Monday, 14 December 2015
An Unholy Trinity
Nigel Farage. Jeremy Corbyn. Donald Trump. Not the kind of dudes who normally check in to Pale Green Vortex. They do, however, have more in common than may appear at first sight. They deserve their day in the sun (kind of).
One region of common ground is the way that they have the habit of uttering utterances that are not fashionable, devised for media appeal, not even politically correct, goddammit. In the face of that monstrous juggernaut that is global imperialism, they dare to speak their mind. Sometimes, anyway, and to a degree. All three demonstrate a certain fearlessness in putting their heads above the parapet, to utter things loathsome to the orthodoxy. Regardless of how we may feel about the content of some of these utterances, we should feel grateful that there are a few high-profile folk around who speak their mind - or, indeed, have a mind of their own to speak about. We live in times when such people are sorely needed.
While Mr. Farage seems to have gone into hibernation, Messrs Corbyn and Trump hit the headlines, in Britain at least, on a daily basis. The amount of outrage, venom, scorn, and holier-than-thou righteous indignation spewed in their direction by large sections of the mainstream media is truly jaw-dropping. The attack is relentless and unrelenting. This, in itself, should alert us to the possibility that they might actually be onto something.
Last week it was Corbyn, daring to suggest that bombing the hell out of a place that British forces have no god-given right to be bombing might not be the brightest idea. This week it's been Mr. Trump with his idea of banning Muslim immigration into the USA while they sort out how to deal with the threat of terrorism. What is most revealing is the viciousness with which the guy has been attacked. In this way, the underlying problem shows itself. Headlines have appeared openly and shamelessly in the mainstream media: Trump a bigger threat to the USA than terrorists. Large numbers of people who have surely lost their own mind are baying for him to be banned from entering the UK. Hang on a minute, folks, let's get this straight. The guy's not actually going around shooting Muslims, or threatening to do so. He is simply expressing his point of view, that's all.
Thus does truth emerge. As pointed out previously on Pale Green Vortex, the mainstream agenda isn't really too concerned about terrorism. Look just below the surface, and you will find that it can be found funding groups engaged in terrorist activities. Furthermore, the occasional terrorist outrage provides a ready-made raison d'etre for our western governments to continue their policies of aggression and increased control over the general public - all in the name of national security, you understand. These are all players on the same ball park, playing a game that they all know only too well. Terrorists and the executives of global imperialism understand one another's games intimately.
No, folks, the real war is not on terrorism, but on those who dare to point out that the emperor wears no clothes, and his naked body smells bad. On those who dare to insinuate that the war is on independent minds and independent thought, and it is a war bent on the destruction of the magnificent human spirit. Anyone who deviates from the mean is deemed dangerous, a threat. It's bizarre, but Trump now finds his place in a lineage that goes back to once-most-dangerous-man-in-the USA Tim Leary - and way beyond, of course.
Here in Scotland, our local chief executive of global imperialism, Nicola Sturgeon, has weighed in with her voice in favour of exclusion of Mr Trump from these fair shores. At the same time, procedures are now being put in place for refugees to be able to enter Scotland openly and 'legally' with fake passports, or no documentation at all. There will be proper prior checks on anybody entering, we are told; but these 'checks' are ones that appear to me to be, well, not exactly bomb-proof. Always one to jump on the right-on politically correct bandwagon, Sturgeon is allowing anyone in who passes themselves off as a refugee - while simultaneously wishing to bar someone else simply for their views.
There is a strange schizophrenic attitude to Islam. On the one hand, a number of 'believers' are held responsible for 9/11 and nearly every other terrorist atrocity of the past fifteen years. At the same time, any discussion regarding Islam and its adherents requires the wearing of kid gloves. Criticise at your peril. Above all, we must be careful not to offend people of different faiths. Here on Pale Green Vortex, it's always been pretty clear. Monotheisms - the main ones today being Christianity, Islam, and Judaism - all score badly on a range of scales, in their exoteric forms at least. They all have the tendency to persecution, suppression, a neurotic need to convert or exterminate non-believers. No monotheism gets the vote on Pale Green Vortex.
Hate speech, hate crimes. These, too, reveal their true nature. While their public, 'official' aim is to protect those in need of protection, in reality they are used to suppress views and opinions inconvenient to the dominant worldview. Few pieces of legislation are as full of ill-will as those rolled out against 'hate'. A look at various cases from around the world demonstrates how this type of legislation is used, not just, or mainly, against those who propagate violent terrorism, but against people who criticise the actions or ideas of certain groups of people, particularly Jews and Muslims as it turns out. 'Hate crime' legislation is a brilliant piece of work, perfect for shutting people up and ensuring that their opinions are not heard. Truly Orwellian.
While speaking of things Orwellian, here is a newsflash! Even as I write, news is coming in from the grand finale of the Climate Change Conference over in Paris. At the very last minute, a deal has been brokered to Save the Planet! Well, thanks, guys and gals, that's great. Here at Pale Green Vortex we really appreciate that. We especially liked the photos of you giving yourselves a standing ovation. Fully deserved, I'd say. The planet is saved - fantastic!
Oh, hang on a minute. The bullshit-ometer in the corner of the living room has gone onto maximum red alert. It's started shaking and shuddering. It's gone completely off the scale. Oh no! This can mean only one thing. Oh dear! Now it's completely exploded, splattering nasty little gooey bits all over the carpets and curtains. This is going to take a while to clean up. I'd better sign off now........