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anarcho-shamanism, mountain spirits; sacred wilderness, sacred sites, sacred everything; psychonautics, entheogens, pushing the envelope of consciousness; dominator culture and undermining its activities; Jung, Hillman, archetypes; Buddhism, multidimensional realities, and the ever-present satori at the centre of the brain; a few cosmic laughs; and much much more....

all delivered from the beautiful Highlands of Scotland!

Saturday, 12 September 2015

.... And Nothing But the Truth....

Part One

Truth. To most of us it's one of the big words. Or should I say Big Words? Words like Freedom, Justice, Goodness; Love, Wisdom, Beauty. Words with capital letters, that resonate with the very best of the human experiment. Not everyone sees Truth in this exalted light, however. In the eyes of Empire, the System of Control, the higher echelons of Establishment, call it what you will, it is something quite different. For them, truth is a dispensable commodity.

For the Control System, 'truth' does not need to be really true. And it does not need to stay true for all that long. It just needs to be believed by sufficient people for long enough to accomplish the current move in the game, before shuffling on. As an example, let's take the 'truth' of human-made global warming and the panic created by this terrible truth. This first hit the mainstream big-time about fifteen years ago, courtesy of a bunch of global heavyweights. The truth and the panic went viral with Al Gore's 'Inconvenient Truth' blockbuster. If you were able to look beyond the hype and the hysteria, the 'science' propounded by Gore was always a bit dodgy, but no matter. The show was good enough to get on board a substantial number of 'people who really matter', along with a mass of well-intentioned but existentially confused and emotionally insecure and/or naive other human beings. Things were up and running. A global peril for a global worldview, uniting us all in panic, fear, guilt, and insecurity. If you dream of global government, a global problem is what you really need, to bring humans all round the planet together. And, following this, a wide range of measures can be introduced to safeguard our endangered world, to shore us all up against the impending destruction about to be wreaked by human-caused global warming. Expensive 'renewable' energy, bleeding dry ordinary people in places like Western Europe and North America, simultaneously lining the pockets of those whose pockets are already lined. Extra green taxes, international deals on carbon trading, permitting the circulation of money as you want it. The list goes on.

The wheel has been falling off the global warming juggernaut for several years now, at least in terms of rational credibility. Here's one clue: global climate does not appear to be behaving at all the way that the fearmongers have predicted. Never mind. There are still loads of blinkered ideologues around, prepared to continue paying homage at the holy shrine of global warming. And, by now, there are loads more folk with a strong vested interest in maintaining the fraud. 'Sorry, everyone, I messed up. Got it completely wrong. Bring down the windmills and solar panels.' You don't hear politicians, bureaucrats, business people, speak like that. It's not in their repertoire of possibilities.

More fundamentally, it doesn't really matter now if the whole thing is generally accepted as deceitful bullshit. It's too late. The thing's moving well into place; the juggernaut is moving forward with enough force to be pretty much unstoppable. OK, everyone, it's crap and was a bunch of lies all along, but tough luck: that's what you've got. This is your world now, so just shut up, pay your taxes, and get on with it.

The same principle applies to other 'truths' that have been seriously contested by sober, intelligent people for ages. Let's say that it was one day proven beyond reasonable doubt that JFK wasn't assassinated the way the official story goes. Let's say it was the CIA. While a small percentage of the population would grasp the significance and gobsmacking consequences of this, the story that most people would buy goes like this: 'It all happened a long time ago, things have moved on since then. We can't do anything about the past, and people don't behave like that any more. What's on the tele tonight?'        

9/11 is another obvious example. The geopolitics of the early part of the 21st century have been largely moulded by the fallout from 9/11. Terrorists, terrorists, terrorists. The unending, unwinnable war. Be afraid. Very afraid. Enormous numbers of people who have taken a look at the evidence for the official 9/11 story have found it riddled with inconsistencies, improbabilities, impossibilities. Conan Doyle wouldn't get away with a story like that. Still, no mind. It's still the mainstream narrative, beamed across the world in shock and awe by the big guns of media, that holds sway. In the case of even this most momentous of events, it's kind-of too late. The shape of the world, primarily emotionally and psychologically, has been changed. Mission accomplished. The bullshit has worked.

A vital reality to absorb is that, for anyone whose main thing in life is power, influence, and control, morality doesn't exist. For such people, being 'moral' or 'immoral' is not an issue; the distinction is not acknowledged. Good, bad; right, wrong: that's not the name of the game. The game is not immoral, but amoral - that is to say, morality is of no significance, has no relevance. In this instance, the control freaks are truly psychopathic, according to some definitions at least. So playing the good-versus-bad game with them doesn't work. It's not the appropriate game. A friend of mine has challenged me more than once about why I don't rail more against capitalism on Pale Green Vortex. This is why. Of course, all manner of exploitation and injustice has been brought into being under the umbrella of capitalism, especially corporate capitalism. It's a philosophy that can bring out the worst in people. But if you dismantle capitalism, the banks etc, guess what? You'll soon find the same Empire impressing itself upon the world in a different guise. It's a dark chameleon, using whatever's available at the time. Capitalism, socialism? Liberals or Tories? Democrats, Republicans? No worries, all completely suitable for the power project. And this, by the way, is the same reality that makes those folk who camped out in public places to protest against the banksters so naive. Their solution? More government control over the nasty capitalists! Purleeeez! The state less immoral than the capitalists? Move over. I thought the idea went out with Stalin.....

Part Two

Light versus dark, good versus bad, right against wrong. There is an archetypal response elicited in most of us by these basic dualities. They manifest in mythical material from all around the world and through the ages; nowadays they are splashed across screens large and small in offerings from Disney and Hollywood. It's a universal sense that transfers readily into the arena of sports: Barca or Real Madrid; Federer and Nadal; Springboks and Kiwis. Then we have the other 'dualities' that are presented for our archetypal edification. Clinton or Bush; Tory or Labour; independent Scotland or part of the Union; capitalists or communists. It is almost as if..... as if..... it's all pre-designed to absorb, suck up, our instinctive feeling for duality. For right and wrong, good and bad. To channel it into a false place, all the while misleading most of us into believing this is the real thing.

And all too many folk fall for the ruse, the simulacrum. Taken in, they live as if these false, pre-packed dualities are the real thing. Meanwhile, with the mass of humanity distracted like children with toys (who similarly believe their dolls and toy soldiers to be fully real), the game can continue undisturbed. That game proceeds step-by-stealthy-step, below the surface that it has created as its disguise. It's artful in the extreme, and has most people completely suckered. Mention this, and people go crazy, get mad at you, say you're certifiable, or have a nervous breakdown. Understandably so.

The game of games, and the only one that really matters, concerns the distinction between a system intent on ever-greater control, and the flight of the free spirit. It's the one thing that Empire won't tell you: that human beings have a divine spark, if you will; a spark that can be fully ignited; and that 'purpose', should there be one, in human life consists of exploring the nature of that spark, developing that flicker into a burning flame. Discover this, and the layers of Empire become like dust, rubbish, uninteresting, irrelevant. Tories and Labours: green politicos or gas-guzzling politicos: it's all a stupid charade, and I'm not playing that nonsense any more. We begin to understand why mystical groups have needed to go quiet, underground. Our own unique authentic being: it's the one thing that opposes the System of Control, the one thing that terrifies Empire. They'll do anything to keep that knowledge away from you. Wanna get political? See the disguise, the blanket of deception, for what it is, and develop your own uniqueness, your own unique and direct connection with the sacred, the divine.