I hadn't listened to anything from Neil Kramer for a while now. There was a time (roughly 2011 - 2016) when Neil's insights were a regular and vital part of my life. Listening, reading, and speaking one-to-one a number of times, Neil helped me come through a particular phase in a way that I don't think anybody else could have done. For this I am immensely grateful. In more recent times, it's not so much that our paths have diverged, but what I have required is maybe just a little different.
A few weeks ago, I dipped into Veritas Radio and the interview which Neil gave there during December. It reminded me of the clarity that Neil can bring to topics, especially in painting the 'big picture'. I know of nobody else who succeeds in this the way that Neil does; it was a pleasure to listen to him once more.
Two elements in particular stood out for me. Neil described a bit more what he means by 'Empire', and why he uses the term. He prefers to use this expression rather than 'globalists', 'New World Order', 'Illuminati' etc: while they all refer to more-or-less the same phenomenon, he feels that 'Empire' comes with less baggage (my word), less stuff which often accompanies those other terms. Empire is both an ideology and a group of people. Its intention is not to raise each and every individual to their unique and wonderful best. The opposite is true: Empire aims to keep people on a lower intellectual, moral, and physical level. 'Empire's main message is that you are just nuts and bolts'.
Neil also talked about the use of confidence trickery as a means of mass manipulation. It can be done through negative emotions, such as fear and jealousy; or through more positive ones, such as hope and kindness. A con person poses as one of us: 'I am here to help you'. In reality, they are here to enslave us.
The classic confidence trickster in my immediate memory was - is - Tony Blair. I was one of the millions who shed a tear to see him smiling his trademark smile, shaking peoples' hands, on first becoming Prime Minister. Those years of Tory tyranny were over. Blair came with a single word emblazoned upon his Superman-like chest: Hope. Little did I know what a trick it was. Here was a man to out-Thatcher Thatcher by a mile. Tony Blair comes as a great teaching in the ways of dark politics, of the con man supreme.
The notion of confidence trickery helps give shape to much of what I see, yet struggle to communicate clearly and succinctly. In particular how 'good' people become fully paid-up members of the bandwagon of darkness, of enslavement.
Corporate environmentalism is a classic example of confidence trickery, especially in relation to 'climate change'. Rightly or wrongly, many good people become worried shitless about impending climate catastrophe. In a state of anxiety and feeling a duty towards the suffering planet, these people are easy targets for manipulation. They desperately wish to feel some hope, so when shady tricksters come along, like Al Gore and Ed Miliband some years ago, offering all manner of hopeless and actually destructive measures (carbon trading, windfarms everywhere etc), people will grasp at the straws. Then, even when it is pointed out how these moves are crap, such people are too invested emotionally to actually listen and change their mind. They've been caught by Empire - while believing that the opposite is true.
A similar process is at work in the particular brand of nationalism and independence routinely dished out in Scotland. People's sense of injustice and indignation in regard to their treatment by Westminster has been deliberately fuelled. Then, when they have reached the point of despair, they are offered 'hope' in the form of a certain brand of independence. Never mind the fact that those offering independence are in reality as fully woven into the matrix of Empire as any politician you'll ever come across in London. Their interest in you as a unique aspiring individual is absolutely zero. Nevertheless, if you can get people emotionally invested, they will continue to support you whatever the slavery you come up with. Of course, this one has not succeeded. Not as yet, anyhow.
If you wish to listen to Neil's interview on Veritas, it's December 6th 2018. Follow the link below.