Monday, 13 April 2015
New World Order - Progress Report
'New World Order' is not a term I often use. It is very loaded, and can easily evoke responses that I feel to be neither appropriate nor intended. I generally prefer to utilise some of the concepts used by Neil Kramer: 'Control System' is a more general and all-inclusive designation than New World Order; 'the Construct' and 'Distortion' describe some of the overriding metaphysical aspects of the situation; and 'Empire' represents the way that the Control System goes about its practical day-to-day affairs. All the same, I have decided, for no special reason, to give the term 'New World Order' (NWO) an outing today.
New World Order or not, there is little doubt as to the creeping globalisation and increased interference in peoples' lives nowadays. You don't have to be a conspiracy fanatic to see increasing regulations in all directions, more controls on what you can or cannot do: eat, drink, buy, sell, grow, write, say, or otherwise express - particularly relevant here is the totalitarian scouge of political correctness -, all concerned with thought and behaviour control. Have a look around certain elements of the alternative media, and you will feel that we are on the brink of total domination and wipe-out by the nasty characters at the top of the tree. From a different perspective, the mainstream media is full of the machinations of politicians, finance people and the rest. This is hardly surprising, since reporting this stuff and insisting on its importance and reality is the function of mainstream 'news' and 'current affairs'. Look at life within these frameworks and you will give New World Order a serious thumbs-up on its endeavours, slowly yet inexorably moving towards its objectives of global domination and control.
I was struck, therefore, to listen to a recent interview with Neil Kramer in which he opined that Empire was about to implode. Actually, he continued, it has already imploded; its self-serving agenda is not sustainable. This was, I felt, an unorthodox take on current proceedings. Although there appear to be increasing numbers of people 'waking up' and seeing through the veils hiding deeper realities, still the signs are that Empire is progressing rather nicely, thank you very much.
I decided to run with Neil's notion for a while. One thing that quickly dawned on me while going about my daily affairs was how much of moment-to-moment experience is not touched by the grubby mitts of Empire. This is, indeed, one of the tricks of Empire, to deceive you into thinking it is more important than it really is. It gets into ones mindset, eating away at the wider experience that is invariably there, should we just stop to allow its influence to come through. Going for a walk in the mountains and spending all the day thinking about windfarms is just one example that Pale Green Vortex needs to be constantly aware of.
Should Empire be in the process of imploding, the New World Order quietly crumbling as I write, it is not surprising that it may not be immediately apparent. Rather like a bicycle speeding along the road. Its motion is obtained through energy input - that of the cyclist pedalling away. The cyclist stops putting in energy, but the bike continues to move, its momentum provided by the energy provided beforehand. It slows down inexorably, however, before finally grinding to a halt, possibly catapulting its rider painfully to the ground in the process.
It is axiomatic that Empire requires the input of energy provided by human masses for its continued existence. This comes from people investing in it in one way or another; the imperial trick of deluding folk that reality as presented by Empire is the only reality is a crafty way of achieving this - and in this way we return to the theme of a previous post, the deeper meaning of the threat posed by the Leary slogan of 'Turn on, tune in, drop out'.
A barometer of my local state of affairs with regards the health and strength of the Control System has recently appeared in the form of the imminent General Election, a mere few weeks away. An event such as this is an excellent way for Empire to inject into its workings the energy it needs constantly for its functioning. That energy, it goes without saying, derives from the populace investing its own energy into this event, treating it (because they believe it to be so) as an authentic expression of reality, and their own great privilege to be able to participate in this marvellous process of western democracy. A little thought and accompanying bitter experience show this to be utter bullshit, but there we go. Time and again, people who have spent the past few years deriding this charade end up signing up to its self-proclaimed validity by putting their energy behind one candidate or another. In this way, Empire is fed, validated, and permitted to roll on its grubby way as normal.
To see the whole thing being rolled out yet again beggars personal belief. Suddenly, they are all at it again ('they' being the media flunkeys and the politicians), arguing, analysing, behaving earnestly and enthusiastically, as if it's all ultra important and the future depends on it. The strategy is simple: stuff something in front of people often enough, ram it down their throats forcefully enough, and sufficient folk will buy into it to grant it some reality - vapid, for sure, but past the threshold for validating Control System worldview.
The spectacle paraded before the British public this time round is uniquely jaw-dropping. There was a time when the political leaders at least made an effort to appear as people of seriousness and substance: Macmillan, Heath, Wilson, Douglas Home from my youth. Today's candidates don't even bother with that. They appear tired, worn-out, as if they know somewhere deep inside that it's the end of the line, time's running out, the game's up. Cameron, Miliband, Clegg: sad, hollow figures, acting out their parts in a sad, hollow play that has all the marks of ending up as a tragedy.
Confronted with this deficit of vitality, our local corner of Empire gains a much-needed boost of energy (remember, it requires energy for its existence, like any other organism) from the phenomenon of the 'false dawn'. Amidst the rubble, the horrible wreckage, there arrives - hope. False dawn first appeared in the form of UKIP. A breath of fresh air, so the UKIPpers told us, pledged to the interests of Britain, rather than Europe and the hordes of faceless bureaucrats. Not very good New World Order people at all, the UKIP folk. As predicted on Pale Green Vortex a while ago, UKIP has been the object of a torrent of mainstream media bad publicity - a lot of our media is fully paid up to the aims of Empire, and finds people like UKIP a bit threatening - and the wheel appears to have fallen off somewhat.
False Dawn number two (at least in the northerly regions of our locality): Scottish National Party (SNP). The local heroes, standing up for local people against those nasty people down south. In my view this is all unfortunately bullshit. One spin-off from my own passionate concerns about windfarms and energy provision is that I have had to dig a bit deeply into the mechanics of how things in this area take place, and how decisions are made. I can report that the systems put into place by the SNP in this respect are highly insulting to the wishes of local folk, highly undemocratic and high-handed, the kind of thing some totalitarian regimes from the past would be envious of. The priorities are the programmes and agendas - you hear these words a lot from some members of the SNP - rather than local concerns. Bulldozing in the name of the 'greater good'. Programmes and agendas are dangerous things: people who think in those terms are dangerous people.
When I moved to Scotland about a decade ago, I was struck by the sense of pride and identity that many people had with being Scottish. This sense of belonging I felt to be a healthy thing, and was very noticeable for me, coming from southern England, where it is little in evidence. It's a quality that I don't manifest in my own being very much. It seems to me that this 'positive patriotism' embodied by many Scottish people has been hijacked and distorted by the SNP, with its programmes, agendas, ill will and extreme polarisation. Lots of folk who support the the SNP are, I know, good and decent people, but I feel they have been duped. The movers and shakers of the SNP are, it seems to me, ideologues first and foremost. And make no mistake; fully paid-up members of the Imperial world view. They just want a bigger slice of the pie.
Old, tired, running on empty? Quite possibly. Empire staggers on to another dreary day. As far as the British General Election goes, it provides an excellent opportunity to practice in its genuine meaning the art of turning on, tuning in, and dropping out. In the meantime, we could do worse than contemplate for own lives Neil Kramer's maxim:'The fastest way to dissolve Empire is to cultivate your own power and excellence.' Go for it.