It was Paris that really did it for me. I had occasion to visit that city a number of times three, four, five years ago. Short trips, several days, staying with relatives of a very good friend of my wife near Metro Dupleix, fifteen minutes' stroll from the Seine. An opportunity to spend a little time with a certain excellent friend before he parted this world.
Ah, Paris. City of dreams, of romance in the spring. What a mess. It was horrible. The thing is that nobody, but nobody, seemed happy. Actually, that is not quite true. We ate once in a Turkish restaurant where the staff were pretty chirpy. But for the rest....
Paris seemed to be a city of uptight: in the streets, on the trains, everywhere. White Parisians all on edge. 'Les noirs', both immigrants and indigenous French, looked either suicidal (the introverts) or like they wanted to kill someone (the extraverts). North African and Near Eastern folk either worked to the bone and exhausted, or sulky and hostile-looking. Romanians hanging around in groups on street corners, or trying to swindle money from gullible tourists near the Eiffel Tower. They'd have been better off back in Bucharest.
What, oh what, had happened to this city? In London, things can appear passable, provided you are in that kind of mood. Maybe the outlook there is, and always has been, a little more genuinely cosmopolitan. But this? This mess? As I perceived it, nothing less than something of a human tragedy.
And amongst it all arose the question: what about the French politicians? The EU? Here we were, at the heart of the European dream; the European dream which is so convinced of its rightness that it sees fit to control, rule, regulate, interfere, in every nook and cranny of human life. Yet here, just where they are, maybe for once, actually needed, and they just stand back and do nothing. Let it all happen; let this mess simply unfold, or rather spill messily all over the floor. Something is up, though what exactly...… And that meagre portion of my soul which actually extends its reach beyond the narrow confines of my own petty interests into those of others' hearts and souls wept. Something very bad, very inhuman, was going on somewhere. The official narrative was just crap, or lies.
'Borderless' turned up just a couple of days ago. It already has over half a million views on YouTube, and this despite YouTube apparently trying to delete it. In fact, this attempt at censorship of inconvenient points of view backfired, as the 'censored' tag immediately got all kind of people interested who otherwise would never have heard of the film. Don't you just love it when 'silencing' people backfires?
'Borderless' is that rarity of rarities, a documentary which is actually based on direct, on-the-ground investigative work. Unlike the normal nonsensical collage of suspect press releases and Facebook posts from dodgy sources.
The film is Lauren Southern's documentary about immigration of the unofficial kind into Europe. It is, I submit, a courageous enterprise, and she is to be lauded. Lauren bends over backwards to simply present what she discovered to be happening on the ground, carefully avoiding theories about how and why this has all unfolded, thereby not leaving herself open to accusations of being a conspiracy nut by highly-invested parties (a caution that is not always observed here on Pale G.V.).
We all recommend this film highly - something which happens rarely hereabouts. Put aside ninety minutes and watch. It is, in the end, a documentary of compassion. And a note for those who still cling onto the 'payback time' justification for Europe taking unlimited oceans of people from other cultures: see some of the countries featured in the film which are deeply affected by the phenomenon. Turkey, Bulgaria, Greece, and a particularly poignant section on Ireland near the end of the film. These are not the big bad white European baddies of anti-Europe ideology. I never learned about the wicked Bulgarian Empire in school. I suppose you could make a case for Greece, but you need to go back to Alexander the Great, which is stretching things, even for ideological fanatics.
I include a link to Bitchute as well as YouTube, just in case the self-righteous ones have another go…..
And if you find, as I've just done, that neither of the links work (probably my fault...), go to either YouTube or Bitchute and put in 'Lauren Southern Borderless'. No problem. Fred Flintstone-style always gets you there in the end.... I trust you will find it worth doing.