One of the prime strategies for navigating the dangerous pathway of the bardo of daily life is to keep the antennae in top condition. There are days when I spend many hours with these ultrasensitive receivers on full alert, ready for a sign, a signal, an omen. Sometimes it is hope that is detected; maybe an intimation of the ever-present satori lying on the far side of the film created by delusory separate egohood. At other times it is faint suspicion: something's up. It is such vague presentiments that there's more to a situation than meets the normal eye that can open the doorway to new new, hitherto unimagined, horizons. To give an example, it was a succession of these hunches that led me to opening the Pandora's box of renewable energy policy in Britain, to discover that the area has been commandeered by dominator culture and a bunch of people who are as green as a pickled beetroot. More of that later, no doubt.
In common with most other things that are worthwhile, antennae maintenance requires practice, training, patience, and constant effort. Impeccable intuitive awareness is the key, itself greatly facilitated by living a life that is in accord with wider reality. Buddhism in its various forms is replete with preceptual guidelines for such living, but the basics are honesty, kindness, contentment, simplicity, and keeping the mind clear and bright; not too much alcohol-induced heaviness, for example.
With training, it will be possible to expand waveband reception, and tune into channels other than the one we imagine we normally function on. In particular, channels of greater connectedness and universality than the limited, separate-entity waveband that forms most of our waking awareness most of the time. It is this widening of conscious waveband reception that will constitute a vital part of reshamanising of western cultures. So take care of those antennae....
In common with most other things that are worthwhile, antennae maintenance requires practice, training, patience, and constant effort. Impeccable intuitive awareness is the key, itself greatly facilitated by living a life that is in accord with wider reality. Buddhism in its various forms is replete with preceptual guidelines for such living, but the basics are honesty, kindness, contentment, simplicity, and keeping the mind clear and bright; not too much alcohol-induced heaviness, for example.
With training, it will be possible to expand waveband reception, and tune into channels other than the one we imagine we normally function on. In particular, channels of greater connectedness and universality than the limited, separate-entity waveband that forms most of our waking awareness most of the time. It is this widening of conscious waveband reception that will constitute a vital part of reshamanising of western cultures. So take care of those antennae....