For sure, the past two thousand years would have seen fewer decimating large-scale international wars. Rather than inquisitions and conquistadores, hellbent on removing the opposition whatever the cost, the followers of Jezza might have found a little more kinship with the pagan, shamanic, and other indigenous peoples inhabiting planet Earth.
Nature would have had a little less of a hard time at the hands of an exploitative human mentality. Philosophers and theologians would have had less need to worry their silly little heads over artificial dichotomies such as body/mind, and spirit/matter. Life would be structured less in such a rigid, viciously hierarchical pattern of power. Instead of being menaces on the world stage, the likes of Trump and Merkel would be smalltown chiefs.
Scientific materialism, and the scientific revolution, so-called, would not have taken place - at least not in the form that they did. The internet and windfarms would not exist. Cancer therapies beyond surgery, chemo and radiotherapy would not be illegal to promote, as they currently are in Britain. We would be better friends with plants.
The thinking faculty would be less exalted, other aspects of personality happily given their rightful place at the table of human existence. We would be less afraid of the dark.
In truth, I sometimes give Jesus, Son of God, an unjustifiably hard time. The 'son of god' imperative was in place centuries before Jesus was purported to have walked the face of the Earth, with the relentless march of patriarchal ways of thinking. The offspring of God was to be male: it could be no other way.
We might fruitlessly surmise what Jezza, Daughter of God, might have looked like. For sure, unlike her solar sibling, she possesses an underworld, cthonic, aspect. I fancy her in this particular guise to resemble the Ace of Pentacles in the Royo Dark Tarot.
She comes naked, and is proud in her nakedness. Her body, ineffably beautiful yet fragile and mortal, is the vehicle through which the divine expresses itself, radiating in the splendour of God-given senses. The darkness is not her adversary, her martial enemy, as is the case with the Son of Light, Jesus. She embraces, takes it all in. On her way Jezza, daughter of God, is accompanied by the sacred serpents: not to be demonised, vanquished, overcome, as the great enemy, but to be honoured as the carriers of wisdom and power that they are. The serpentine secret key to direct communication with the divine, the intercession of a corrupt, power-greedy priesthood no more necessary. Jezza, Daughter of God, protector of the Kundalini.
She walks up the stony steps of the Underworld towards the Creator of all, dark through his unknownness. They stare in mutual love and awe.
Actually, Jezza is around, in the back streets of the city at night, or prowling the forest tracks at twilight. It's just that people ignore her lovely, threatening presence.
Image: Ace of Pentacles, Royo Dark Tarot