainty does not exist. Where, in reality, nobody knows properly what's going on. And then there is the manipulation of human frailty as a means for getting what you want. That is really the story of Greta Thunberg, and the new world religion that is being born beneath her hallowed name. It is sick and it is twisted. It is not primarily about Greta, but about those who use her.
Finally, a video has come out that has captured a load of people's attention. The Rebel News expose has, by now, had over half a million views on YouTube. That's great, and it's the first link below. There's also an older Red Ice piece, the second link. It's a bit more wordy, and you can find it on their website or on Bitchute. But it's survived on YouTube (whence they have been banned) under another person's re-post. Ha Ha!
The Rebel News bit is especially worth devoting 28 minutes of your time to, I suggest. A new world religion warrants those few moments in a person's life. I issue my usual disclaimer about not necessarily agreeing with everything Rebel News or Red Ice say, in fact I definitely do not. But, then, I am not a utopian looking for a heaven on Earth.
So, here's to young Greta: Patron Saint of Panic.