Welcome into the vortex........

anarcho-shamanism, mountain spirits; sacred wilderness, sacred sites, sacred everything; psychonautics, entheogens, pushing the envelope of consciousness; dominator culture and undermining its activities; Jung, Hillman, archetypes; Buddhism, multidimensional realities, and the ever-present satori at the centre of the brain; a few cosmic laughs; and much much more....

all delivered from the beautiful Highlands of Scotland!

Friday, 5 April 2019

Get 'Im!

From time to time there appear characters who, it is deemed by the fair and wise, must be dealt with. Silenced. Obliterated from the public domain. People who speak truth, uncomfortably so; who arouse from sleep other people. Troublemakers.

One such was Jim Morrison. Unlike other icons of the age who were able to whip up a teenage frenzy, such as the Who and Rolling Stones, Morrison also came with a critique, a razor-sharp mind, when he wasn't completely out of it. He was demonised, wrongly accused of 'lewd behaviour', made to flee to Paris, where he died an ignoble death.

Timothy Leary was another. Pied Piper of psychedelia: drop out, everybody. That's not the right message; could not be tolerated. He rendered himself harmless in later years when he adopted the then-novel 'virtual realities' as his enthusiasm. Wilhelm Reich, another. Maybe his inventions were too close to the bone. He died in prison, a broken man, I suppose. You see, 'they' don't care whether you live or die; except that 'organised death' which does not appear to be caused by 'them' is preferable.

And today we have Tommy Robinson. Cut to the quick: hounded relentlessly by a bunch of authoritarian bastards. Nasty people, who preach tolerance, so long as you don't disagree with them. Shameless politicians try to get this sort of thing set up, and spineless pathetic social media corporations bow down before them. Friends, we live in dark times, in some respects at least. So much so that there will be more on this theme shortly.
