Welcome into the vortex........

anarcho-shamanism, mountain spirits; sacred wilderness, sacred sites, sacred everything; psychonautics, entheogens, pushing the envelope of consciousness; dominator culture and undermining its activities; Jung, Hillman, archetypes; Buddhism, multidimensional realities, and the ever-present satori at the centre of the brain; a few cosmic laughs; and much much more....

all delivered from the beautiful Highlands of Scotland!

Monday, 25 November 2013

Neil Kramer on Alchemy Radio


Neil Kramer pops up regularly on Pale Green Vortex. Here is a link to a recent interview of his, which is a good intro to his work, containing as it does a clear exposition of some of his foundational ideas. Plus, of course, one or two interesting notions.

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Detox, Detox


I have discussed elsewhere migraines (or, rather, my migraines - it's all about me....). The other debilitating health condition to have affected me over recent years is sinus problems. While less severe than migraines, they have nevertheless impacted significantly upon my everyday life. In the mornings, especially, the dull, energy-sapping pressure behind the eyes has been at times commonplace. With the accompanying discomfort of queasy feelings in the intestines, I have often headed into the day feeling like a member of the walking wounded.

For the past four or five years, my sinuses have become so sensitive that almost anything could set off problems. Cold, heat (especially dry artificial heat), wind; stress, fatigue, too much exercise, not enough exercise; alcohol, insufficient fluid intake; time in front of a computer or television screen; too much reading, writing, or brain work. I found myself trying to walk an almost impossible tightrope of lifestyle balance.

Problems might especially flare up in the late hours of the night/early hours of the morning, and I have gone through periods when I have viewed going to bed with apprehension. I would go to sleep feeling clear, but wake at four in the morning with that familiar sensation of something bashing against my eyeballs, the grunchy feeling in the stomach, and knowing that I would just have to sit it out. Nothing seemed to help: high pillows, low pillows, no pillows; feet up, feet down. In fact, nothing helped my sinuses much in general. 'Natural remedies' such as nasal sea-water spray, steam baths, a variety of plant oils to sniff or vaporise, could calm things down when symptoms were mild, but were completely ineffective in the face of a full-on sinus blast. The conventional G.P.'s armoury of medicines often doesn't agree with my body nowadays. A corticosteroid spray like Beconase is frequently prescribed. For a while this drug would clear up the sinus symptoms, but in a way that just doesn't feel right. If I paid attention to my nasal cavities, they would be crying 'No, no, no: don't do this to us, please.' Then the sinusitis would return anyway. I don't fancy spending the rest of my life sticking corticosteroids up my nostrils, so the Beconase is languishing in the bathroom cupboard, past its use-by date.

I have recently discovered something that really helps. Your local G.P. won't tell you about it, but there's nothing I can do about that. It's called oil-pulling/oil-swishing therapy. It's a method of everyday detox, consisting mainly of swilling edible oil around your mouth for 15 - 20 minutes once or twice a day. It's been part of Ayurvedic practice for ages, and is aimed at improving oral health - and health in general - by the removal of toxic material through the vehicle of the oil.

I am not going to write much about it here - info is readily available on the internet. But the article linked to above on Alison Adams's website is a god starting point. And check out Dr. Bruce Fife - Dr. Coconut, as he is sometimes called. Some people recommend particular oils - not surprisingly, Dr. Fife goes for coconut oil - but any, it seems, will do. Personally, I like cold-pressed olive oil and local cold-pressed rapeseed oil.

If you decide to give oil-pulling a go, you should read up on 'healing crisis' as well ('Am I dying or getting better?'). From my side, I have been swishing oil for three months now, and the effects have been brilliant; perversely, it's become one of my favourite moments in the day. Sinus problems haven't completely gone away, but my sinuses are in better shape than for several years, with a lot of the pressure removed. The oil pulling seems also to have taken some 'heavy psychic energy' out of my system. I intend to continue with the technique, and look forward to seeing if any other changes in health come about. Happy detoxing, everyone....

Photo: themiddlepath.com